We've got the brains for the future.The internationally renowned Technische Universität Berlin is located in Germany’s capital city at the heart of Europe. Our academic activities are focused on achieving sharply-defined goals: building a distinctive profile for our university, ensuring exceptional performance in research and teaching, providing our graduates with excellent qualifications and a modern approach to university administration. The TU Berlin strives to promote the dissemination of knowledge and to facilitate technological progress through adherence to the core principles of excellence and quality. Strong regional, national and international networking with partners in science and industry are an important aspect in these endeavorsThe TU Berlin is one of the largest universities of technology in Germany. One of our most important tasks is to educate our students to meet the challenges of a world increasingly characterized by technology and progress. University rankings pay testimony to our successes by continually ranking the TU Berlin among the top academic institutions around the world.The TU Berlin has adopted a number of reforms over the past few years to help strengthen its competitive edge, for example by adopting both a seven-school approach and a new fundamental organizational strategy that features an innovative university administration and committee structure. This process is now to be applied to all university endeavors - especially as state funds continue to dwindle and competition between universities increases.The goals of the Excellence Initiative by the German federal and State Government to promote Science and Research at German Universities are to support top-notch research at German universities, to strengthen Germany’s position in terms of the quality of its university system and as a hub for science and technology, in addition to improving international competitiveness. The graduate school "Berlin Mathematical School" and the cluster of excellence "Unifying Concepts of Catalysis" received funding from this nationwide competition.
我们有了未来的大脑。柏林国际知名技术大学位于德国首都柏林,位于欧洲的心脏地带。我们的学术活动专注于实现明确的目标建立一个与众不同的大学、确保在研究和教学方面的杰出表现为我们的毕业生提供优秀的资格和现代的大学管理方法。 柏林大学努力促进知识传播,通过坚持卓越和质量的核心原则,促进技术进步。在这些努力中与科学和工业领域的合作伙伴建立强有力的区域、国家和国际网络是一个重要的方面。学术:柏林大学是德国最大的科技大学之一。我们最重要的任务之一是教育我们的学生,迎接一个日益以科技和进步为特征的世界的挑战。大学排名为我们的成功提供了证据,它不断地把柏林大学大学排名世界上最顶尖的学术机构之一。改革:在过去的几年里,德国政府采取了一系列改革措施以帮助增强其竞争优势,例如采用了一种七校的方法和一种新的基本的组织策略,它的特点是创新大学管理和委员会结构。这一过程现在适用于所有大学的努力——尤其是在国家资金持续减少、大学之间竞争加剧的情况下。卓越计划:卓越计划的目标由德国联邦和各州政府促进科学和研究在德国大学在德国大学支持一流的研究,加强德国的立场而言,大学的质量体系和科技中心除了提高国际竞争力。柏林数学研究生院和催化统一概念获得了来自全国的资助。
该校最早的渊源可以追溯到由腓特烈二世在1770 年10月发起创立的采矿学院。另一个源头是1799年3月13日创建的建筑学院。第三个来源是初创于1821年的皇家职业学院。1879年,由三个学院合并成立皇家柏林工业高等学院(Koenigliche Technische Hochschulezu Berlin),亦称夏洛腾堡工学院(Technische Hochschule Charlottenburg)。该校是德国始创最早的高等工业学院,并在1899年开始颁发博士文凭。在第三帝国时期设立了防卫技术专业,导致学校从1945年4月20日起被关闭了一段时间。当学校在1946年4月9日重新开始教学时,新开设了人文类的专业,使得学院升格为大学,开始启用新名称:柏林工业大学(Technische Universität Berlin)。
Energy Systems and Sustainable Resource Management
This key application area encompasses TU Berlin's research activities in the field of energy technology, aspects of new energy policies, climate change, water supply, and how best to handle our limited resources in general. Areas of research presently focus on efficient gas turbines, photovoltaic systems, networks and functional energy storage, energy-efficient cities, and water supplies. Scientific innovations and their impacts on production and consumption patterns play pivotal roles in this process, as do local environmental factors. In close cooperation with the core subjects "Materials, Design and Manufacturing" and "Infrastructure and Mobility", research focuses on topics such as new energy sources, energy supplies, sustainable production and recycling processes and regenerative energies. Research of this kind is essential in terms of sustaining future living standards and ensuring energy supplies for society at large.
