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2017-09-12 16:58


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学校名称: 美国莱斯大学 Rice University




学费:38941 美金





  Why Rice?

  Set in the heart of Houston, Texas, the nation’s fourth-largest city, Rice is a comprehensive research university that fosters diversity and an intellectual environment that produces the next generation of leaders and advances tomorrow’s thinking.We believe knowledge is limitless. There is no "what if" that cannot become "what is," because research, creativity, innovation and scholarship are all a part of what makes Rice University so unique. We are a private, comprehensive research university, offering undergraduate and graduate degrees across seven schools. Rice's robust curriculum provides a vast array of courses leading to a holistic undergraduate experience that equips our students with the knowledge, skills and values to make a distinctive impact in the world.Our faculty is accomplished in all areas of teaching and research. Their work has been recognized with two Nobel Prizes, a Pulitzer Prize, Guggenheim Fellowships, Grammy Awards and numerous NSF Awards and Fellowships to name a few.A distinguished member of the Association of American Universities, Rice is the most productive research university in Texas and among the top 10 research universities in the country according to the Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index.Rice is home to more than 40 interdisciplinary research centers, institutes and consortia, and research is a fundamental part of the Rice experience — bringing together strengths from across the university. According to the CWTS Leiden Ranking 2016, Rice is ranked as a top 10 university in the world for its natural sciences and engineering research. This ranking compares the research impact of 750 major universities worldwide, across multiple disciplines. Additionally, the Baker Institute is ranked as the No. 4 university-affiliated think tank in the world by the Think Tank and Civil Societies Program.



  In 1912, the first student enrollment of rice university enrolled 48 boys and 29 girls.

  In 1913, the administrative building of rice university was completed

  In 1918, the mathematician Hubert was awarded his first doctorate.

  In 1930, the bronze statue of Mr. Rice, the founder of the school, was completed before Lovett Hall.

  In 1962, President John f. Kennedy gave a lunar landing at rice university stadium, announcing that the United States would be the world's leading space power by the end of the 1960s.NASA's partnership with rice and Houston is still very close.

  President Kennedy gave a speech on the moon

  U.S. President George Bush meets with Russian President vladimir putin at rice university

  In 1965 rice started charging tuition, ending more than 50 years of uncharged tuition.

  In 1974, business schools and music were set up in the same year.

  In 1979, a social college was established.In 1990, the economic summit of the industrial countries was held at rice university.

  In 1993, the baker institute for public policy was established.

  In 1999, the center for biological and environmental nanotechnology was established.

  2001 President George h.w. bush met with Russian President vladimir putin at rice university.

  In 2008, principal David Leebron issued the millennium vision 10 plan to increase research funding, improve teaching quality, and strengthen internal and external cooperation.It has sparked a new wave of school construction, with the establishment of the institute for biological engineering, the leisure centre, the basketball arena and two new boarding schools.

  In June 2013, the President of sino-american university BBS was held at the baker institute of public policy at rice university.From tsinghua university, Peking University and Harvard University, the President of nearly 100 universities gathered at rice university to share experiences and cooperation.Vice premier of the state council liu yandong attended the meeting, and the Chinese and American universities joined hands to create a new situation of education, which has injected new impetus into china-us relations.





  1962年,John f. Kennedy总统在莱斯大学体育馆举行登月典礼,宣布美国将在60年代末成为世界领先的太空大国,美国宇航局与莱斯和休斯敦的合作关系仍然非常密切。甘乃迪总统在月球上发表了演说。美国总统乔治·布什在莱斯大学会见俄罗斯总统vladimir putin






  2001年,国家主席George h.w. bush会见了俄罗斯总统vladimir putin在莱斯大学。

  2008年,校长David Leebron发出的千年愿景10计划增加科研经费,提高教学质量,加强内部和外部的合作,已经引发了一个新的学校建设的浪潮,建立了生物工程研究院、休闲中心、篮球场和两个新的寄宿学校。




