A successful university is made through the contributions of successful people. Read about the people who make up ours.Our ambition at the University of Southampton is to change the world. This is a grand statement, but it is an achievable one with the support of the more than 200,000 hardworking people who make up the students, staff, alumni, and community of our institution.Together, step-by-step we can research and create innovations which can make a real impact on the issues of our world.Equality and Diversity,We are committed to fairness, inclusion and wellbeing in both employment and study..Our students,Some of the brightest and hardest working students from all over the world come to study at Southampton. And it is our diverse and inclusive student population that give our campuses such a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.We have more than 23,500 current students, including 16,000 undergraduates and 7000 postgraduates and researchers.Almost 14% of our undergraduates are mature students.10% of our students study part-time.We have a fairly even gender split with 56% of our population being female, 44% male.25% of our students are international, hailing from more than 130 different countries.We have had upwards of 170,000 subscribers to our Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).We are very proud of the success of our alumni, with many household names from all fields coming out of the University of Southampton.Our global community of alumni is very active, boasting more than 200,000 members who live in 178 different countries.Our staff,running a research university of more than 23,500 people and with an annual turnover in excess of £400million is no easy feat. Our 5,000 members of staff ensure that we stay organised, on-track, and able to constantly keep pushing the boundaries of innovation.
Our history timelineLearn about our history through our major milestones, achievements, awards and archive images.
Grand opening procession
1862 – The Hartley Institution is formed.In its first years the Hartley Institution had just 700 day and evening students enrolled – just a fraction of the more than 20,000 full time students we have at the University today.
1896 – We change our name to Hartley College – signifying a shift from the part-time teaching of adult evening classes, to the full time teaching of students.
1902 – We adopt the word university in our name for the first time, becoming Hartley University College.
Highfield campus opening, 1919
1919 – The new Highfield campus is finally opened, providing much needed space for the rising student population and a number of new faculties.The campus had originally opened for a few weeks in 1914 before the outbreak of the First World War, before being offered for use as a War Hospital for the duration of WW1.At this time the campus consisted of one arts building, 28 shared lecture rooms, and a block of laboratories for biology, chemistry, physics and engineering. We now have more than 70 buildings over six different campuses, and a number of world-class specialist research centres for oceanography, engineering, optoelectronics and medicine among others.
1931 – The Chemistry and Engineering departments gain a national reputation, winning a coveted £10,000 grant to expand their facilities.Part of this grant money is used to build our first ever windtunnel. Primarily used for aeronautical research, our windtunnel has gone on to play a major role in ensuring Olympics Team GB cycling success among many other prestigious projects.
1935 – Our first academic library opens (The Turner Sims Library).We now have five libraries containing more than 3 million books, journals, and reports – plus over 50,000 e-books.
1936 – Our student newspaper Wessex News launches.The Nuffield Theatre
1947 – Pioneering radio engineer Eric Zepler founds the Department of Electronics – one of the first of its kind in the world.We are still one of the best places in the world to study electronics – we are ranked 1st in the UK for electronics and electrical engineering.
1952 – We become the University of Southampton after Her Majesty The Queen grants us a royal charter.
1964 – The Nuffield Theatre opens, allowing students to produce their own plays to world-class standards.Over the last 50 years The Nuffield Theatre has been recognised as a major force in British theatre, creating original award winning touring productions and nurturing the next generation of theatre practitioners.
1967 – The new Students' Union building is completed, offering on-site catering, shopping, indoor sports and a debating chamber for the first time.
The facilities at the Students' Union are now even more extensive, including 5 bars and pubs, spaces for events and live music, a cinema, a dance studio, sports activity spaces, and numerous meeting rooms for all our clubs and societies.
National Oceanography Centre [NOCs]
1995 – Southampton Oceanography centre opens (now the National Oceanography Centre [NOCs]).This world leading facility created in partnership with the National Environment Research council cost £50 million, and continues to give our students access to the best resources in the world in this area.