这个关键在材料科学应用领域包括创新利用整体检查所需的生产系统和开发生产适销产品,两个垂直,从最初的想法到成品以及横向跨各种产品和资源回收问题。这种方法也考虑了用户的视角,并且在大学学术课程的背景下,呈现出一个整体的概念。屠柏林成功地将自己定位于这一领域?不仅在材料和生产科学领域?除了通信和光电技术,生物科技、医疗技术、食品技术等生命科学领域也同样如此。整个领域的目标都是 柏林大学能源系统和可持续资源管理柏林大学、柏林大学网络物理系统和柏林大学的核心主题。主要的社会责任关注于对有益的过程或者产品的可持续发展以及能够获得广泛社会认可的技术创新。
Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-Physical Systems (according to acatech) are systems that serve to fuse the physical and virtual worlds and currently a hot topic in cutting-edge research endeavors. The National Science Foundation in the US has actively supported this field since 2006 on the basis of numerous projects and programs. So just what are cyber-physical systems? Even today, more than 95 percent of all microprocessors are integrated into common everyday items and appliances, i.e. devices that can communicate with the outside world via sensors and actuators. Increasingly, these devices are interconnected with each other and with the Internet, and it is on the basis of this interconnectivity that cyber-physical systems emerge. TU Berlin possesses numerous research competencies in this overall field, for instance in imbedded systems, non-linear physics, biologically oriented chemistry, biotechnology, cognitive robotics, neurocomputational sciences, knowledge research, medical technologies, in addition to information and communication technology. In ways that are unconceivable even today, the cyber-physical systems of the future will make significant contributions to the safety, efficiency, comfort and health of the general population, and thereby will contribute to finding solutions to the central challenges facing society, e.g. aging populations, dwindling resources, mobility, and evolving energy needs.
Infrastructure and Mobility
Against the backdrop of climate change, demographic trends and economic changes, this key application area addresses the challenges and opportunities in terms of how we can appropriately shape future infrastructures and mobility frameworks. Particular emphasis is given to promoting and planning individual mobility, both in cultural, social, spatial, and economic terms. In close cooperation with the five other core subjects, research here focuses on optimizing settlement development in urban and regional environments, understanding policy decisions with respect to infrastructural measures, and developing technical and traffic engineering measures and related technical innovations, for instance in the areas of eMobility or networking. At the core of this discipline: a comprehensive approach to understanding societal processes and individual actions, assessing ecological impacts of human activities, and optimizing technical and economic investments in human habitats.
Knowledge and Communication Systems
This key application area explores and expands on existing knowledge and the information and communications systems that will be required in order to ensure sustainable societies and under consideration of our dynamically progressing scientific-technical world. Innovative and powerful contributions are needed that can expand human knowledge and communications options. Emphasis is given to interaction between different knowledge and communications systems, in particular processes that can generate new knowledge. TU Berlin actively addresses a broad range of research topics such as "Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)", networked with "Knowledge and Information Communities (KIC)" of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT); Systematic Knowledge Research; Work System Design; Human-Machine Interface Systems; Cultural Reflection, Ethics and Gender-Critical Perspectives of Knowledge and Communications Systems; and Technology, Innovation and Knowledge Management. The challenges and problems facing modern societies can no longer be managed on the sole basis of individual knowledge and communications-related disciplines. TU Berlin is facing these challenges head-on by offering dedicated support for transdisciplinary cooperative projects and sustainable solutions.
Human Health
Ever-increasing life expectancies pose enormous challenges for the society of the future. Demographic trends will necessitate new tasks for people over the age of 70, preventative strategies to avoid age-related diseases will be required, in addition to conducting research on gender-specific health issues and innovative diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. It seems evident that the only solution to this problem is for people to remain healthy for as long as possible. TU Berlin increasingly sees itself as an essential building block in the Berlin-Brandenburg region of healthcare facilities and providers. The broad spectrum of research topics we cover includes health system management, gender research, health economics, ethics and philosophy of life sciences, developing biocompatible materials, food chemistry, food and beverage technology, medical technology, computer-brain interfaces, developing antiviral strategies, pain research, breeding human micro-organs for pharmaceutical testing, and even new transplantation methods. This pivotal field provides new opportunities for various types of cooperation with Berlin's Charité Medical Center, as well as with other extramural research facilities.
不断增长的预期寿命对未来的社会构成了巨大的挑战。人口趋势将使70岁以上的人需要新的任务,除了对性别特定的健康问题和创新的诊断和治疗技术进行研究之外,还需要预防与年龄相关的疾病的预防措施。很明显,解决这个问题的唯一办法是让人们尽可能长时间保持健康。 柏林大学越来越多地将自己视为医疗机构和医疗机构的柏林-勃兰森堡地区的一个重要组成部分。我们报道的广泛的研究主题包括卫生系统管理、性别研究、卫生经济学、伦理学和哲学的生命科学、发展生物相容性材料,食品化学,食品和饮料技术、医疗技术、电脑接口,开发抗病毒策略,疼痛研究、育种制药人力micro-organs测试,甚至新的移植方法。这一关键领域为柏林的查特医疗中心和其他的其他研究机构提供了新的合作机会。
何泽慧,中科院院士---中国第一代女物理学家, 柏林大学中国原子弹之父 柏林大学钱三强的夫人;
陈永龄,中科院院士--- 大地测量专家,原国家测绘总局总工程师;
马君武, 广西大学首任校长;
王长平 ,原北京大学数学学院院长,现福建师范大学校长,‘’长江学者‘特聘教授, 柏林大学国家杰出青年基金 柏林大学获得者。