  Over the next several decades, Rice University will comfortably secure its place as one of the world’s major research universities. Scholars from around the world will seek out Rice University for its world-class infrastructure and innovative collaborations, and in turn will themselves help to shape Rice’s culture for their own research needs. Additionally, through partnerships, commercialization, and active community engagement, Rice University will create well defined paths for translating new research insights into social benefits. Indeed, now more than ever, research universities centers must demonstrate that their discoveries and insights can foster game-changing opportunities for economic development. At the same time, universities must continue to protect the culture of scholarship and independence that gives rise to the truly new, disruptive, and high-impact ideas, while taking steps to ensure these ideas feed into innovation on their own campuses and elsewhere.

  Mission:The Office of Research seeks to sensibly improve Rice’s research productivity and expand the impact of its discoveries on both scholars and communities alike. We do this by:Providing faculty and staff with excellent service in proposal development and award submissions.Informing and equipping our researchers to efficiently address a broad gamut of research compliance issues.Engaging in collaborative commercialization activities that put our intellectual property portfolio on a strong financial foundation while developing commercialization partners more intentionally.Constantly updating and investing in our research and scholarship infrastructure. Developing unconventional and non-traditional support for Rice’s research Supporting campus-wide initiatives that nucleate activities across divisions even as they externally define Rice’s research enterprise.

  在接下来的几十年里,莱斯大学将会安心地将其作为世界主要研究型大学之一。来自世界各地的学者将寻求莱斯大学为其世界一流的基础设施和创新的合作,反过来又将有助于形成莱斯文化为自己的研究需求。此外,通过伙伴关系和商业化积极的社区参与,莱斯大学将为将新的研究洞察力转化为社会效益创造明确的道路。事实上,研究型大学中心现在比以往任何时候都要表明,他们的发现和见解可以促进改变经济发展的游戏机会。同时,大学必须继续保护奖学金和独立文化,引起真正的新任务,研究办公室力求明智改善莱斯的研究生产力,并扩大其发现对学者和社区的影响。我们这样做: 提供教师和工作人员在提案制定和授予提交中提供卓越的服务。我们积极的帮助我们的研究人员,以有效地解决广泛的研究合规性问题。参与合作商业化活动,使我们的知识产权组合具有强大的财务基础,同时更有意地开发商业化合作伙伴。不断更新和投资我们的研究和奖学金基础设施。发展非常规和非传统支持莱斯的研究。


  Rice nanomachines constructed to deliver drugs, destroy diseased cells

  Motorized molecules driven by light have been used to drill holes in the membranes of individual cells and show promise for either bringing therapeutic agents into the cells or directly inducing the cells to die.Researchers at Rice, Durham (U.K.) and North Carolina State universities demonstrated in lab tests how rotors in single-molecule nanomachines can be activated by ultraviolet light to spin at 2 to 3 million rotations per second and open membranes in cells.The researchers used motors based on work by Nobel laureate Bernard Feringa, who won the prize for chemistry in 2016. The motor itself is a paddle-like chain of atoms that can be prompted to move in a single direction when supplied with energy. Properly mounted as part of the cell-targeting molecule, the motor can be made to spin when activated by a light source.The work detailed this week in Nature was led by chemists James Tour of Rice, Robert Pal of Durham and Gufeng Wang of North Carolina State. Their labs collaborated to create several motorized molecules that can home in on specific cells, and they viewed what happens when they activate the motors with light.The Tour lab previously demonstrated molecular motors whose diffusion in a solution was enhanced, if not specifically directed, when activated by ultraviolet light. The rotors needed to spin between 2 and 3 megahertz – 2 to 3 million times per second – to show they could overcome obstacles presented by adjacent molecules and outpace natural Brownian motion.“We thought it might be possible to attach these nanomachines to the cell membrane and then turn them on to see what happened,” Tour said. The motors, only about a nanometer wide, can be designed to target and then either tunnel through a cell’s lipid bilayer membrane to deliver drugs or other payloads or disrupt the 8-10 nanometer-wide membrane, thereby killing the cell. They can also be functionalized for solubility and for fluorescent tracking, he said.


