奥塔哥大学(University of Otago )创办于1869年,是新西兰一所著名的综合性公立大学。在今年的QS世界大学排名中,奥塔哥大学排在第169位。学校目前有四个学院、2万多在读生,优势专业包括生物科学、心理学、人类学、历史和艺术史等,是一所非常值得有意去新西兰留学的学生申请的大学。那么,奥塔哥大学在本科和研究生阶段有哪些奖学金呢?和留学群来看看吧。
University of Otago New Frontiers Entrance Scholarship
Value | Between $2,500 and $5,000 (dependent on the level of academic achievement at school) |
Number offered | Varies |
Opening date | 1 July (open now for Semester 2 start) |
Closing date | 4 March for Semester 1 start (closes 23 June 2017 for Semester 2 start) |
金额 | 2,500 —5,000 美元之间(取决于学业成绩水平) |
名额 | 不固定 |
开放日期 | 7月1日 (第二学期的奖学金申请目前开放) |
截止日期 | 第一学期奖学金申请在3月4日关闭,第二学期奖学金申请在2017年6月23日关闭 |
Established by the University of Otago in 2015 to recognise academic excellence in secondary school study.
Applications are open to students who:
do not have another University of Otago Entrance Scholarship (except the University of Otago Dux Scholarship);
are New Zealand citizens or permanent residents; or who have completed Year 12 and have completed or are in the process of completing Year 13 at a New Zealand school;
are intending to enrol for full-time full year undergraduate degree-level study at the University of Otago for the first time in the year of the closing date.
intend to commence and maintain a full-time, full-year enrolment at the University of Otago in any one (or any combination) of the following Bachelors’ degrees: Applied Science, Arts, Commerce, Law, Music, Performing Arts, Physical Education, Science, Social Work, Surveying, Teaching, Theology are eligible for the New Frontiers Entrance Scholarships.
Applicants who commence and maintain enrolment at the University of Otago in Health Sciences First Year or for the intermediate year of professional degrees not offered at the University of Otago (e.g. engineering) are ineligible for the New Frontiers Entrance Scholarships.
Students applying for discretionary entrance from Year 12 may not apply for this scholarship.
Selection of recipients
New Frontiers Sustained Excellence
Selection will be based on academic accomplishments, measured by official secondary school qualifications or pre-degree level tertiary Grade Point Average.
An applicant who has achieved ONE of the following the academic standards set out in this section will be awarded a University of Otago New Frontiers Sustained Excellence Scholarship. Applies to an applicant who has gained, or gains one of the following:
NCEA Level 2 endorsed with Excellence AND NCEA Level 3 endorsed with Excellence while still enrolled at secondary school. Level 2 excellence credits must have been obtained while enrolled in Year 11 or 12.
International Baccalaureate with a score of 37 points or more.
Cambridge International Examinations with a University of Otago Cambridge International Exams Entry Score of 291 - 360.
Applicants who have achieved highly in another official secondary school qualification or who have gained high pre-degree level tertiary grades may also be considered by, and at the discretion of, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor External Engagement, or nominee.
c.剑桥国际考试——奥塔哥大学剑桥国际考试入学分数达到291 - 360段位。
New Frontiers Excellence
Selection will be based on academic accomplishments, measured by official secondary school qualifications or pre-degree level tertiary Grade Point Average.
An applicant who has achieved ONE of the following the academic standards set out in this section will be awarded a University of Otago New Frontiers Excellence Scholarship:
NCEA Level 2 with an Excellence Endorsement. Level 2 excellence credits must have been obtained while enrolled in Year 11 or 12 .
NCEA Level 3 with an Excellence Endorsement obtained while still enrolled at secondary school.
International Baccalaureate with a score of 34-36 points.
Cambridge International Examinations with a University of Otago Cambridge International Exams Entry Score of 240 - 290.
Rudolf Steiner Level 3 School Certificate at the level of Highly Commended or Distinction.
Also applies to any applicant who may be awarded the scholarship on the basis of merit results.
Applicants who have achieved either or both NCEA Level 2 or Level 3 endorsed with a merit endorsement overall and a high proportion of excellence credits (or similar from other official secondary school qualifications or pre-degree level tertiary grades) may also be considered by, and at the discretion of, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor External Engagement, or nominee.
c.国际文凭——成绩达到34-36 个点;
d.剑桥国际考试——奥塔哥大学剑桥国际考试入学分数达到240 - 290段位;
e.Rudolf Steiner 三级中学证书——成绩达到Highly Commended 或Distinction;
Scholarship tenure and value
New Frontiers Sustained Excellence
One year tenure
$5,000 for year one
The University of Otago Dux Scholarship may have held concurrently at the value of $3,000
New Frontiers Excellence
One year tenure
$2,500 for year 1
The University of Otago Dux Scholarship may have held concurrently at the value of $4,000
Please note that you will be required to go through the first stages of enrolment at the University of Otago to access the scholarship application process.
