肯塔基大学(University of Kentucky)创办于1865年,是一所位于美国肯塔基州列克星敦的公立研究型大学,也是该州仅有的两所赠地大学之一。肯塔基大学因其优质的教育每年都吸引了不少学生前去留学。那么在2017-2018学年,肯塔基大学的学费是多少呢?来看看留学群的翻译介绍吧。
2017-2018 Tuition and Fees
Please note: Some courses require additional fees for lab, materials, etc. that are not listed below.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Special Notes which are listed at the bottom of this page.
Full-Time Students -- Per Semester (1, 2, 8, 15)
Undergraduate Students (4)
Lower Division Resident | $5,886.00 |
Lower Division Non-Resident | $13,928.00 |
Upper Division Resident | $6,056.00 |
Upper Division Non-Resident | $14,118.00 |
Graduate Students
Resident | $6,363.00 |
Non-Resident | $15,112.00 |
Master in Business Administration -- Evening and Part-Time students (entered prior to summer 2016)
Resident | $7,353.00 |
Non-Resident | $18,046.00 |
Master, Professional (11)
Resident | $6,671.00 |
Non-Resident | $15,460.00 |
Master, Health Professional (12)
Resident | $6,854.00 |
Non-Resident | $15,666.00 |
Professional Practice Doctoral (14)
Resident | $8,297.00 |
Non-Resident | $20,878.00 |
全日制学生——每学期(1, 2, 8, 15)
低年级居民学生 | 5,886.00 美元 |
低年级非居民学生 | 13,928.00美元 |
高年级居民学生 | 6,056.00美元 |
高年级非居民学生 | 14,118.00美元 |
居民学生 | 6,363.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 15,112.00美元 |
工商管理硕士 --夜校生和在职生 (2016年夏季之前入读)
居民学生 | 7,353.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 18,046.00美元 |
专业硕士 (11)
居民学生 | 6,671.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 15,460.00美元 |
保健专业硕士 (12)
居民学生 | 6,854.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 15,666.00美元 |
居民学生 | 8,297.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 20,878.00美元 |
Annual Full-Time Rate (13)
Effective July 2017
College of Law (16) (Annual Charges)
Resident | $23,783.00 |
Non-Resident | $47,343.00 |
Doctor of Pharmacy (6) (Annual Charges)
Resident | $27,250.00 |
Non-Resident | $49,480.00 |
Reduced Curriculum Load
Resident | $14,368.00 |
Non-Resident | $25,483.00 |
College of Medicine (7) (Annual Charges)
Students entering class of fall 2013
Resident | $33,870.00 |
Non-Resident | $62,073.00 |
Students entering class of fall 2014
Resident | $34,888.00 |
Non-Resident | $63,948.00 |
Students entering class of fall 2015
Resident | $35,929.00 |
Non-Resident | $65,861.00 |
Students entering class of fall 2016
Resident | $37,716.00 |
Non-Resident | $65,861.00 |
Students entering class of fall 2017
Resident | $38,472.00 |
Non-Resident | $68,000.00 |
Reduced curriculum load:
Resident | $20,005.00 |
Non-resident | $34,769.00 |
College of Dentistry (5) (Annual Charges)
Resident | $33,307.00 |
Non-Resident | $69,634.00 |
Reduced curriculum load:
Resident | $17,428.00 |
Non-Resident | $35,608.00 |
Master in Business Administration (9) (Annual Charges)
One-Year (Full-Time)
Resident | $33,486.00 |
Non-Resident | $38,486.00 |
Professional Evening Two-Years (Full-Time)
Resident | $34,622.00 |
Non-Resident | $39,622.00 |
Professional Evening Three-Years (Part-Time)
Resident | $33,458.00 |
Non-Resident | $38,458.00 |
Master of Science in Finance (Annual Charges)
Students -- entering class of fall 2017
Resident | $26,538.00 |
Non-Resident | $36,538.00 |
Doctor of Physical Therapy (Annual Charges)
Resident | $20,618.00 |
Non-Resident | $45,074.00 |
UK-UofL Joint Executive Master in Business Administration (10) (17 months) (Annual Charges)
$67,500.00 |
居民学生 | 23,783.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 47,343.00美元 |
药学博士 (6) (年度费用)
居民学生 | 27,250.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 49,480.00美元 |
居民学生 | 14,368.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 25,483.00美元 |
医学院(7) (年度费用)
居民学生 | 33,870.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 62,073.00美元 |
居民学生 | 34,888.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 63,948.00美元 |
居民学生 | 35,929.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 65,861.00美元 |
居民学生 | 37,716.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 65,861.00美元 |
居民学生 | 38,472.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 68,000.00美元 |
居民学生 | 20,005.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 34,769.00美元 |