  由光驱动的电动分子已经用于在各个细胞的膜中钻孔,并且显示将治疗剂引入细胞或直接诱导细胞死亡的希望。Rice,Durham(英国)和北卡罗来纳州立大学的研究人员在实验室测试中表明,单分子纳米机械中的转子如何可以通过紫外线激活,每秒旋转2至300万次,并在细胞中开放膜。研究人员根据诺贝尔奖获得者Bernard Feringa的工作使用了电动机,他于2016年获得化学奖。电机本身是一种类似桨状的原子链,可在提供能量时被提示沿单一方向移动。作为细胞靶向分子的一部分适当地安装,当由光源激活时,电动机可以被制成旋转。周在“ 自然”中详细介绍的工作由化学家莱斯的James Tour,达勒姆的罗伯特·帕尔和北卡罗来纳州的王凤峰带领。他们的实验室合作创建了几个可以在特定细胞上居住的电动分子,他们查看了当他们用光激活电机时会发生什么。旅游实验室以前已经展示了分子马达,其在溶液中的扩散被增强,如果没有特别指导,则在被紫外线激活时。转子需要旋转2至3兆赫 - 每秒2-3万次,以显示它们可以克服相邻分子提供的障碍,超出自然布朗运动。“我们认为可能将这些纳米机器附着在细胞膜上,然后打开它们,看看发生了什么,”Tour说。只有大约纳米宽的电机可以设计成靶向,然后穿过细胞的脂质双层膜,以递送药物或其他有效载荷或破坏8-10纳米宽的膜,从而杀死细胞。他们也可以用于溶解度和荧光追踪功能化。这些纳米机器太小了,我们可以将其中的50,000个放在人的头发的直径上,但是它们的目标和驱动组件结合在这个小包装中,使分子机器成为治疗疾病的现实。”Tour说。Rice实验室创建了10种变体,包括几种尺寸的运动轴承分子和设计用于靶向特定细胞死亡的肽载体纳米机器,以及与其他纳米机器相同但没有马达的对照分子。王实验室首先成功测试了电动分子打开合成脂质双层囊泡的能力,使染色溶液进入内部。接下来,他们将染料携带分子马达捕获在囊泡内,用紫外线激发,随着荧光染料的褪色而观察,这表明马达穿过囊泡壁。研究人员发现,电机需要至少一分钟才能穿透膜。Tour说:“细胞不可能发展出对分子机械作用的抵抗力。Pal预计纳米机器将有助于靶向癌症,如乳腺肿瘤和黑素瘤,抵抗现有化疗。他说:“一旦发展,这种方法可以为非侵入性癌症治疗提供潜在的转变,大大提高全球的生存率和患者福利。”达勒姆的Pal实验室在活细胞上测试了马达,包括人类前列腺癌细胞。实验表明,没有紫外线触发器,电机可以定位感兴趣的特定细胞,但停留在靶细胞的表面上,不能钻入细胞。然而,当触发时,电机迅速穿过膜。Pal说,用于靶向前列腺癌细胞的测试电机从外部突破了膜,并在激活的一到三分钟内将其杀死。细胞的视频在激活后几分钟内显示出增加的泡沫 - 膜的起泡。较小的分子马达难以跟踪,但是在紫外线激活,破坏膜并杀死它们后,更快地进入细胞。研究人员表示,无摩擦控制分子在紫外线照射下不能杀死细胞,这消除了紫外线的热吸收作为干扰的原因。他们期望转子可能最终被双光子吸收,近红外光或射频激活,这将使得该技术对于体内治疗更为可行; 这将为建立新颖,容易和成本效益好的光动力治疗铺平道路。体内的功效,”Tour说。“希望迅速将其移动到啮齿动物身上,以测试纳米机器对广泛药物疗法的疗效。”莱斯大学研究生López是该研究的主要作者。合着者是研究生Nilewski和Amir Aliyan; 研究科学家 Duret; 化学与化学与生物分子工程教授Anatoly 和电脑和计算机工程的助理教授雅各布•罗宾逊(David Robin)和北卡罗来纳州校友方晨。Pal是英国达勒姆皇家学会大学研究员。王先生是北卡罗来纳州分析化学助理教授。旅游是TT和WF Chao化学主席,以及Rice的计算机科学和材料科学与纳米工程教授。美国国家科学基金会,北卡罗来纳州立大学,皇家学会和达勒姆大学生物物理科学研究所均支持研究.

