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学校名称: 荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven


学费:13226 欧元





  Why study at TU/e?Studying at TU/e means studying at a Dutch top university. A university with a unique Bachelor College and its own Graduate School.High ranking:That’s evident from the high position of our university in national and international rankings.TU/e is a good choice:It is not only the high independent ranking positions that make TU/e a good place to study. Studying at Eindhoven University of Technology means that you choose a university with top quality education and internationally prominent research.Personal contact:TU/e is a medium-sized university with an open, friendly atmosphere where your studies are well supervised and where there is plenty of personal contact with lecturers and staff. Experienced TU/e coaches are by your side to offer personal advice from the very start of your study, from the moment you enroll at the university when you and your coach look at the major that best suits you and how you can best supplement this with your electives. And if you should find out during your first year that a different major suits you better, then you can look at the options with your coach for switching major within this first year.International contacts:TU/e offers you excellent facilities and there are many international contacts with leading universities. A period studying at a university abroad is one of the possibilities.TU/e and society:‘Where innovation starts’ is the TU/e slogan for very good reasons. The university is meeting the societal challenges especially in the fields of health, energy and mobility. As a TU/e Master of Science graduate you have the prospect of a variable, challenging, lucrative and socially useful career.Top technology region:TU/e lies in the top technology region of Brainport, the beating technological heart of the Netherlands. Relationships with high-tech companies and organizations in the region are many and good, and that bears fruit for you in your assignments, internships, graduation projects and work.Eindhoven student city:Eindhoven is a modern, dynamic city that guarantees an enjoyable study period and varied student life. The vibrant spirit liveliness of Eindhoven along with the exuberant Brabant way of life will make you feel at home.Match-making event:During the match-making event you get the opportunity to meet companies. International master students at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) with an Amandus Lundqvist Scholarship Program (ALSP) are brought into contact with companies that participate in the ALSP program. If there is a match between you and a company you receive a scholarship from that company for your Master’s program at TU/e. After you graduate, you will be working for that company for 3 consecutive years.

  为什么要在埃因霍芬理工大学学习?在埃因霍芬理工大学学习是指在荷兰顶尖大学、一所拥有独特学士学位和自己研究生院的大学学习。高排名,从我们大学在国家和国际排名中的高位来看,这是显而易见的。埃因霍芬理工大学是一个不错的选择,不仅是独立排名高的职位,使得埃因霍芬理工大学成为学习的好地方。在艾恩德霍芬技术大学学习,意味着您选择一所具有高质量教育和国际知名研究的大学。个人联系,埃因霍芬理工大学是一个中等规模的大学,开放友好的气氛,您的学习受到良好的监督,与讲师和工作人员有很多的个人接触。经验丰富的埃因霍芬理工大学教练在您身边从您学习的开始提供个人建议,从您在大学入学的那一刻起,当您和您的教练看到最适合您的专业,以及如何最佳地补充这一点。你的选修课 如果你在第一年要找出一个不同的主题,你可以更好的选择,那么你可以看看你的教练在这个第一年内切换专业的选择。国际联系,埃因霍芬理工大学为您提供优质的设施,并与领先的大学有许多国际接触。在国外大学学习的时期是可能性之一。埃因霍芬理工大学和社会,“ 创新开始”是埃因霍芬理工大学的口号。大学正在迎接社会挑战,特别是在健康、能源和流动领域。作为埃因霍芬理工大学硕士研究生,你有一个急剧变化性质,富有挑战性,和有益于社会的职业生涯的前景。顶尖的技术领域,埃因霍芬理工大学位于荷兰科技中心的Brainport顶尖技术领域。与本地区高科技公司和组织的关系很多,而且在您的任务、实习、毕业项目和工作中都能为您带来成果。艾恩德霍芬学生城市,艾恩德霍芬是一个现代化,充满活力的城市保证学生能够学习期间愉快并且学生生活丰富多彩。艾恩德霍芬充满活力的精神活力以及勃勃勃勃的布拉班特生活方式将使您感到宾至如归。比赛事件,在比赛中,您有机会遇到合适的公司。艾恩德霍芬理工大学(埃因霍芬理工大学)的国际硕士生与阿曼德斯隆德奎维斯特奖学金计划(ALSP)联系,参与ALSP计划的公司。如果您和公司之间有一场比赛,您将获得该公司的奖学金给您的硕士课程。毕业后,您将连续三年为该公司工作。


  The university:Year of foundation。In 1956 a law was passed enabling the foundation of the Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven (THE). When the THE was officially opened by Queen Juliana on 19 September 1957, the First academic year began.Dies NatalisFor practical purposes, the university’s ‘birthday’ is celebrated on the last Thursday in April.New nameOn 1 September 1986 an amendment to the law saw the THE become Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).




