Oregon State University is dedicated to your success. The following scholarships have been developed with international students in mind. Some of the scholarships listed will be automatically considered for every new OSU application, but many scholarships require the student to find and apply independently. We've compiled a list of resources that you should look into for more funding options.
Scholarships by Individual Colleges
Students may also qualify for scholarships based on their major or college within the university. OSU maintains a searchable Scholarship Database to help find funding based on your immigration status, GPA and more. You may also contact the college/department you’ll be studying with to find more information about available funding.
New International Student Scholarships - Degree-seeking Undergraduate Programs
OSU’s Provost International Scholarship for Corvallis campus
Competitive scholarships are offered to exceptional international students. Award amounts vary and are renewable for up to four years of undergraduate study if renewal requirements are met. No separate scholarship application is required. | |
Amount | $9,000 / year, up to 4 years |
Quantity | 9 – 15 individual scholarships |
To apply | No action required. Qualified applicants automatically considered. |
Requirements | 3.5 overall GPA; Eligible for enrollment at OSU |
OSU International Cultural Service Program Scholarship (ICSP) for Corvallis campus
The International Cultural Service Program (ICSP) which began at OSU in 1983, has attracted many outstanding students from countries around the globe. The program offers a scholarship to international students in exchange for cultural service to OSU, academic colleges, and the surrounding communities. The goal of the ICSP program is to increase cultural awareness and understanding throughout the local region and the state of Oregon. | |
Amount | Approximately $15,000 / year |
Quantity | Variable |
Priority Deadline | February 10, 2017 |
Final Deadline | May 5, 2017 (pending availability of funds) |
To apply | The application is now closed. |
Requirements | Fully admitted to OSU as an undergraduate or graduate international student; 3.0 overall GPA; Involvement in the ICSP and willing to share information about your country and culture |
有竞争性质,提供给优异的国际生。金额不固定,可以另外更新四年,只要你满足更新的条件。不需要单独申请 | |
金额 | 一年9,000美元,期限最多四年 |
名额 | 9 –到15 个单项奖学金 |
申请 | 无需申请,符合资格的学生自动被考虑 |
要求 | 总均分3.5 ;符合俄勒冈州立大学注册资格 |
国际文化服务项目开始于1983年,已经吸引了世界各地的许多优秀学生。项目为进行俄勒冈州立大学、学院和周边社区文化服务的国际交换生提供奖学金。国际文化项目的目标是增强地方和俄勒冈州的文化意识和理解 | |
金额 | 一年大约15,000美元 |
名额 | 不固定 |
优先的截止时间 | 2017年2月10日 |
最后的截止时间 | 2017年5月5日 (可用资金待定) |
申请 | 申请目前关闭 |
要求 | 被俄勒冈州立大学无条件录取为本科国际生或者研究生国际生;总均分3.0;乐于参与国际文化服务项目,乐于分享自己国家和文化方面的信息 |
OSU International Cultural Service Program Scholarship (ICSP) for Cascades campus
The International Cultural Service Program (ICSP) which began at OSU in 1983, has attracted many outstanding students from countries around the globe. The program offers a scholarship to international students in exchange for cultural service to OSU, academic colleges, and the surrounding communities. The goal of the ICSP program is to increase cultural awareness and understanding throughout the local region and the state of Oregon. | |
