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学校名称: 英国谢菲尔德大学 The University of Sheffield






  An extraordinary place

  Choose the University of Sheffield and you'll discover an extraordinary  place to live and study.You're choosing a city of stunning landscapes –  Sheffield is the greenest in Britain – and a city that's creative, welcoming,  stubbornly independent, rich in culture and history, but with a modern outlook  and a million things to see and do.There's all the buzz and stimulation of city  life, but none of the stress. Instead there's the friendly, laid-back feel of a  village and some staggeringly beautiful scenery. In Sheffield you get the best  of both worlds.Green spaces.From the Winter Garden to the woodlands that dot the  city, Sheffield is home to more than 200 public green spaces, and has more trees  per person than any other city in Europe. On top of that, around a third of  Sheffield lies within the borders of the Peak District national park – and the  city's residents certainly know how to make the most of its beautiful back  garden.Safest, friendliest, cheapest,Sheffield is safer than other big cities –  the UK Peace Index 2013, a study using Home Office data, found Sheffield to be  England's safest major city. It's an easy-going and tolerant place to live, and  local people welcome the contribution students make to life in the city.In some  cities people talk of 'student ghettoes'. These are deprived areas of town where  all the student housing is located. We don't do that in Sheffield. We trust our  students to live fully as part of the community. It means you're fully immersed  in the day-to-day life of this fine city. And it means you get to live in some  really nice areas.And as if all that isn't good enough, the cost of living is  less here than in just about every other university town in the UK.

  But there's more to it than that. Whether you're after a bit of culture or  just having fun and games, there's nowhere better to live than Sheffield.If you  love the great outdoors and city culture, explore top running, walking, climbing  and city experiences with Sheffield: the outdoor city.There's a pulsating  grassroots creative arts community, a harmonious multicultural population, more  parks and woodland than any other UK city, striking Victorian and modern  architecture, big shopping at Meadowhall, small shopping at niche independent  stores, the best pubs in Britain, dazzling public art, stylish restaurants,  champion sport facilities, a legendary music scene, great cafes and coffee  shops, secret parties, urban farms, Supertrams, seven hills, five rivers and two  and a half million trees...We could go on. And it's worth knowing that, after  graduating, more students decide to stay on and live in Sheffield than in any  other city.

  这是一个非凡的地方,选择谢菲尔德大学,你会发现一个非凡的地方住和学习。您正在选择一个令人惊叹的景观城市 -  谢菲尔德是英国最绿的城市也是一个具有创意、热情、顽固独立、文化和历史丰富的城市,但拥有现代化的前景和一百万件事情要做。城市生活的嗡嗡声和刺激,但是你不会感到有压力。相反你会感受到村庄的友好,悠闲的感觉和一些令人惊叹的美丽的风景。在谢菲尔德,你会得到两个世界的最好的。绿色空间,从冬季花园到点缀城市的林地,谢菲尔德拥有超过200个公共绿地,每个人的树木比欧洲其他城市多。除此之外,谢菲尔德三分之一处于山顶区国家公园的边界内,城市居民当然知道如何充分利用美丽的后花园。最安全、最友善、最便宜。谢菲尔德比其他大城市更安全  -  英国“和平指数2013”是一项使用内政部数据的研究,发现谢菲尔德是英格兰最安全的主要城市。这是一个容易和有忍耐度的的地方,当地人欢迎学生在城市生活中所做的贡献。在一些城市,人们谈论“学生贫民窟”。这些是所有学生宿舍所在城镇的贫困地区。我们不在谢菲尔德这样做。我们相信我们的学生充分发挥社区的一部分。这意味着你完全沉浸在这个美好的城市的日常生活中。这意味着你会生活在一些非常好的地方。而且好像所有这些都不够好,生活成本在  这里比在英国其他大学城几乎都少。

