Cornell is a privately endowed research university and a partner of the State University of New York. As the federal land-grant institution in New York State, we have a responsibility—unique within the Ivy League—to make contributions in all fields of knowledge in a manner that prioritizes public engagement to help improve the quality of life in our state, the nation, the world.
Founded | 1865 | By Ezra Cornell and Andrew Dickson White. |
Opened | 1868 | Morrill Hall was the first building constructed on the main Ithaca campus, which today includes 608 buildings on more than 2000 acres. |
Identity | Private university, public mission | Cornell is the federal land-grant institution of New York State, a private endowed university, a member of the Ivy League/Ancient Eight, and a partner of the State University of New York. It has been described as the firsttrulyAmerican university because of its founders' revolutionarily egalitarian and practical vision of higher education, and is dedicated to its land-grant mission of outreach and public service. |
Colleges and schools | 14 | Seven undergraduate units and four graduate and professional units in Ithaca, two medical graduate and professional units in New York City, and one in Doha, Qatar. The Cornell Tech campus in New York City is the latest addition. |
Faculty and Staff, Fall 2015
Faculty | 1,648 |
Staff | 8,109 |
Regular and part-time faculty and employees. Staff include non-professorial academic employees (instruction, research, extension, and library) and non academic employees. Ithaca campus only (includes Cornell Tech).
Student Enrollment, Fall 2015
Undergraduate | 14,315 |
Graduate | 5,265 |
Professional | 2,324 |
Total university | 21,904 |
Student enrollment include all on-campus and off campus registrants and participants in employee degree programs. Students registered as in absentia are not included. Ithaca campus only (includes Cornell Tech). "Professional" schools are Law, Johnson School of Management and the Veterinary School.
Student Gender, Ethnicity and Citizenship, Fall 2015
Female | Male | Minority | International | |
Undergraduates | 52% | 48% | 41% | 10% |
Graduate | 44% | 56% | 15% | 48% |
Professional | 42% | 58% | 26% | 30% |
"Minority" includes Asian, Black, Hispanic, American Indian and multi-racial students who are U.S. citizens or legal residents. Ithaca campus only (includes Cornell Tech).
Student Region of Origin, Fall 2015
New York State | 26% |
Middle States | 14% |
New England | 8% |
Midwest | 7% |
South | 8% |
Southwest | 3% |
West | 12% |
Territories | 0% |
USA, unknown | 1% |
International | 21% |
Includes undergraduate, graduate, and professional sudents. Ithaca campus only (includes Cornell Tech). Student home region at time of matriculation. "Middle States" region includes Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Washington D.C.
Degrees Conferred, 2015–2016
Bachelor's degrees | 3,758 |
Master's degrees | 2,541 |
PhD, JSD and DMA | 497 |
D.V.M. | 98 |
J.D. | 183 |
Total university | 7,077 |
Degrees granted between July 1 and June 30. Ithaca campus only. Students may have multiple degrees per year. Data as of Aug 1, 2016.
创办时间 | 1865 | 由埃兹拉·康乃尔和安德鲁·迪克森·怀特创立 |
开放时间 | 1868 | 莫里尔楼是伊萨卡市主校区的第一栋建筑 ,如今校区内包含608栋建筑,占地2千多英亩 |
身份 | 私立大学 ,公共使命 | 康奈尔大学是纽约州的政府捐地机构,私立研究型大学, 常春藤盟校/古老的八所学校成员兼纽约州立大学合作伙伴 。因其创始人在高等教育领域的革命平等和实践理念被称为 美国名副其实的第一所大学。 致力于延伸和公共服务的捐地使命 |
学院和学系 | 14 | 在伊萨卡有四个本科生单位、四个研究生和职业单位,在纽约市 有两个医学研究生和职业单位 ,在卡塔尔多哈有一个单位。康奈尔纽约市科学园区是其最新校区 |
教员 | 1,648 |
员工 | 8,109 |
本科生 | 14,315 |
研究生 | 5,265 |
职业学位学生 | 2,324 |
总的大学人数 | 21,904 |
女性 | 男性 | 少数生 | 国际生 | |
本科生 | 52% | 48% | 41% | 10% |
研究生 | 44% | 56% | 15% | 48% |
职业学位学生 | 42% | 58% | 26% | 30% |
纽约州 | 26% |
美国中部诸州 | 14% |
新英格兰 | 8% |
美国中西部 | 7% |
南部 | 8% |
西南部 | 3% |
西部 | 12% |
边疆区 | 0% |
USA, unknown | 1% |
国际 | 21% |
学士学位 | 3,758 |
硕士学位 | 2,541 |
PhD, JSD and DMA | 497 |
兽医学博士 | 98 |
法学博士 | 183 |
总计 | 7,077 |
康奈尔大学(Cornell University)是由企业家埃兹拉·康奈尔和学者安德鲁·怀特两人携手合作创办的一所独具特色的大学,它成立于1865年(获得州长签署的特许状)。其首任校长怀特曾留学法国和德国,后任当时最富改革精神的密歇根大学教授,1864年当选为纽约州参议员并任参议教育委员会主席,恰逢康奈尔在同一参议院任农业委员会主席。康奈尔是一个依靠自己的勤劳的技术致富的企业家和农场主,西部联合电报公司股票的最大拥有者。当时莫里尔法案已通过,纽约州议会正在考虑建立一所适当的农工学院。于是怀特说服康奈尔捐资(共50万美元及校园田地),连政府赠地资金建立了这所新型大学。康奈尔大学从一开始就兼具公立和私立双重性质,具有“公私合营”的特点,在它的13所学院中,私人捐助建立9所,州政府资助建立4所(农业与生物学院、人类环境学院和工业与劳工关系学院是公立学院),这在美国是独一无二的。
Cornell University is a private research university that provides an exceptional education for undergraduates and graduate and professional students. Cornell's colleges and schools — including four “contract colleges” (operated by Cornell under contract with New York state) — encompass more than 100 fields of study, many of which provide opportunities for learning and engagement that span the state, the nation and the world. With campuses in Ithaca, New York, New York City and Doha, Qatar, Cornell creates a unique atmosphere for research, teaching and public engagement.