  About Energy:The energy strategic area envisions a sustainable world that can produce enough energy for its consumption, unimpeded by scarce resources and without any impact on the climate. Our research will help pave the way for this challenging transition. Many roads lead to this future. That is why we are exploring a broad spectrum of promising technologies. In the short term, we expect to generate novel technologies for more sustainable use of existing resources. This research focuses on the built environment and fuel technologies. Somewhat further away, our research will deliver novel solar cells and other new energy conversion technologies. In the longer run, our fusion research will contribute to a sustainable transition.


  About Health:Healthy Solutions from Excellent Science.Our society faces numerous challenges in the field of healthcare. These include an.ageing population, a growing number of people with lifestyle related diseases like,obesity and diabetes and other chronic diseases, as well as rapidly rising staff,shortages. These challenges require new products and services in the healthcare,industry and technology can play a crucial role in addressing those challenges..That is why Health has been a key focus at TU/e for many years. In fact, TU/e was the first Dutch university to offer a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, and Health is now one of TU/e’s three strategic areas, positioning the university as a leader in this field.Technology with a human face.TU/e aims to develop technology that revolves around people, technology that is self-explanatory and user-friendly. Two things are pivotal in this:We use our high-end technical knowledge as the basis for developing suitable technological solutions for people, not only to improve care in the complex and expensive hospital environment, but also, more importantly, to ensure that these improvements are introduced in first-line care and even self-care. The ultimate goal is to lower costs for everybody and increase quality of life.The organization of care and the associated IT systems revolve around increasing patient independence. We want to make technology more accessible, which, in turn, will make self-care easier.This goal is achieved, in part, through open innovation and sharing knowledge. We take an integrated approach to research, working together with other universities, medical centers, hospitals, care facilities, healthcare insurers, companies, and governments; both nationally and internationally.


  About Smart Mobility

  Our world faces numerous social challenges presented by the everlasting demand for mobility and the impact this has on space and environment. Transportation networks in most urban centers are often packed, and any small disruption can easily lead to long traffic jams. Moreover, our transportation system, with its polluting emissions, has a negative impact on our habitat and on global warming.Beyond that, 1.2 million people worldwide are killed in traffic accidents every year. These phenomena detract from the pleasure and freedom we experience from driving. They also endanger our health and cost society a lot of money.Strategic area TU/e.TU/e believes that technology is the answer to these problems. Traditionally, it has held a great deal of expertise in the fields of Intelligent Transport Systems, Automotive Technology, Logistics and Planning Systems, and ICT/ Embedded Systems. These are the kinds of expertise needed to play an important role in helping the world transition toward smarter, more sustainable mobility. That is the reason Smart Mobility has been designated as one of the university’s three strategic areas.Towards a world without mobility problems.TU/e is committed to develop knowledge and innovative technologies to help achieve sustainable mobility for society. More than 200 researchers contribute every day to make mobility and transport more intelligent and productive, and to make vehicles safer, cleaner, and more efficient. TU/e is heading towards a world in which mobility issues are a thing of the past.

  关于智能移动:我们的世界面临着对移动性的永恒需求以及对空间和环境的影响所带来的许多社会挑战。大多数城市中心的交通网络经常被包围,任何小的中断都可能导致长时间的交通堵塞。此外,我们的污染排放的交通系统对我们的栖息地和全球变暖都有负面影响。除此之外,全世界有120万人每年都在交通事故中丧生。这些现象有损于我们驾驶体验的乐趣和自由。他们也导致了我们的健康成本会很大的提升。战略面积埃因霍芬理工大学埃因霍芬理工大学认为技术是这些问题的答案。传统上,它在智能交通系统、汽车技术、物流与规划系统以及ICT /嵌入式系统领域拥有丰富的专业知识。这些是在帮助世界向更智能,更可持续的行动过渡方面发挥重要作用所需的专业技术。这就是Smart Mobility被指定为大学三大战略领域之一的原因。走向一个没有流动性问题的世界埃因霍芬理工大学致力于开发知识和创新技术,帮助社会实现可持续的流动。超过200名研究人员每天都在做出贡献,使移动和运输更加智能和高效,并使车辆更安全、更干净、更有效率。埃因霍芬理工大学正朝着一个流动问题成为过去的世界。


  Data Science Center Eindhoven (DSC/e)

