斯基德莫尔学院创办于1903年,是美国一所私立文科院校。在《美国新闻与世界报道》文理学院排名中,斯基德莫尔学院排在第37位,在《华盛顿月刊》美国文理学院排名中位居第79位,是美国新常春藤盟校成员之一。斯基德莫尔学院2017 - 2018学年的留学费用预计需要多少呢?请看下面留学群为大家提供的翻译介绍。
Cost of Attendance Academic Year 2017 - 2018
Schedule of Payments
Fall Semester payments are due on August 15, 2017.
Spring semester payments are due on December 15, 2017.
Basic Costs of Attendance
The 2017-18 basic annual costs of attendance are outlined below*:
Category | Cost |
Tuition and Required Fees | $52,446 |
Room Fees | |
Traditional Residence Hall | $8,278 |
Residence Hall Single Occupancy | $8,878 |
On Campus Apartment | $10,642 |
Board | $5,726 |
Students residing in an on-campus apartment, or off-campus
are not automatically enrolled in a meal plan. They may purchase a full board
plan, or one of the other non-required plans offered by dining services by going
to the dining services website. |
2017-2018 学年斯基德莫尔学院就读费用
2017-2018 学年斯基德莫尔学院的基本就读费用如下*:
类别 | 成本 |
学费和强制性费用 | 52,446美元 |
住宿费 | |
传统的学生宿舍 | 8,278美元 |
学生宿舍单人间 | 8,878美元 |
校内公寓 | 10,642美元 |
膳食费 | 5,726美元 |
住在校内公寓或者住在校外的学生不会被自动注册膳食计划。这类学生可以订购完整的膳食计划,或者通过就餐服务网站订购就餐服务提供的非强制性膳食计划(后者可以二选一) |
Per Semester Fees Based on Residence Type
Based on the above fees, per semester charges for tuition and required fees, room and board are as follows:
of Residence | Fee |
Traditional Residence Hall | $33,225 |
Residence Hall Single Occupancy | $33,525 |
On-Campus Apartment (board not included) | $31,544 |
Off-campus (room and board not included) | $26,223 |
Students residing in an on-campus apartment, or off-campus
are not automatically enrolled in a meal plan. They may purchase a full board
plan, or one of the other non-required plans offered by dining services by going
to the dining services website. |
住宿类型 | 成本 |
传统的学生宿舍 | 33,225美元 |
学生宿舍单人间 | 33,525美元 |
校内公寓 (不包含伙食) | 31,544美元 |
校外住宿(不包含住宿和伙食) | 26,223美元 |
住在校内公寓或者住在校外的学生不会被自动注册膳食计划。这类学生可以订购完整的膳食计划,或者通过就餐服务网站订购就餐服务提供的非强制性膳食计划(后者可以二选一) |
Entering students will be assessed a one time records fee in their first semester: $150
All students are enrolled in tuition insurance and assessed a fee of $160 per semester unless a waiver is completed athttp:/tuitionprotection.com/skidmore by August 31, 2017.
All students that do not show proof of health insurance coverage by completing a waiver form at www.cdphp.com/skidmore by August 1, 2017 will be enrolled in the CDPHP insurance plan and assessed a fee of $1,935 for annual coverage.
所有的学生都需要注册学费保险,保险费每学期160美元。只有在2017年8月31日之前到athttp:/tuitionprotection.com/skidmore 完成减免申请的学生才不需要交学费保险。
所有未能在2017年8月1日之前到athttp:/tuitionprotection.com/skidmore 完成减免申请并出示健康保险证明的学生,将需要注册CDPHP保险计划,并交每年1,935 美元的保险费。
Other Fees Updated for Academic Year 2017 - 2018
The standard course load for a full-time student is fifteen credit hours per semester. An overload is defined as any program registration over eighteen credit hours per semester, in which case an additional fee is assessed for each additional credit hour. Full-time students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester. There is no refund for those students who are carrying at least twelve but fewer than the standard fifteen credit hours. Matriculated students who wish to take fewer than twelve credit hours (an underload) must request special part-time status. Part-time students pay for each credit hour and an application fee as follows:
Credit Hour Fee | $1,715 |
Application Fee | $25 |
2017 - 2018学年的其他费用
每个学分的费用 | 1,715美元 |
申请费 | 25美元 |
Application Fee
The College requires a $65 nonrefundable application fee to be paid at the time a student applies for admission. This fee may be paid by cash, check, or credit card (Visa & MasterCard only).
Advance Deposits
A deposit of $500 is required from entering students upon acceptance. If the student decides not to attend Skidmore, the $500 deposit is forfeited. For students who do attend Skidmore, the funds will remain as a deposit until the student separates from the college, at which point it will be applied to any outstanding charges and any balance will be refunded.
Records Fee
Official transcripts of a student's entire academic record at Skidmore College are issued by the Office of the Registrar at the student's request. Students will be charged a one-time fee of $150 at the point of matriculation that will cover the cost of transcript requests for the life of the student. No additional per copy fees will be charged unless the request requires special handling. Skidmore reserves the right to withhold transcripts if an outstanding balance is owed the college.
Required Fees
Required fees include the Student Activity Fee and the General Fee. The Student Activity Fee is determined by the Student Government Association and is used to cover the costs for student publications, speaker, organizations, and related activities. The General Fee partially finances the operation of the Library, Student Center, Sports Facility, Burgess Cafe, Spa, athletics and other programs.
Special Course Fees
Certain departments, such as Art, Education, Science, and Music charge fees for specific courses or programs.
强制性费用包括学生活动费和一般费用。学生活动费由学生管理协会决定,用于涵盖学生出版物、演说。组织和相关活动的成本。一般费用部分地为图书费、学生中心、体育设施、伯吉斯咖啡馆、 Spa、体育运动和其他项目提供经费。
Study Abroad Fees
Students accepted to participate in an approved study abroad program for any semester of study will be charged tuition and fees at a rate equivalent to the regular Skidmore Tuition, Scribner Village Apartment Room rate, and Full Board rate, unless the particular study abroad program does not provide meals as part of the regular program.
Late Payment Fee
Student Fees, as described in the Schedule of Payments and appearing on the student bill, are payable by the dates indicated in the Schedule of Payments. Incidental charges and miscellaneous fees (such as special course fees) are due upon receipt of any succeeding bills. Students are expected to pay their fees on time or make definite payment arrangements with the Bursar's Office for late payment, before attending class or occupying a room for the semester billed.
Non-Matriculated Students
Non-Matriculated students may take a partial or full load of courses each semester, up to a maximum of ten courses while holding special non-matriculated status. Non-Matriculated students pay a $25 application for each semester of study at the time of registration, and a fee of $1,715 for each semester hour of credit. Non-Matriculated students who register for twelve or more credit hours per semester also pay Required Fees (see above) for each semester of study.
在任意学期参加经过批准的海外学习项目的学生,将被收取同等于斯基德莫尔学院常规学费、Scribner Village 公寓住宿费和全部膳食费的学杂费,除非该海外学习项目作为常规项目的一部分不提供伙食。