  Magnetized viruses attack harmful bacteria

  Rice, China team uses phage-enhanced nanoparticles to kill bacteria that foul water treatment systems.Magnetic nanoparticle clusters have the power to punch through biofilms to reach bacteria that can foul water treatment systems, according to scientists at Rice University and the University of Science and Technology of China.The nanoclusters developed through Rice’s Nanotechnology-Enabled Water Treatment (NEWT) Engineering Research Center carry bacteriophages – viruses that infect and propagate in bacteria – and deliver them to targets that generally resist chemical disinfection.Without the pull of a magnetic host, these “phages” disperse in solution, largely fail to penetrate biofilms and allow bacteria to grow in solution and even corrode metal, a costly problem for water distribution systems.The Rice lab of environmental engineer Pedro Alvarez and colleagues in China developed and tested clusters that immobilize the phages. A weak magnetic field draws them into biofilms to their targets.The research is detailed in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Environmental Science: Nano.“This novel approach, which arises from the convergence of nanotechnology and virology, has a great potential to treat difficult-to-eradicate biofilms in an effective manner that does not generate harmful disinfection byproducts,” Alvarez said.Biofilms can be beneficial in some wastewater treatment or industrial fermentation reactors owing to their enhanced reaction rates and resistance to exogenous stresses, said Rice graduate student and co-lead author Pingfeng Yu. “However, biofilms can be very harmful in water distribution and storage systems since they can shelter pathogenic microorganisms that pose significant public health concerns and may also contribute to corrosion and associated economic losses,” he said.The lab used phages that are polyvalent – able to attack more than one type of bacteria – to target lab-grown films that contained strains of Escherichia coli associated with infectious diseases and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is prone to antibiotic resistance.The phages were combined with nanoclusters of carbon, sulfur and iron oxide that were further modified with amino groups. The amino coating prompted the phages to bond with the clusters head-first, which left their infectious tails exposed and able to infect bacteria.The researchers used a relatively weak magnetic field to push the nanoclusters into the film and disrupt it. Images showed they effectively killed E. coli and P. aeruginosa over around 90 percent of the film in a test 96-well plate versus less than 40 percent in a plate with phages alone.The researchers noted bacteria may still develop resistance to phages, but the ability to quickly disrupt biofilms would make that more difficult. Alvarez said the lab is working on phage “cocktails” that would combine multiple types of phages and/or antibiotics with the particles to inhibit resistance.Graduate student Ling-Li Li of the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, is co-lead author of the paper.


  根据莱斯大学和中国科技大学的科学家的观点,磁性纳米颗粒簇具有穿过生物膜的能力,以达到可以污染水处理系统的细菌。通过莱斯大学的纳米技术水处理(NEWT)工程研究中心开发的纳米团簇携带噬菌体 - 细菌感染和传播的病毒 - 并将其传递给通常抵抗化学消毒的靶点。有磁性宿主的拉动,这些“噬菌体”分散在溶液中,很大程度上不能渗透生物膜,并允许细菌在溶液中生长,甚至腐蚀金属,这是配水系统的昂贵问题。中国环境工程师Pedro Alvarez及其同事的莱斯大学实验室开发并测试了固定化噬菌体的簇。弱磁场将其吸引到生物膜中。