  Vision and Mission:The Data Science Center Eindhoven (DSC/e) is TU/e’s response to these challenges and possibilities. By bringing top scientists and students from over thirty research groups from different TU/e departments together on specific topics, we can tackle the most challenging scientific and societal challenges.As we are based in the Brainport region, cooperating across organizational boundaries is our second nature. We have connections to world class researchers across the world, but also with (local) governments, knowledge institutes and companies (from SMEs to large multinationals). The DSC/e acts as a catalyst and as a portal to connect different parties and competences in this emerging scientific discipline.The DSC/e has a simple, threefold mission:We act as a window to the world. This has two directions: interested external parties can easily reach us in order to investigate potential cooperation possibilities. On the other hand, the DSC/e label and organization can be used by TU/e groups to communicate about our joint strength towards other parties.We support our scientists in obtaining funding. This is mainly done through managing a number of research programs. In these programs researchers from different groups all work from their own expertise on commonly interesting challenges.We act as a meeting place, where new interesting ideas are born. Due to the nature of scientific research we normally ‘go deep’ within one’s own discipline. However, many cool things happen at the interface, so we organize lectures and other event to exchange ideas.

  艾恩德霍芬数据科学中心(DSC / e)

  愿景和使命:数据科学中心艾恩德霍芬(DSC / e)是埃因霍芬理工大学对这些挑战和可能性的回应。通过将来自不同埃因霍芬理工大学部门的30多个研究小组的顶尖科学家和学生纳入具体议题,可以解决最具挑战性的科学和社会挑战由于我们位于Brainport地区,跨组织边界的合作是我们的第二个性质。我们与世界各地的世界级研究人员,以及(地方)政府,知识机构和公司(从中小企业到大型跨国公司)都有联系。数据科学中心艾恩德霍芬作为催化剂,并作为连接不同方面和能力在这一新兴科学学科的门户。数据科学中心艾恩德霍芬有一个简单的三重任务:我们作为一个窗口的世界。这有两个方向:有兴趣的外部方可以很容易地与我们联系,以便调查潜在的合作可能性。另一方面,埃因霍芬理工大学组可以使用数据科学中心艾恩德霍芬标签和组织来沟通我们对其他方的共同实力。我们支持我们的科学家获得资金。这主要是通过管理一些研究计划来完成的。在这些课程中,来自不同群体的研究人员都从自己的专业知识中获取常见的有趣挑战我们作为一个会议场所,新的有趣的想法诞生了。由于科学研究的本质,我们通常在自己的学科内“深入”。然而,很多很酷的事情发生在界面上,所以我们组织讲座和其他活动来交流想法。

  High Tech Systems Center

  Laboratorie:The High Tech Systems Center focuses on high-tech equipment, instruments and robotics. In this environment, experimentation is the ultimate check. In addition, constructing and operating prototype systems will require a number of custom-built test rigs, Proof of Principle setups and dedicated lab space and measuring equipment for the various research lines. We expect to need about 1000 m2 of lab space for these activitiesThe different research groups participating in HTSC also have their own lab spaces, for example:The Motion and Robotics Laboratory, providing a combined educational and research facility for MSc and PhD projects. Because of the successful growth of the robotics activities, TU/e opened this Lab in 2011 combining our haptics, RoboCup activities and RoboEarth projects. The lab has a playing field for the Middle Size RoboCup, a simulated hospital room for RoboEarth and domestic environments for @Home. All robotics-related MSc and PhD students are located in an office area close to the experiments.The Constructions and Mechanisms (C&M) Laboratory, in which about 6 - 8 PhDs and 10 MSc students specialize in the design and construction of machines, instruments and consumer products, with a focus on positioning and manipulation using design principles.The Power Electronics Design Laboratory provides a research environment for both MSc and PhD students to work on the power converter topologies and their analog/digital control design. The lab includes various prototypes from the research, such as power converters for power quality correction in grids, power amplifiers for contactless energy transfer, multilevel converters and multi-input single-input converters.