居民学生 | 33,307.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 69,634.00美元 |
居民学生 | 17,428.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 35,608.00美元 |
居民学生 | 33,486.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 38,486.00美元 |
居民学生 | 34,622.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 39,622.00美元 |
居民学生 | 33,458.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 38,458.00美元 |
居民学生 | 26,538.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 36,538.00美元 |
居民学生 | 20,618.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 45,074.00美元 |
67,500.00美元 |
Part-Time and Intersession Per Credit-Hour Rate (3)
Undergraduate Students (4)
Lower Division Resident | $477.00 |
Lower Division Non-Resident | $1,145.00 |
Upper Division Resident | $490.00 |
Upper Division Non-Resident | $1,161.00 |
Graduate Students
Resident | $674.00 |
Non-Resident | $1,644.00 |
Master in Business Administration -- Evening and Part-Time students (entered prior to summer 2016)
Resident | $784.00 |
Non-Resident | $1,969.00 |
Master, Professional (11)
Resident | $708.00 |
Non-Resident | $1,685.00 |
Master, Health Professional (12)
Resident | $728.00 |
Non-Resident | $1,704.00 |
Professional Practice Doctoral (14)
Resident | $890.00 |
Non-Resident | $2,286.00 |
低年级居民学生 | 477.00美元 |
低年级非居民学生 | 1,145.00美元 |
高年级居民学生 | 490.00美元 |
高年级非居民学生 | 1,161.00美元 |
居民学生 | 674.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 1,644.00美元 |
居民学生 | 784.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 1,969.00美元 |
居民学生 | 708.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 1,685.00美元 |
保健专业硕士 (12)
居民学生 | 728.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 1,704.00美元 |
居民学生 | 890.00美元 |
非居民学生 | 2,286.00美元 |
1. Rates include mandatory student fees. Students taking all courses at off-campus locations (including distance learning courses) outside of Fayette County and its contiguous counties may have mandatory fees waived, except as noted below. However, if a student who is eligible for this waiver wants to participate in any activity supported by these fees, the student must pay the total mandatory fees. Pursuant to the Memorandum of Agreement with the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, students enrolled at the Bluegrass Community and Technical College have the opportunity to selectively choose services from the list of mandatory fees. Students enrolled in programs within the colleges of Dentistry, Health Sciences, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Public Health will be assessed the Student Health Mandatory Fee regardless of the location of courses.
2. The full-time rate is charged to undergraduate students enrolled for 12 credit hours or more and graduate and professional doctoral students enrolled for 9 credit hours or more.
3. Students enrolled part-time are charged on a per-credit hour basis. Students considered full-time for financial aid and reporting purposes, but with less than full-time credit hours, (i.e., graduate students in residency status) will be assessed on a per-credit hour basis.
4. Lower-division rates are assessed undergraduate students with less than 60 cumulative credit hours. Upper-division rates are assessed undergraduate students with 60 or more cumulative credit hours. In addition, lower-division undergraduate students (freshmen and sophomores) enrolled in the UK College of Engineering Extended Campus Program – Paducah are assessed tuition and fees based upon the West Kentucky Community and Technical College’s tuition and fee rates. Upper-division undergraduate students (juniors and seniors) are assessed the applicable UK rates. Students enrolled in this program and residing in select contiguous counties in Illinois (Massac, Alexander, and Pulaski) are also eligible for the applicable Kentucky resident rates.
5. Half-time tuition and fee rates for 2017-18 of $17,428.00 for resident students and $35,608.00 for non-resident students are established for those dental students who have been approved by the Dean of the College of Dentistry to have a reduced curriculum load.