  该研究在皇家化学学会的环境科学:纳米详细。阿尔瓦雷斯说:“纳米技术与病毒学的融合引起的这种新颖的方法具有很大的潜力,以有效的方式治疗难以根除的生物膜,不会产生有害的消毒副产物。”莱斯研究生和共同主编作者平凤玉表示,生物膜由于反应速度和抗外源胁迫反应的增加,对某些废水处理或工业发酵反应器有利。“然而,生物膜在水分配和储存系统中可能是非常有害的,因为它们可以防治造成重大公共卫生问题的致病微生物,也可能导致腐蚀和相关的经济损失。”该实验中使用的是噬菌体多价 -能够攻击多于一种类型的细菌-靶向包含的菌株实验室生长膜大肠杆菌传染病和相关联的绿脓杆菌,这是容易产生抗生素抗性。噬菌体与进一步用氨基修饰的碳,硫和氧化铁的纳米团簇组合。氨基涂层促使噬菌体首先与簇结合,使其感染性尾巴暴露并能感染细菌。研究人员使用相对较弱的磁场将纳米团簇推入胶片并破坏它。图像显示,他们有效地杀死大肠杆菌和铜绿假单胞菌在测试96孔板中约90%的膜,而在单独的噬菌体的板中小于40%。研究人员指出,细菌可能仍然会发展出对噬菌体的抵抗力,但快速破坏生物膜的能力将会更加困难。阿尔瓦雷斯说,实验室正在研究噬菌体“鸡尾酒”,将多种类型的噬菌体和/或抗生素与颗粒结合起来以抑制抗性。



  Campus Life at Rice,Rice’s residential college system forms the heart of campus life. The colleges are small communities where students live, dine and interact with faculty mentors. Each college is a self-supporting unit with its own government, budget, intramural teams and faculty advisers. Students are randomly assigned to one of our 11 coed colleges as freshman and remain affiliated with that college throughout their time at Rice.



  Rice University Housing,Nearly 78 percent of Rice’s undergraduate population lives on campus. Housing on campus is divided into 11 residential colleges, which form an integral part of student life at the university. In founding order the 11 colleges are: Baker College, Will Rice College, Hanszen College, Wiess College, Jones College, Brown College, Lovett College, Sid Richardson College, Martel College, McMurtry College and Duncan College.Housing Services at Rice University combines Undergraduate Housing, Residential Dining, Graduate Apartments and Summer Conference services in one department.We strive to make your college experience completely inviting and supportive of your life as a student at Rice University.



  Arts & Events,Outstanding cultural and educational events await you at Rice. Whether you're into theater or politics or you're a spectator or performer, we've got it.The Shepherd School of Music presents numerous concerts each year, and the student-run Rice Players produce first-rate theatrical productions. The Rice Art Gallery, the nation's only university gallery dedicated to installation art, features free, eclectic exhibits year round.If attending a lecture is more your thing, the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy and the Office of the President bring stimulating speakers in a wide range of topics to campus each year.The Calendar of Events is an extensive listing of daily events and programs on campus.Rice Recreation & FitnessBarbara and David Gibbs Recreation CenterA wide array of recreational programs and services has been created and are offered in an effort to increase knowledge about and provide opportunities for the development of healthy behavior patterns. All are designed to encourage a lifetime of health and wellness for the students, faculty and staff of Rice University by promoting the physical, social and emotional benefits of physical activit.

  艺术与活动,莱斯等待着杰出的文化和教育活动。无论你是戏剧或者你是一个观众或表演者,我们都有类似的活动。在音乐的牧羊人学校 每年都会呈现众多的音乐会,学生经营的莱斯大学玩家会产生一流的戏剧作品。在莱斯大学美术馆,专门用于装置艺术全国唯一的大学画廊,,不拘一格的展品全年都是免费提供的。如果参加演讲更符合你的胃口的话,詹姆斯·贝克三世公共政策研究所和总统办公室每年都会向校园提供各种各样的话题。该活动日程是校园的日常活动和节目的广泛传播。




  香农沃克:威斯特自然科学院,宇航员,第一个“三重猫头鹰”到轨道(获得了她的学士学位,莱斯的空间科学硕士和博士学位)和第一个休斯敦出生的宇航员; 已经到了国际空间站的几个航班。

