An undergraduate program was conceived, for students who had completed Class XII, during the Centenary Celebrations in 2009. The first batch of students was admitted in 2011. The program offers a four-year Bachelor of Science (Research) course in six disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Material Science, Mathematics, and Physics. The course aims at exposing the students to the inter-disciplinary nature in which scientific research is done in many upcoming fields, and comes at a time when the importance of science education at the undergraduate level is emphasised and several incentives are provided by the Government to promote the same.
The program reduces the 5-year course-work (of three years' bachelor's degree and 2 years' master's degree) to 4 years; it also makes the graduates eligible to apply for graduate schools abroad, which require 16 years of education before entering a graduate school. Back home, Bachelor of Science (Research) graduates are eligible to apply for CSIR-NET, a national level examination for securing admission into Ph.D. program into various universities including IISc.
Postgraduate degrees offered by the institute are classified into two categories: degrees by research [Ph.D., integrated Ph.D., and M.Tech. (research)], and degrees by coursework (M.Tech., M.Mgt., and M.Des.).
Research programs leading to masters and doctoral degrees are the main thrust in many departments. The program has a limited amount of course work, essentially to prepare the student to carry out the research, but the main emphasis is on the thesis work.The annual intake of research students is approximately 250 with several candidates sponsored from educational institutions and industries.The research students constitute the largest group (50%) on the campus.
The Integrated Ph.D. program is designed to offer opportunities to 3-year B.Sc. graduates for pursuing advanced research in areas of biological, chemical, mathematical, and physical Sciences, leading to the Ph.D. degree. The two-year M.Tech. program is available in almost all engineering departments.
3.Faculty of Science
The Faculty of Science comprises of three divisions consisting of Departments and Centres which include Biochemistry, Microbiology & Cell Biology, Molecular Biophysics, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Solid State & Structural Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics including Astronomy & Astrophysics, Ecological Sciences and High Energy Physics. Academic programmes leading to Ph.D and M.Sc.(Engineering) by research are offered in the above departments.
The Integrated Ph.D. programme is designed to offer exciting opportunities to motivted and talented B.Sc. graduates with a keen sense of scientific enquiry for pursuing advanced research in frontier areas of Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences leading to the Ph.D degree of the Institute.
The research students constitute the largest group(50%) on the campus and the Institute awards about 200 Ph.D and M.Sc.(Engg) degrees each year, which is probably the largest in any institution in India. The annual intake of research students is approximately 250 with several candidates sponsored from institutions and industries.
Admission to the research programmes of the Institute is based on career analysis and campus interview. Candidates are called for interview based on the entrance test of the Institute or any other test recognised by the Institute.
4.Faculty of Engineering
The Faculty of Engineering consists of Departments of Aerospace,Centre for Atomospheric and Ocean Sciences, Centre for Electronic Design Technology, Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, Civil, Chemical, Computational and Data Sciences (CDS), Computer Science & Automation, Electrical, Electrical Communication, Management Studies, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Supercomputer Education & Research Centre.
Academic programmes leading to M.E. or M.Tech by course work and Ph.D. and M.Sc.(Engg.) by research are available in almost all the departments. An unique feature of the ME/M.Tech. programmes at the institute is the credit system which allows a student to tailor the courses to suit his/her aptitude and interest. Every ME/M.Tech. programme has a set of hard core courses specified as an essential requirement whereas the student can take rest of the credits from many courses available in his/her parent or other departments and also do a desertation work on the topic of his/her choice. These courses attract highly motivated accomplished students, in addition to several sponsored candidates from R & D labs./industries and also from educational institutions under the QIP programme. The flexible ME/M.Tech. programme has been recently introduced in a few departments which enables candidates from industry to take courses leading to ME/M.Tech. of the Institute, spread over a longer period than the regular programmes so that they can do ME/M.Tech. programmes while working at their industries.