  The Institute for Photonic Integration

  The Institute for Photonic Integration is a leading R&D center in the field of photonics. The work of the institute ranges from fundamental scientific research to the development of prototypes that are taken on to the product stage by industry.The institute covers three fields: photonics materials (III-V semiconductors), integrated circuits (photonic integrated circuits, PICs) and photonic systems.Materials. Research work here focuses on aspects like the development of advanced materials on the basis of indium phosphide, a semiconductor that is perfectly suited for photonics.Photonic integrated circuits, or photonic microchips. A crucial element here is standardization, so that the development of such chips can be affordable and accessible for many parties. The European platform JePPIX, which was founded for this purpose in 2006, will be incorporated within the Institute for Photonic Integration.Systems that work on the basis of photonic microchips. This focal area is geared to enabling, among other things, microchips to cooperate to produce functioning systems.Mission and ambitions:The mission of the Institute for Photonic Integration is to be an internationally leading research center for integrated photonics. We want to develop scientific knowledge and technology that can help industry get new photonic products to market.The institute wants to respond to societal requirements such as the constant increase in data consumption, offer new solutions to societal problems like medical care and contribute to innovation and economic activity in the Netherlands and Europe.The Institute for Photonic Integration works on the basis of open innovation, with a view to optimizing the progress of the technology. To this end, therefore, we are explicitly looking to collaborate with other institutions and industry.Structure:The Institute for Photonic Integration continues the research of the TU/e research school COBRA, and therefore possesses an extensive staff of researchers along with a large cleanroom (800 m2) optimized for photonics R&D. The research school has been one of the world’s leading proponents of photonics research for many years. There is intensive collaboration on photonics with the research groups of the University of Twente and TU Delft.Photonic Integration Technology Center:In order to develop prototypes on the basis of scientific knowledge, a 'technology center', the Photinic Integration technology Center (PITC), has been established that will work in the same three specific focal areas as the IPI and extend the fundamental research results of the IPI to a level from which companies can take over further development.:The PITC is driven by developments in research, but also by roadmaps and by input from companies united in PhotonDelta. In this way these companies have direct access to fundamental and applied research, on topics and on a level from which they can carry it further.PhotonDelta:The Institute for Photonic Integration is the knowledge engine of the Photon Delta ecosystem, the sum of high-tech companies, knowledge institutions and authorities that have joined forces to gain a leading position in the development and commercialization of photonics. A key center of the Photon Delta lies in Brainport Eindhoven Region but there are many parties involved from the rest of the Netherlands, Europe and worldwide.





  The green campus is becoming an attractive hotspot for students, researchers, entrepreneurs, investors and high-tech companies with state-of-the-art offline and online facilities. The campus is a terrain in development, but it is already a lively, green place in the city center of Eindhoven. Discover the benefits the campus has to offer you, from a nice office or appartment to sports, culture and conrgess facilities.



  Company accommodation:Apart from the university, around 100 companies and organisations are accommodated on the campus, from large research institutes to smaller start-ups.The TU/e campus wants to be a place where these parties connect and therefore offers various accommodation possibilities. Interested?

  Living on campus:Thanks to the arrival of the two apartment blocks, Luna and Aurora, the campus has 700 apartments for (international) students and people working on the campus.

  公司住宿:除了大学外,在大学还有大约100 家公司和组织,大型研究机构和小型企业中进行招聘.埃因霍芬理工大学校园希望成为这些学校联系的地方,从而提供各种住宿选择。




  Sport, culture and catering.he TU/e Campus has extensive facilities geared to stimulating your personal wellbeing. Like a sports center catering up to 70 different sports and 40 sports associations. There is also a range of cultural activities and events on the campus with plenty of focus on different cultures. For a bite to eat and a drink, there are all kinds of catering options on the campus.Building and Development,In the coming years there will be a lot of building and development on the campus, including Atlas. This former main building is undergoing a transformation into the world’s most sustainable educational building.



  埃因霍芬理工大学依托其在能源、生物与生命科学、智能移动这三大领域的研究背景和学术实力,与工业界开展了广泛的合作。如TNO Automotive,ASML,壳牌,飞利浦,Philips Healthcare,NXP,DAF Truck,TomTom等知名企业的校企合作实验室分布在各个学院。同时大学在距离Eindhoven不远的Helmond建有Automotive Campus,该校区基于荷兰国家汽车产业园建设,意在将教学培训、科研、工程结合在一起,同时培养汽车产业创新型企业。内有Benteler、VDL Group、康明斯、AMSafe、Imtech等企业的研究设施。2014年11月30日,数字化社会创新研究组(Digital Social Innovation Cluster)成立。该研究组是在DESIS联盟框架下新成立的专题研究组,由江南大学、荷兰埃因霍芬理工大学、清华大学和湖南大学作为联合发起单位,它着重于将数字化技术和平台作为社会创新的语境和条件,从数字化技术的释义中探索更多的从技术到理论方面的不同方法;其目标是分析和研究数字化、社会化和泛在网络背景下社会创新的案例和发展趋势,以及其中相应的设计研究的问题和战略。






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