  佩奇Whitson '86:Wiess自然科学学院,2006年10月至2008年4月宇航员,第一位女国际空间站指挥官,莱斯生物化学与细胞生物学副教授。



  Subha V. Barry :社会科学学院,女商人,曾任Freddie Mac高级副总裁兼首席多元化专员,前美国证券交易所总经理兼全球多元化和包容性负责人。

  Garrett Boone :人文学院,商人,联合创始人,集装箱店名誉董事长兼首席执行官。

  Heidi Burnett :自然科学学院和社会科学学院,人力资源执行官,美世合作伙伴之前是Aon Hewitt的合伙人,也是非盈利Next Jump的副总裁。

  Robert L. Clarke :社会科学学院,商人,Bracewell&Giuliani律师事务所资深合伙人,总统罗纳德·里根总统和乔治·HW布什之前的金融总监。


  John Doerr :工程学院,风险投资家,合伙人Kleiner Perkins Caufield和Byers,并被福布斯称为“硅谷之王”; 向一些世界上最成功的技术公司(包括Amazon.com和Google)提供风险资本投资; 早期在他的职业生涯中,成立了一家VLSI CAD软件公司Silicon Compilers,以及第一家宽带电缆互联网服务公司@Home。于2009年就任于美国艺术与科学学院。

  布鲁斯·邓维利:人文学院,风险资本学院,基准资本创始人兼日常合伙人; 美林,皮卡德,安德森和艾尔的前日常合伙人。

  Mark Durcan :乔治·布朗工程学院,商人,美光科技的首席执行官,全球领先的半导体公司之一。

  Lynn Laverty Elsenhans :社会科学学院,女商人,Sunoco公司前任主席,首席执行官兼总裁。壳牌石油公司前总统兼国家主席; 在2009年被命名为“财富”前50强的最强势女性之一。

  Douglas L. Foshee :商人研究生院,Sallyport Investments LLC董事长,总裁兼首席执行官; 埃尔帕索公司前董事长,总裁兼首席执行官,北美最大的天然气生产商之一,前执行副总裁,首席运营官兼首席财务官哈里伯顿,火炬能源协会前主席。

  Susanne Morris Glasscock :社会科学学院,女商人,德克萨斯芳烃公司前副总裁。莱斯的Susan M. Glasscock继续研究学院的主要捐助者。

  亨利·埃尔南德斯:乔治·布朗工程学院,商人,上汽集团副总裁兼多元化与包容性主管; 前美国运通副总裁兼首席多元化专员。

  Maryana Iskander:社会科学学院,女商人,Harambee青年就业加速器首席运营官, 美国计划生育联合会前首席运营官; 牛津大学前罗德学者。


  Robert R. Maxfield :乔治·布朗工程学院,商人马克斯菲尔德基金会主席; 与Rice校友Gene Richeson,M. Kenneth Oshman和Walter Lowenstern共同创立了ROLM公司; ROLM公司于1984年被IBM收购。

  Burt McMurtry :George R. Brown工程学院,风险投资家,技术创投投资者联合创始人兼日常合伙人; 麦克米特里学院和莱斯的第十一所住宅学院主要捐赠人。

  Lanham Napier :社会科学学院,商人,IT托管公司Rackspace的首席执行官; 2011年,被列为“福布斯”“美国20强最强大的CEO 40及以下”的第2名,其中列出了最大的上市公司的年轻首席执行官。

  Amy H. Nelson :乔治·布朗工程学院和社会科学学院,企业家,Greenridge Advisors有限责任公司创始人兼总裁。供职于Apache公司的董事会。

  肯尼思·奥什曼:乔治·布朗工程学院,商人,是埃施朗公司董事长兼首席执行官,前任首席执行官,总裁兼ROLM公司董事,该公司是与Rice明星Gene Richeson,Walter Lowenstern和Robert Maxfield共同创办的公司。

