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2017-07-21 14:57


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  Future Idea Of My Major

  Name Zhang Yuntian Name Zhou Chao Name Hao Ying SID 2013232025 SID 2013232027 SID SID

  Name Qiao Yanan

  Crowds of Searching for One Job

  Job market

  Employment of Graduates

  year 2001 graduates unemployed unemployed (thousand) (thousand) rate(%) 1140 340 2982


  2003 2004 2005 2006


  2120 2800 3380 4130


  520 690 790 1010


  2453 2463 2337 2457


  Career is one of the best ways to achieve the value of life

  Then choose yourself is that almost escape this a career suit so necessary anybody can not destiny

  But according to our country’s employment situation , we should do something to adapt to it


  Major Goals Personal situation Future plan Measures

  Zhang Yuntian

  Major Marxs Philosophy Ability required A comprehensive and systematic grasp of the Marx philosophy basic theory and professional knowledge; Having the discipline, professional teaching and scientific research ability

  Professional advantage

  A philosophy student employment advantage, has a very wide knowledge, and a strong ability to adapt, has the very high political quality


  a qualified civil servants

  Personal situation

  Strong analytical and comprehensive quality not with the civil service examination system the lack of work experience

  Future plan

  2 years later was admitted to the civil service 4 years later to make achievements in their own positions 6 years later for the platform in a bigger space, to serve the people

  Measures Cultivate my thinking ability, creative ability, learning ability, deeply study the specialized knowledge, highlight the advantages of my own

  My Dream

  Hao Ying

  To be a good te a c h e r H a v e a lo t o f frie n d s T ra v e l a ro u n d th e w o rld M a k e a lo t o f m oney

  A fte r I to te a c h th e g ra d u a te d , p o litic a l fo r m ay be I th e w ill w e n t to fre s h m e n a c o lle g e o r th e to b e a s o p h o m o re te a c h e r


  Requirements for Graduated

  P u b lis h tw o a rtic le s o n th e D p u b lic a tio n s E n o u g h c re d its N o s ig n ific a n t v io la tio n s

  I’m a graduate I w o u ld lik e to try m y student in the firs t g ra d e , b e s t to in th e n e x t a c h ie v e tw o y e a rs , th e re q u ire m e n ts o f m y m a jo r



  Zhou Chao

  Although my major is Marxist

  philosophy, but now my main research direction is the western Marxism, just like Jean Paul Sartre So, after I graduate, I want to go to Germany or France to work for my PhD


  First, philosophy research is the traditional in Europe Therefore, Purely theoretical study might have a better environment there

  Secondly, my interest is also the western philosophy, such as Martin Heidegger So, if I want to know what they thought at beginning and achieve a good progress, it would be better to


  您想做到什么职位?,这是一个富有挑战性的问题。要知道,每一个公司都希望自己的员工能够芝麻开花,节节高,能够挑起更沉的担子。对这个问题的回答,能够反映出您是否富有进取心,是否具备为时代所需要的创新精神,是否能为公司作出更大的贡献。 这一课中,我们就来探讨对这个问题的回答。

  Where would you like to be in 5 years?

  Where would you like to be in 5 years?

  Where do you see yourself five years from now?




  I would like to follow the management career path


  I would like to try the secretary career track



  I'd like to be a senior manager of your company in five years.



  Although it's certainly difficult to predict things far into the future, I know what direction I want to develop toward. Within five years, I would like to become one of the best engineers in your company.



  I would like to become the expert that others rely upon. And in doing so, I feel I will be fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities that might be presented in the long term.



  In five years I want to be a valuable part of this company and help it to reach its goal. I also want to manage a challenging project and bring in latest technology that will benefit the company.



  In the next five years, I want to learn new things, gain more experience and increase my value to your company. I want to learn my job well and eventually to achieve a position of higher responsibility within your company.



  In the next five years, I will not plan on moving or going back to school, I want to stay with this company for many years, and expect I would be very happy with this job.




  career         事业、生涯

  senior manager     高级经理

  predict         预报、预言

  expert         专家、行家

  valuable         有价值的

  goal          目的、目标

  latest technology     最新技术

  eventually        最后

  expect          预期、期待


  In today's the talent competitive society, occupational planning becomes an important tool in this battle. Career life is limited for everyone, so people have to plan it effectively or lots of time must be wasted. Therefore, I have made an occupational plan for myself.


  I am now a college student. I'm active, talkative, optimistic and patient. In my spare time, I often read books, listen to music, watch movies, go running and like making friends and challenge. But I don't kids kinds and the ability of self-control is not good. I would ask my classmates to supervise me and try my best to firm conviction. I like English very much and I am good at it, too. So I think being a high school English teacher is what I want. I must be an excellent teacher. To achieve this goal, I have to make a plan for it. Firstly, I have to take the advantage of school to learn English well. After all, if I don't master the knowledge, how can I teach to my students? I need to past TEM-8 in the fourth year to certify my English ability. Secondly, I would try my best to be our class monitor. Being class monitor can bring the experience for me to manage students in the future.


  To sum up, having a plan is good, but practical action is much more important. According to my own situation, I would follow my plan to reach my goal. I believe I can success one day.



  My Career Plan

  During my high school years, I have found chemistry, physics, and mathematics interesting. Actually, I am interested in many subjects such as biology, history, geography, Chinese, and English. But somehow I cannot remember the historical events or the facts about geography in detail. I cannot remember biological terms well, either. On the other hand, chemistry, physics, and mathematics are easy for me because they seem logical to me. After considering my interests and talents I feel that science or engineering might be the best choice for my career. I would like to study science or engineering in college. After graduation from college I hope to go for higher education overseas. Eventually I would like to return to school to teach. This is my career plan.



  Want to be a small fish in a big pond or the other way round? Every graduate faces this question when he starts his career. A large number of college graduates prefer to stay in the big cities. To them, staying in big cities means more opportunities to see the big world and more space for career development. At the same time, higher salary is another temptation.

  But some other graduates want to start in small towns. Even though there may not be many big companies, they can have a quieter and less competitive life. Another reason is that they can be a big fish in a small pond. They can easily get the management’s attention and may win promotion earlier.

  As far as I am concerned, I prefer to start in a metropolis like Shanghai. A good begin is half the battle, and in Shanghai I can find a job in a big company where I can meet people from different places and cultures. I will learn from them what I can not get from textbooks.

  In conclusion, making a career plan depends on one’s value in life and work. No matter which choice one choose, hopefully everyone will have a bright future.






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