Amount | Approximately $15,000 / year |
Quantity | Variable |
Deadline | Julyl 31, 2017 (rolling, subject to change) |
To apply | Email to submit your application attachments or if you have any questions. For new students, you may apply prior to enrollment at OSU. |
Requirements | Fully admitted to OSU as an undergraduate or graduate international student; 3.0 overall GPA; Involvement in the ICSP and willing to share information about your country and culture |
Cascades Honorary Scholarship
Entering undergraduate students may apply for this scholarship. | |
Amount | $25,000 |
Quantity | 1 individual scholarship |
To apply | Send 600-800 word essay on what it means to be a global citizen, drawing on specific examples of personal experience with cross-cultural communication; In e-mail, include cell phone number, name, student ID and country of citizenship
Deadline | March 31, 2017 |
Requirements | Fully admitted to OSU-Cascades as an undergraduate international student; 600-800 word essay on what it means to be a global citizen, drawing on specific examples of personal experience with cross-cultural communication; Skype interview for all finalists |
国际文化服务项目开始于1983年,已经吸引了世界各地的许多优秀学生。项目为进行俄勒冈州立大学、学院和周边社区文化服务的国际交换生提供奖学金。国际文化项目的目标是增强地方和俄勒冈州的文化意识和理解 | |
金额 | 一年大约15,000美元 |
名额 | 不固定 |
截止时间 | 2017年7月31日 (滚动式,时间可以有变) |
申请 | 可邮件递交申请材料或邮件咨询。新生可在注册俄勒冈州立大学之前申请 |
要求 | 被俄勒冈州立大学无条件录取为本科国际生或研究生国际生;总均分3.0;乐于参加国际文化服务项目,乐于分享自己国家和文化方面的信息 |
本科新生可以申请这项奖学金 | |
金额 | 25,000美元 |
名额 | 1 个单项奖学金 |
申请 | 600到800字的essay阐述全球公民的意义,列举跨文化交流相关个人经历;邮件内容包含电话号码、姓名、学号和国籍 |
截止时间 | 2017年3月31日 |
要求 | 被俄勒冈州立大学Cascades分校无条件录取为本科国际生;600到800字的essay阐述全球公民的意义,列举跨文化交流相关个人经历;所有最终入围的学生需要参加视频面试 |
International Baccalaureate Scholarships for Corvallis campus
Undergraduate students who have completed the full International Baccalaureate Diploma may be awarded this scholarship. | |
Amount | $3,000 / year, up to 4 years |
Quantity | 9 – 15 individual scholarships |
To apply | No action required. Qualified applicants automatically considered. |
Requirements | Completed IB Diploma with a score of 30 or higher; Eligible for enrollment at OSU |
OSU Opportunity Scholarships
The Benton Community Foundation offers the following scholarships to international students: The Joel R. Friend Scholarship is available to students from Thailand and Taiwan; The Lucy Hsu Ho Scholarship is available to students from China; Margaret Dowell-Gravatt, M.D. Scholarship, Scholarship is available to women pursuing a Bachelor’s in Zoology, Microbiology, or eligible Pre-Health Programs; The Hugh & Helen Wood Nepalese Scholarship is available to students from Nepal | |
Amount | Vary by scholarship ($600 to $6000) / year |
Quantity | 1-2 per scholarship |
Apply by | Vary by scholarship |
To apply | To apply for any of these scholarships, visit bcfgives.org/scholarships |
Requirements | Vary by scholarship |
已经完成全部国际文凭学习的本科生可以申请这项奖学金 | |
金额 | 一年3,000美元,期限最多四年 |
名额 | 9 到15个单项奖学金 |
申请 | 无需申请,符合资格的学生自动被考虑 |
要求 | 完成国际文凭,成绩在30或以上;符合俄勒冈州立大学注册资格 |
本顿社区基金会为国际生提供以下奖学金: 约尔书R. 友谊奖学金(提供给泰国和台湾学生); 露西 Hsu Ho奖学金(提供给中国大陆学生);Margaret Dowell-Gravatt, M.D.奖学金(提供给学习动物学、微生物学或者健康学预科的女性学生);Hugh & Helen Wood Nepalese 奖学金(提供给尼泊尔学生) | |
金额 | 因奖学金而异,一年600美元到6000美元 |
名额 | 每项奖学金1到2 个名额 |
申请 | 因奖学金而异 |
申请 | 可访问bcfgives.org/scholarships申请 |
要求 | 因奖学金而异 |