  Sam K. Reed :社会科学学院,商人,TreeHouse食品公司的董事长,首席执行官兼总裁,为私人,零售和食品服务行业提供产品。

  Hector Ruiz:乔治·布朗工程学院,商人,GlobalFoundries公司董事长。高级微设备公司前董事长,首席执行官,总裁兼首席运营官,摩托罗拉公司半导体产品部前总裁。

  Robert B. Tudor III :人文学院,商人,托德,皮克林,霍尔特和公司董事长兼首席执行官。主要捐赠给莱斯的都铎王室; 莱斯董事会现任主席。


  Jim Whitehurst:乔治·布朗工程学院和社会科学学院,商人,领先的开源软件公司Red Hat的首席执行官; 曾担任达美航空公司首席运营官。

  Glenn Youngkin:乔治·布朗工程学院和社会科学学院,商人,Carlyle集团的联席总裁兼联合首席运营官,是世界上最大和最成功的投资公司之一。


  Nathan Black :社会科学学院,博士后研究员,作为哈佛大学环境中心的法国环境研究员,他正在花费两年的时间来调查农业条件(特别是农地供应)与内战之间的联系。

  William“Tom”Bogart :社会科学学院和自然科学院院长,玛丽维尔学院校长; 前约克学院院长; 经济系前主席,凯斯西储大学区域经济问题中心研究员; “城市经济与城市经济”和“不要称之为”二十一世纪大都市结构的作者“。

  凯伦戴维斯:社会科学院,经济学家,卫生政策与管理系教授,约翰霍普金斯大学罗杰C.利普比茨综合保健中心主任; 1995年至2012年担任英联邦基金会主席。

  Timothy L. Hall:人文,教育学院,仁慈学院校长,奥斯汀·佩恩州立大学前校长。

  Zahra Jamal :人文教育学院,芝加哥大学性别与性学研究中心的高级研究员和政治学系,她指导民间伊斯兰教倡议; 美国社会政策与理解研究所助理主任美国穆斯林研究中心和美国伊斯梅利塔里夸和宗教教育委员会学者; 之前曾在哈佛大学,麻省理工学院和密歇根州的教授工作。

  雷蒙德·约翰逊:自然科学学院,教授,马里兰州立大学的第一位非裔美国人教师,他在那里教40多年,第一位进入莱斯大学的非裔美国人的学生; 目前担任莱斯大学的三年任命为WL Moody Jr数学客座教授。

  Deborah T. Kochevar :人文学院和自然科学学院,教育家,塔夫茨大学卡姆斯特兽医学院院长,成为第一批担任主要兽医学院院长的妇女之一; 前副专业专业课程副主任和得克萨斯A&M教授; 前华盛顿参议院劳工和人力资源委员会前国会科学研究员。

  R·鲍恩洛夫廷:自然科学Wiess学院,大学校长,苏里大学校长; 曾任德州农工大学校长; 加尔维斯顿的德州农工大学前副总裁兼首席执行官,也是海事系统工程教授; 旧大学电气与计算机工程系教授,计算机科学系教授; 作者或共同作者的100多个技术出版物。

  Uri McMillan:人文学院,助理教授,加州大学洛杉矶分校助理教授,英语,非裔美国研究和妇女研究部门; 获得耶鲁大学博士学位,并在Lewis&Clark学院担任梅隆博士后研究员; 前莱斯学生活动家和GLBT集团总裁; 被选为梅隆大学本科院士。

  Peter Rider:社会科学院,教育家,前美国校友活动和区域人才招聘副总裁。

  Wayne Riley :Jesse H. Jones商业,教育家和商人研究生院,美国田纳西州纳什维尔Meharry医学院前总裁兼首席执行官,MMC和范德比尔特大学医学院内科教授; 在2012年被选为国家科学院医学研究所(IOM)的成员。


  克里斯蒂娜:乔治R.布朗工程学院,科学家和倡导代表有缺陷的学生,德克萨斯大学泛美大学教师; 西班牙裔/奇卡诺和美洲原住民在科学促进会的董事会成员。







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