4.低等级的费用向累计学分少于60个学分的本科生收取。高等级的费用向累计学分达到60个或者60个以上的本科生收取。除此之外,低年级本科生(大一和大二)如果注册肯塔基大学工程学院扩展校园项目,则学费按西肯塔基社区和技术学院的学费比率收取。高年级本科生(大三和大四)学费按肯塔基大学适用的比率收取。注册该项目并且居住在伊利诺斯州临近县城(Massac、亚历山大和 Pulaski)的学生也符合肯塔基大学适用的居民学生费用资格。
5.牙科专业的学生费用按“半时”比率收取;2017-18 学年居民学生学费为17,428.00 美元,非居民学生学费为35,608.00 美元,由牙医学院院长批准,以涵盖减少了的课程量。
6. Half-time tuition and fee rates for 2017-18 of $14,368.00 for resident students and $25,483.00 for non-resident students are established for those pharmacy students who have been approved by the Dean of the College of Pharmacy to have a reduced curriculum load.
7. The College of Medicine tuition and mandatory fee rates are ‘locked in’ for each entering class cohort. The rates do not change while students are enrolled in the program. Reduced curriculum tuition and fee rates for 2017-18 of $20,005.00 for resident students and $34,769.00 for non-resident students is established for those medical students who have been approved by the College of Medicine Student Progress and Promotion Committee to have a reduced curriculum load.
8. Students enrolled in only online distance learning courses during the fall and spring semesters will be charged the Kentucky resident rate regardless of residency status. Students enrolled in undergraduate online distance learning courses during intersessions (e.g. summer and winter terms) will be charged based on their residency status.
9. Beginning Summer 2016, the Master of Business Administration rates for new students are based on the program duration. The rates reflect the total price of the program, including tuition and mandatory fees. The rates will be assessed in installments throughout the duration of the program. Tuition for the one-year program will be assessed in three installments (Summer, Fall and Spring semesters) and mandatory fees will be assessed in two installments (Fall and Spring semesters). Tuition and mandatory fees for the two-year and three-year programs will be assessed based on course load.
10. The UK-UofL Joint Executive Master in Business Administration rate is assessed to resident and non-resident students and reflects the total price of the program including tuition, mandatory fees, and the program fee. The rate will be apportioned to each institution.
6.药学专业的学生费用按“半时”比率收取;2017-18 学年居民学生学费为14,368.00 美元,非居民学生学费为25,483.00 美元,由药学学院院长批准,以涵盖减少了的课程量。
7.医学学院的学费和强制性费用对于每一个新生班都是固定的。这些费用在你注册课程期间不会改变。医学专业的学生费用按减少了的课程量比率收取;2017-18 学年居民学生学费为20,005.00 美元,非居民学生学费为34,769.00 美元,由医学学院学生进步和促进委员会批准,以涵盖减少了的课程量。
10.肯塔基—UofL 工商行政管理硕士费用向居民学生和非居民学生收取,反映的是总的课程费,包括学费、强制费和课程费。费用将被分派到每个机构。
11. The “Master, Professional” tuition and mandatory fee rates are assessed to students enrolled in the following programs: Master of Arts in Diplomacy and International Commerce;Master of Arts in Teaching World Languages ; Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language;Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing; Master of Science in Digital Mapping;Master of Science in Applied Statistics.
12. The “Master, Professional Health” tuition and mandatory fee rates are assessed to students enrolled in the following programs: Master of Science in Health Physics; Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies; Master of Science in Radiological Medical Physics;
13. Unless otherwise publicized, students enrolled in annual programs will be assessed the program’s tuition and mandatory fees semi-annually for all terms within the same academic year. Rates are effective as of July.
14. The “Professional Practice Doctoral” tuition and mandatory fee rates are assessed to students enrolled in applicable programs in the following colleges: Nursing;Public Health.
15. The President, or his delegate, may interpret the application of these rates on an individual student basis in case of unusual circumstances.
16. Effective Fall 2017, tuition and mandatory fees for the College of Law are based on annual full-time rates in lieu of per semester rates. Part-time enrollment is permitted only with the prior approval of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and is granted only in extraordinary circumstances. For those with prior approval, part-time rates of $1,155.00 and $2,333.00 per credit hour for resident and non-resident students will be assessed, respectively.
16.从2017年秋季开始,法学院的学费和强制费将以全日制年度费为基础,取代每学期的计算。在职注册只有在得到学术副院长事先批准的情况下也可以,也只有在特殊情况下才被批准。对于得到事先批准的学生,如果是居民学生,那么在职费用每学分为1,155.00美元;如果是非居民学生,每学分为2,333.00 美元。