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2017-09-28 11:56


【 liuxuequn.com - 个人陈述 】



  Communications, Media & Culture personal statement

  I am hoping to read for a communications, media and culture degree. I find it remarkable, inspiring and a little bit frightening how the media exercise control over our lives, whilst offering rich cultural rewards. I am fascinated by the action and effects of human communications of all kinds and am keen to extend the insight I have gained so far.

  My interest in the subject began through my GCSE Media Studies and my knowledge of the subject area has expanded at A-level where I am acquiring analytical skills, helping me unpack and contextualise a wider variety of media forms. My other A-levels are English Language, Sociology, Critical Thinking and Philosophy &Ethics, and these are giving me a broad overview of life and human communications and culture. An example of how these subjects support each other would be studying the marxist concept of hegemony and applying it to religion, media ownership, the high culture/low culture debate in sociology and even the bourgeois emphasis on Standard English.

  I've slowly been gaining practical experience alongside my academic learning. Two years ago, I was lucky enough to get work experience with a television crew on location as a runner. I learnt the value of working as a member of the team in a stressful environment and I gained an understanding of the processes of TV production. I have also been involved in several other media projects, some as coursework and others undertaken independently.Coursework projects have included a magazine for young male teenagers; designing a product and advertising campaign; and producing, directing and presenting a documentary for sixth formers and their parents on the EMA system. As extra-curricular activities, I designed a poster and Internet campaign for one of the school plays and in the absence of any existing school publication, I launched a bimonthly newsletter, aimed at Angley's students. These projects have provided great learning experiences, enabling me to develop print software skills in a creative way.

  Other school activities have included, the lead male role in 'South Pacific' and significant roles in 'Oliver' and 'West Side Story' as well as assisting the Performing Arts A-level group perform their comedy show. By playing roles on stage, my confidence has increased and I have learnt to appreciate and learn from the talents of others. I am also a school prefect, which I find satisfying and a great privilege.

  In my leisure time I enjoy making films - mostly parodies of various genres. I then edit the films using a programme called Magix Movie Edit Pro. I have also edited on Final Cut Express, which has made an interesting comparison. My next project is to learn Final Cut Pro, and to develop a more effects-driven style. I also like to read, for example, I was inspired by Naomi Klein's book No Logo on the effects of globalization, the commoditisation of our culture and public spaces and how powerful brands have become. I am currently reading Graeme Burton's Media & Society to gain some additional perspective on my A2 media and to prepare myself for my degree.

  So far I have enjoyed myself in my studies and hopefully have developed some of the skills and qualities for success in degree-level communications, media and culture studies.

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