  但是还有更多的是它。无论你是经过一段文化,还是玩得开心,还有比谢菲尔德更好的生活。如果您喜欢户外和城市文化,请与谢菲尔德探索顶尖的跑步,步行,攀岩和城市体验:户外城市。有一个脉动的草根创意艺术社区,和谐的多元文化人口,比任何其他英国城市更多的公园和林地,醒目的维多利亚时代和现代建筑,在大草原购物在Meadowhall,小购物在利基独立商店,英国最好的酒吧,令人眼花缭乱的公共艺术,时尚餐厅,冠军运动设施,传奇音乐场面,大型咖啡馆和咖啡店,秘密派对,城市农场,超精神,七丘陵,五条河流和五百五十万棵树木...我们可以继续  值得一提的是,毕业后,更多的学生决定留在谢菲尔德,而不是在任何其他城市。


  There's plenty of choice when it comes to deciding where to live in  University accommodation. And here at Sheffield you're choosing the best. We  offer a quality range of room types, affordable rents and two fantastic  locations to choose from across the city, all within walking distance of  lectures.Your accommodation includes your bills, free internet and contents  insurance. You'll also benefit from Residence Life events, sports activities and  support from our Residence Mentors.Our accommodation is a great place to meet  new friends when you arrive. You'll quickly become part of a strong  community.Top-rated student accommodationOur University accommodation has been  voted top five in the UK by students in the Times Higher Education Student  Experience Survey – for the fourth year running.The majority of our  accommodation (85%) is in one of the UK's most affluent districts. Most of it is  new (2007–2009) and purpose built. 82% of our rooms are en suite. The student  residences are walking distance from campus and we have places in the city  centre, just a short walk from lectures.

  在决定住在大学住宿的地方有很多选择  。而在谢菲尔德,你是最好的选择。我们提供优质的房间类型,经济实惠的租金和两个梦幻般的位置,从城市选择,所有步行距离的讲座。您的住宿包括您的帐单,免费网络和内容保险。您还将受益于Residence  Life活动,体育活动和我们的Residence  Mentors的支持。我们的住宿是到达新朋友的好地方。你会很快成为一个强大的社区的一部分。最受好评的学生宿舍,我们大学的住宿在英国由泰晤士高等教育学生体验调查的学生评选为前五名,为期四年。我们大部分的住宿(85%)位于英国最富裕的地区之一。大部分是新的。我们82%的客房都设有连接浴室。学生宿舍距离校园步行距离,我们在市中心,距离讲座仅几步之遥。


  Music:A LEGENDARY MUSIC SCENE.For many, Sheffield music is synonymous with  early-80s synthpop chart-botherers The Human League, Heaven 17 and ABC.The  city's nourished a varied bunch of musicians since then though: from Pulp and  Moloko in the 90s, to, more recently, Arctic Monkeys, Richard Hawley, Bring Me  The Horizon, Drenge, Slow Club, Toddla T and The Sherlocks.Our very own Fay  Hield, lecturer in Ethnomusicology and Music Management, is an award-winning,  critically acclaimed folksinger who performs with her band The Hurricane Party  and as part of The Full English.

  TOP VENUES:Venues include the legendary likes of the Leadmill and the art  deco City Hall. There's music in former warehouses (Hope Works), on trains (Folk  Train), in pubs (The Harley and The Greystones, for starters), basement  ballrooms Yellow Arch Studios (Picture House Social), trading co-ops (Regather)  and, during Tramlines festival weekend, pretty much everywhere. And you can put  on your dancing shoes most nights of the week at places like Plug, Corporation,  our Students' Union, and the bars and clubs around Division Street and West  Street.Our Department of Music's Concerts programme puts on more than 100  concerts a year, with performances by our students and visiting artists of  international standing.

  FESTIVALS:Music, zines, food, documentaries, heritage, the great outdoors,  books. There's a festival for all of them, and more, in Sheffield.See Our  Favourite Places: festivals in Sheffield and our What's on guide for city and  University events.

  Food and drink:Take yourself to London Road for a culinary tour around the  world. Kelham Island for a real ale trail. The Devonshire Quarter for  independent coffee shops and US-inspired deep-fried chicken and  doughnuts.Certain corners of Sheffield are defined by the food and drink they  offer. Get out there and discover what makes each unique, all while giving your  tastebuds a treat. Sheffield's an international city, and our many food and  drink shops reflect that.