2000 – Southampton Photonics launches.This start-up enterprise is the largest ever successful university spin-out, born out of research from our optoelectronics department.We are well-known for our ability for applying our research to real life problems, aiding industry and contributing solutions to the major issues facing our society, from curing cancer and major diseases, to studying the sociological and economic consequences of an ageing population.
2004 – Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, becomes a professor at our computer science department.
2005 – Professor Wendy Hall is named ‘inspiring woman of 2005’ after becoming the first female Senior Vice President of the Royal Academy of Engineering.
2011 – We launch our first set of podcasts and lectures on iTunes U – one of the first UK universities to do so.
2011 – Enrolment starts at our brand new Malaysian campus.
2013 – Our first Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) starts, offering free higher education from our world class academics to anyone from around the world.From very humble beginnings, the University of Southampton has become a world- renowned institution. This fact is a testament to the hard work and determination of our staff and students to make a difference in the world.
1862年 - 哈特利机构成立,哈特利学院的第一年只有700名全日制学生入学 - 只相当于我们现如今的在大学的20,000多名全日制学生中只有一小部分。
1896年 - 我们改名为哈特利学院,这意味着从成人晚间课程的非全日制教学转向全日制的学生教学。
1902年 - 我们大学第一次采用这个名字,成为哈特利大学学院。Highfield校园开放,
1919年 - 新的海菲尔德校区终于开放,为新兴学生和一些新的学院提供了急需的空间。
1931年 - 化学和工程部门获得了国家声誉,赢得了一个令人垂涎的1万英镑的资助,以扩大其设施。这笔拨款的一部分用于建造我们的第一个风洞。主要用于航空研究,我们的风洞已经在确保国际骑自行车队在许多其他知名项目中取得成功发挥了重要作用。
1935年 - 我们的第一个学术图书馆开放(特纳模拟人生图书馆)。我们现在有五个图书馆,包含超过三百万本图书,期刊和报告,还有五万多本电子书。
1936年 - 我们的学生报Wessex新闻发布。
1947年 - 创始无线电工程师埃里克·齐普勒(Eric Zepler)创建了电子部,这是世界上第一个。我们仍然是世界上电子学习最好的地方之一,我们在英国电子和电气工程排名第一。
1952年 - 我们成为南安普敦大学女王授予我们一个皇家宪章。
1964年 - Nuffield剧院开幕,让学生自己制作世界级的戏剧。过去五十年来,Nuffield剧院被公认为英国剧院的主力军,创造了原创的获奖巡回演出,并培育了下一代戏剧从业者。
1967年 - 新的学生会大楼完成,首次提供现场餐饮、购物、室内运动和辩论室。学生会的设施现在更加广泛,包括5间酒吧和酒吧,活动空间和现场音乐、电影院、舞蹈室、体育活动场所以及我们所有俱乐部和社团的众多会议室。
1995年 - 南安普敦海洋学中心开幕(现国家海洋学中心)。这个与国家环境研究理事会合作建立的世界领先设施耗资5000万英镑,并继续让我们的学生获得世界上最好的资源。
2000 - 南安普顿光子学发射。这家初创企业是我们光电子系的研究人员所创造的最大的成功的大学毕业生。我们以将我们的研究应用于现实生活中的问题,帮助行业和为解决社会面临的主要问题,从治疗癌症和重大疾病,以及研究老龄化人口的社会学和经济后果而提出的解决方案而闻名。
2004年 - 万维网发明者Tim Berners-Lee爵士成为我们计算机科学系的教授。
2005年 - Wendy Hall教授成为皇家工程院第一位女高级副总裁后,被评为“2005年激动人心的女性”。
2011年 - 我们推出了第一套在iTunes U上的播客和讲座,这是英国第一所这样做的英国大学之一。
2011年 - 从我们全新的马来西亚校园的学生开始入学。
2013年 - 我们的第一个大规模在线开放课程(MOOC)开始运行,该课程向世界各地的任何人提供免费的世界级学术高等教育。南安普敦大学从非常谦虚的开始就成为世界知名的机构。这个事实证明了我们的工作人员和学生在世界上有所作为的努力和决心。在有才华的勤奋学生的支持下,我们希望继续对今天影响我们的重大问题产生真正的影响。