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Cornell's second-largest undergraduate college and the third-largest college of its kind in the United States. We are consistently ranked as a top college of agriculture and related sciences in the country. CALS is one of four contract colleges.
College of Architecture, Art and Planning
AAP teaches and practices architecture, fine arts and city and regional planning as creative forces with the potential to improve the world. We provide rigorous theoretical training and studio experiences that encourage imagination and critical thinking to prepare our graduates for their role as world citizens in a diverse and inclusive society.
College of Arts and Sciences
Whether your interests are focused or varied, the College of Arts and Sciences supports intellectual inquisitiveness and initiative, with an array of majors, minors and special programs designed to help you define your own path to success.
Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
The Cornell SC Johnson College of Business is comprised of the university's three accredited business schools: the School of Hotel Administration, the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, and the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management. Bringing together the excellence and breadth of Cornell's leading undergraduate, graduate and professional business programs, the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business is a collaborative and comprehensive business management program.
College of Engineering
We are a surprising, eclectic and visionary group with a broad range of experiences and interests that compel us to tackle pressing problems from many angles. Cornell Engineering students think their way over, under, around and through problems, with a tenacious and entrepreneurial spirit, to make the world a better place.
College of Human Ecology
The College of Human Ecology’s mission is to improve lives by exploring and shaping human connections to natural, social and built environments. High-quality education, research and public engagement are the cornerstones of the college and its departments, which include: human development, design and environmental analysis, nutritional sciences, policy analysis and management, and fiber science and apparel design. We prioritize innovative collaboration and are fueled by a powerful, interdisciplinary and applied (translational) approach. The College of Human Ecology is one of four contract colleges.
School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR)
The ILR School is the leading college of the applied social sciences focusing on work, employment and labor. Its teaching, research and outreach advance the world of work by preparing leaders, informing national and international policy and practices, and improving lives globally. A land-grant college founded in 1945 as the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, ILR offers undergraduate and graduate education, as well as career-long learning for professionals. Study areas include human resource management, labor-management relations, labor economics, organizational behavior, international and comparative labor, labor relations, labor law and history, conflict resolution, management development, executive education, diversity and inclusion, employment and disability and social statistics. ILR is one of four contract colleges.
Faculty of Computing and Information Science
One of Cornell’s newest and fastest growing units, the Faculty of Computing and Information Science houses the departments of Computer Science, Information Science and Statistics. Our mission is to integrate computing, information and data science into every aspect of Cornell’s undergraduate education, research, scholarly programs and activities. Our award-winning faculty will put you at the forefront of 21st century science and technology and how best to meet society’s needs.
Ithaca, New York
Our main campus: 2,300 acres in the heart of New York State's Finger Lakes region. And only steps away from the shops, restaurants, nightlife, and activities of Ithaca. There's no end to the things you can do, accomplish, and create here.
Doha, Qatar
Setting new world standards in patient care at Weill Cornell Medical College's home in the center of Education City. Our partnership with nearby Sidra Medical and Research Center provides even more state-of-the-art experience.
Geneva, New York
Home to the cutting-edge technology and thinking that answer today's call for environmentally and economically sustainable farming practices around the world. This is Cornell's New York State Agricultural Experiment Station.
Cornell University Library stands at the center of intellectual life on campus. Expert librarians are available in person to help navigate our world-class collections and assist with papers, exam prep, and long-term projects. We're a home away from home, with warm, inviting spaces for solo study and high-tech, flexible spaces for group work. Students and faculty agree: The Library is an indispensable partner in study, teaching, and research.