  INDEPENDENT COFFEE SHOPS:Long black? Flat white? You're spoiled for choice  in Sheffield when it comes to a great cup of coffee.Coffee top six on Our  Favourite Places

  THE REAL ALE CAPITAL:Sheffield is also known as the UK's real ale capital.  Around 1,000 different beers are produced by Sheffield's brewers every year.Find  out where to stock up on the most unusual and tastiest beers (Our Favourite  Places guide).A warm welcome for LGBT studentsSheffield is a safe, tolerant and  welcoming city for all students, including lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans  people.Good times are guaranteed at the Climax club night held right here at our  Students' Union – which attracts LGBT folk from miles around.


  音乐:一个音乐剧场,对于许多人来说,谢菲尔德音乐是80年代初synthpop图表 -  人类联盟,天堂17和ABC的代名词。从那时起,这个城市滋养了一大批音乐家:从上世纪90年代的莫洛科到最近的北极猴,理查德·霍利,“我的地平线”,“Drenge”,“慢乐俱乐部”,“Toddla  T”和“Sherlocks”。我们自己的Fay Hield,民族音乐学和音乐管理讲师,是一个屡获殊荣的,受到广泛赞誉的歌手,与她的乐队The Hurricane  Party一起演奏,并且是The Full English的一部分。

  OP  VENUE:场地包括传说中的Leadmill和装饰艺术市政厅。前仓库(希望作品),火车(民俗火车),酒吧(哈雷和格雷斯派斯,起初)都有音乐,地下室宴会厅黄石工作室(Picture  House  Social),贸易合作社(Regather)在电车节周末,几乎无处不在。而且你可以在一周的大多数夜晚穿上你的舞鞋,如塞尔,公司,我们的学生会,以及街道和西街附近的酒吧和俱乐部。音乐厅音乐会计划每年举办100多场音乐会,由学生和国际知名艺术家进行演出。






  Sir Donald Bailey,

  谢菲尔德大学倍力桥(Bailey bridge)的发明者

  Carol Barnes,新闻主播

  Stephen Daldry,电影导演

  David Davies,足球协会(FA)执行长

  Martin Fry,ABC主唱歌手

  Michael Crawford,英国乡村吉他手

  Nicci Gerrard,作家

  Joanne Harris,作家(后于谢大担任教职)

  Penny Hughes,前可口可乐公司总裁 (化学系学士)

  Andy Whitfield,工程师,电视演员

  Jessica Ennis,2012伦敦奥运会女子七项全能冠军Eddie Izzard,电视演员

  Amy Johnson,驾驶员(经济系学士,1926)

  David Blunkett,政治家,曾任英国内政部部长,现为英国国会资深议员

  Peter Adams,加拿大著名政治家

  Kadi Sesay,英国贸易与工业部部长

  Harold Kroto,诺贝尔奖得主 /化学家

  Vanessa Lawrence,军械测量总署署长

  John Thompson ,加拿大著名诗人

  Hugo Antonio Laviada Molina,墨西哥著名政治家

  Baroness Taylor,英国国防部部长

  John O'Leary,泰晤士报高等教育副刊主编

  Lim Neo Chian,新加坡陆海空三军总司令,


  The Rt. Hon Lord Justice Maurice Kay,上诉法院常任法官

  Sir Hans Kornberg,生化学家

  Sir Peter Middleton,卡梅洛特彩券(Camelot)主席

  Tony Miles,英国首位西洋棋特级大师

  Dame Anne Rafferty,高等法院法官Helen Sharman,太空人(化学系学士,1984)

  Rachel Shelley,女演员(英语与戏剧系学士)Linda Smith,电视演员

  Sidney.Y.Tang, ACCA 亚洲投资银行会2015年代表; 国际注册会计师;谢菲尔德毕业生卓越成就奖获得者


  李薰,物理冶金学家 /中国科学院院士

  孙大文,食品工程专家 / 英国农业工程师学会院士


  张沛霖,物理冶金学家 / 中国科学院院士








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