The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics covers the entire spectrum of mathematical disciplines. In physics research the university focuses on nuclear physics and high-energy and elementary particle physics.
The university’s Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy is one of the most important centers for interdisciplinary polymer research. The pioneering research of Freiburg’s Nobel laureate Hermann Staudinger in the fields of organic and macromolecular chemistry formed the basis for the development of synthetic materials.
At the Faculty of Biology, world-renowned biologists such as Weismann, Spemann, and Oehlkers made revolutionary contributions to developmental biology which set the stage for modern genetic research.
The Faculty of Engineering, composed of departments of computer science and microsystems technology, has earned an outstanding reputation since its founding in 1995. Through the combination of various fields, such as electronics, optics, mechanics, and chemistry, the faculty’s researchers develop miniature technical solutions for nearly all domains of industry and life.
The Faculty of Medicine enjoys a high international standing for its experimental and clinical research. Almost 8,000 doctors, nurses, and other employees work at the University Medical Center, which cares for nearly 60,000 inpatients and around 350,000 ambulatory patients a year in its 14 clinics and their 30 departments.
The humanities have a long and illustrious tradition at the University of Freiburg. Many outstanding accomplishments in the fields of philosophy, history, and the philology of various European languages are linked to the names and publications of scholars from Freiburg.
The economics institutes of the university, associated with the names of Walter Eucken, who founded the moderately liberal “Freiburg School,” and Nobel laureate Friedrich August von Hayek, focus mainly on political economy.
弗赖堡大学化学与药学学院是跨学科高分子研究领域最重要的研究中心之一。诺贝尔奖得主 赫尔曼·施陶丁格在有机和高分子化学领域的开创新研究构成了合成材料发展的基础。
生物学院集中了魏斯曼、斯佩曼和 厄尔克斯等举世闻名的生物学家。他们为发育生物学做出了革命性的贡献,为现代遗传研究搭建了舞台。
2. Instruction and Research
The University of Freiburg has received multiple State Teaching Awards, an honor given by the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg to promote instruction at the state’s higher education institutions. The award was conferred for the first time in 1993. Since this initial success, the University of Freiburg has won the award again and again.
In order to strengthen instruction even more, the University of Freiburg introduced its own University Teaching Award in 2007.
The University of Freiburg was among the winners of the nationwide “Excellent Teaching” competition in 2009. Organized by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs and the Stifterverband for German Science and Research, the competition recognizes innovative instructional concepts.
In 2007 the University of Freiburg became one of nine top universities in Germany to be honored in the Excellence Initiative for outstanding research. A year earlier in the first round of the competition, the “Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine” (SGBM) had already received approval for funding. Since then, it has provided an outstanding interdisicplinary PhD program for many young scientists from various fields.
BIOSS, "Centre for Biological Signalling Studies," selected for funding in 2007, studies the complex organization of signaling processes in and between cells. The cluster combines modern analytical methods with innovative techniques from synthetic biology.
This success will make it possible to attract highly qualified early-stage researchers as well as internationally renowned scientists and visiting scholars to the University of Freiburg. With an international research institute, the “Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies” (FRIAS), Freiburg aims to consolidate its position among the top research universities in the world. The institute’s scholarships provide freedom for excellent research. The FRIAS is focusing initially on four disciplines: literature and linguistics, materials research, history, and life sciences. The life sciences are an amalgam of biochemistry, molecular cell biology, applied sciences, neurosciences, mathematics, physics, and the humanities. They are thus a successful and internationally recognized model for interdisciplinary teaching and learning in and of themselves.
名字 | 身份或成就 |
康拉德·阿登纳 | 1949至1963年德意志联邦共和国第一任总理,曾就读于该校 |
特奥多·毛恩茨 | 德国著名公法学者,曾任教于该校 |
戈培尔- 纳粹 | 纳粹(国家社会主义)政治家,曾就读于该校 |
卡尔·雅斯佩斯 | 哲学家,曾就读于该校 |
犹他·林巴赫 | 1994至2002年任德国联邦宪法法院院长,曾就读于该校 |
瓦尔特·沃伊肯 | “弗莱堡学派”学者,曾任教于该校 |
海德格尔 | 哲学家,曾就读于该校 |
胡塞尔 | 哲学家,曾就读于该校 |
马克思·韦伯- | 社会学家,曾任教于该校 |