Anne Carry Durland Memorial Alternatives Library
Located in Anabel Taylor Hall, the Durland Alternatives Library provides resources in support of the Center for Transformative Action. This library is dedicated to providing free and open access to materials expressing viewpoints and information not readily available through mainstream publications and mass-media sources.
Bailey Hortorium Library
The Bailey Hortorium Library is a collection of botanical books and journals that represents the personal library of our Hortorium's founder, Liberty Hyde Bailey, combined with the library of Cornell's old Wiegand Herbarium.
Career Library
The Career Library in Barnes has one goal: to help you find the best career-related information in the shortest time possible.
该图书馆位于 Anabel Taylor Hall,提供有“变革行动中心”所需的资源支持。本图书馆专注于提供免费和开放使用,让学生可以使用提供了主流出版物和大众媒体提供不了的观点和信息的材料。
该图书馆专门收集植物学方面的数据和杂志,可以代表园艺图书馆创始人Liberty Hyde Bailey的个人收藏。该图书馆结合了康奈尔大学的老图书馆Wiegand Herbarium。
CIIFAD Resource Center
The CIIFAD (Cornell Institute for Food, Agriculture, and Development) Resource Center at 31 Warren Hall has a special collection of educational materials in support of the innovative, multidisciplinary work of sustainable agricultural and rural development.
The Cornell Club, New York
Relax in the quiet Andrew Dickson White Library.
Cornell Hillel Rabbi Morris Goldfarb Memorial Library
Located on the ground floor of Anabel Taylor Hall, the Memorial Library contains more than 2,000 books related to Jewish topics. These include the history of Jews in the United States, Torah commentary, novels, biographies, and poems by influential Jewish authors. This collection is open to the entire Cornell and Ithaca community.
Macaulay Library
Residing in the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the Macaulay Library houses the world's largest archive of animal sounds and associated video.
Paleontological Research Institution Library
Housed in PRI's Museum of the Earth in Ithaca, our library of over 50,000 volumes focuses on paleontology, geology, and natural history. The Wells Rare Book Room includes an important collection of books on corals, mollusks, and foraminiferans. In addition to our library, we have an extensive collection of photographic and glass slides, photos, and memorabilia from PRI Directors and other notable scientists.
Physics Educational Computing Facility Library
The physics department's new reference library sits in Rockefeller Hall and focuses on advanced technology and programming texts
Women's Resource Center Library
The Cornell Women's Resource Center Library has information on dating, stress, health, and sexual harassment, as well as the many local support agencies in Tompkins County. Located in Willard Straight Hall.
CIIFAD是粮食、农业与发展研究所的简称。CIIFAD资源中心位于31Warren Hall ,收藏有特别的教育材料,以此支持可持续农业与农村发展方面的创新性多学科工作。
康奈尔Hillel Rabbi Morris Goldfarb 纪念图书馆
该图书馆位于Anabel Taylor Hall低层,有两千多册犹太主题相关的藏书。其中包括富有影响力的犹太作家写作美国犹太史,摩西五经注释,小说,自传和诗歌。这里的藏书向整个康奈尔和伊萨卡社区开放。
该图书馆在伊萨卡古生物学研究所地球博物馆内部,有5万多册藏书,集中在古生物学、地质学和自然历史领域。Wells Rare 书房有珊瑚、软体动物和有孔虫方面的重要藏书。在图书馆以外,我们还有大量的古生物学研究所主任和其他著名科学家们遗留下来的摄影与玻璃载片、相片和纪念品。
该图书馆位于Rockefeller Hall ,集中有高级技术和编程文本。
该图书馆有数据、抗压、卫生和性烦恼方面的信息,在汤普金斯县有许多地方保证机构。该图书馆位于Willard Straight Hall。
罗伯特·阿特金斯(Robert Atkins)
雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)
尤里·布朗芬布伦纳(Urie Bronfenbrenner)
彼得·艾森曼(Peter Eisenman)
罗伯特·F·恩格尔(Robert F. Engle)
法兰西斯·福山(Francis Fukuyama)
里洛易·格鲁门(Leroy Grumman)
斯蒂芬·哈德利(Stephen Hadley)
霍华·霍克斯(Howard Hawks)
瓦茨拉夫·克劳斯(Václav Klaus)
标·马艾(Bill Maher)
芭芭拉·麦克林托克(Barbara McClintock)
托妮·莫里森(Toni Morrison)
克里斯托弗·里夫(Christopher Reeve)
于贝尔·雷弗(Hubert Reeves)
扬·什韦纳尔(Jan 瘁攀樀渀愀爀)
杰克·索斯塔克(Jack Szostak)
埃里克·韦斯坦因(Eric W. Weisstein)
诺伯特·维纳(Norbert Wiener)
保罗·沃尔福威茨(Paul Wolfowitz)
赛珍珠(Pearl S. Buck)
保罗-弗洛里 (Paul J. Flory)