New Zealand Aid Programme Scholarships
Value | International tuition fees, $21,580 per year living allowance, travel to and from home country, establishment and other educational allowances |
Number offered | Varies |
Closing date | Varies - please see funders website for details |
金额 | 国际学费、每年21,580 美元圣后补贴、出国/回国旅费、安置费和其他教育补贴 |
名额 | 不固定 |
截止日期 | 不固定——请参见支援计划网站了解详情 |
The New Zealand Government provides scholarships to citizens of some developing countries to undertake vocational training or tertiary level study in their home country, in New Zealand or in the Pacific region through the New Zealand Aid Programme.
The programme currently offers the following scholarships to candidates of selected developing countries:
New Zealand Pacific Scholarships (NZPS)
New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS)
New Zealand ASEAN Scholars awards For applicants from Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Lao PDR, Burma / Myanmar and Viet Nam
Commonwealth Scholarships
Short Term Training Awards (STTA)
New Zealand Regional Development Scholarships (NZRDS). For applicants from the Cook Islands, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu
BrokerFish Scholarship
Value | US $1,000 |
Number offered | Varies |
Closing date | 21 December |
BrokerFish 奖学金
金额 | 1,000新元 |
名额 | 不固定 |
截止日期 | 12月21日 |
The BrokerFish Scholarship offers a chance to win a $1,000 scholarship for any higher education student.
Applicants must be:
full-time students of any nationality who are pursuing a degree, diploma or equivalent program by an accredited institution of higher education
accepted into an accredited institution of higher education if you are graduating from high school
BrokerFish 奖学金信息
BrokerFish 奖学金为任何接受高等教育的学生提供获得1000美元奖学金的机会。
University of Otago Coursework Master's Scholarship
Value | NZ$10,000 towards fees in the first instance |
Number offered | Varies |
Closing date | Funding has been awarded for 2017. |
金额 | 10,000新元,用于第一次学费 |
名额 | 不固定 |
截止日期 | Funding has been awarded for 2017. |
The University of Otago Coursework Master's Scholarship provides funding to support coursework-based Master's students studying at the University of Otago.
Applicants must be:
obtaining their first Otago Coursework Master's qualification.
domestic students or international students
undertaking a Coursework Master's degree (degree by papers only, or, if a research component is included, the research paper should have a point value of less than 90 points)*
* Coursework Master’s Scholarships are not available for the papers year of a two-year research Master’s degree.
Selection is based predominantly on academic merit and the advice, recommendation and ranking of the relevant Head of Department or nominee.
Alan Musgrave Scholarship in Philosophy
Value | Tuition fee waiver plus NZ $15,000 stipend per annum |
Number offered | 1 |
Closing date | 1 September 2017 for study in 2018 |
Alan Musgrave 哲学奖学金
金额 | 学费减免,外加 每年15,000新元补贴 |
名额 | 1 |
截止日期 | 2018学年的奖学金申请截止日期为2017年9月1日 |
Established by the University Council in 2011, the Alan Musgrave Master’s Scholarship in Philosophy provides support for the high calibre international students to study towards a Master’s degree in Philosophy at the University of Otago.
Applicants must be:
an international student who do not qualify for domestic tuition fee rates
intending to enrol full-time in the year following selection, either in a one year BA (Hons) in Philosophy followed by a Master's degree by thesis in Philosophy, or in a Master's degree by thesis in Philosophy
Alan Musgrave 哲学奖学金信息
Alan Musgrave 哲学奖学金由奥塔哥大学于2011年设立,目的是为有意在奥塔哥大学攻读哲学硕士的高水平的国际生提供支持。
New Zealand Aid Programme Scholarships
Value | International tuition fees, $21,580 per year living allowance, travel to and from home country, establishment and other educational allowances |
Number offered | Varies |
Closing date | Varies - please see funders website for details |
金额 | 国际学费、每年21,580新元生活补贴、出国/回国旅费、安置费和其他教育补贴 |
名额 | 不固定 |
截止日期 | 不固定——请参看支援计划网站了解详情 |
The New Zealand Government provides scholarships to citizens of some developing countries to undertake vocational training or tertiary level study in their home country, in New Zealand or in the Pacific region through the New Zealand Aid Programme.
The programme currently offers the following scholarships to candidates of selected developing countries:
New Zealand Pacific Scholarships (NZPS)
New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS)
New Zealand ASEAN Scholars awards For applicants from Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Lao PDR, Burma / Myanmar and Viet Nam
Commonwealth Scholarships
Short Term Training Awards (STTA)
New Zealand Regional Development Scholarships (NZRDS). For applicants from the Cook Islands, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu
Otago School of Medical Sciences Pacific Peoples’ Postgraduate Scholarship
Value | NZ$7,500 tuition fee waiver in the first instance |
Number offered | One |
Closing date | 1 November |
金额 | 7,500新元,用于第一次学费减免 |
名额 | 1 |
截止日期 | 11月1日 |
Established in 2015, the Otago School of Medical Sciences (OSMS) Pacific Peoples’ Postgraduate Scholarship provides one Pacific Islands student each year with one-year support to study full-time for a BSc Hons, BBiomedSc Hons, PGDipSci or 1st year MSc within the OSMS.
Applicants must be:
of Indigenous Pacific Island descent (either domestic or international)
intending to enrol full-time in a 400-level postgraduate programme offered by the Otago School of Medical Sciences