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学校名称: 美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学(雷利) North Carolina State University (Raleigh)







  When NC State University was founded in 1887, the school embodied ideals that were rapidly transforming the field of higher education. Chief among them was the belief that colleges should not be reserved for a select few and that the children of farmers, mechanics and other workers should have access to the opportunities and benefits of higher education. A new generation of progressive thinkers founded the college, known then as the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. No organization did more to advance the cause of this new institution than the Watauga Club, a reform-minded group of lawyers, teachers, doctors and businessmen in Raleigh — all of them younger than 30. Watauga Club member Charles W. Dabney, who wrote the legislation creating the new institution, exemplified the changes sweeping the South in the 1880s. The son of a Calvinist theologian who professed skepticism of modern science, Dabney earned a Ph.D. in chemistry and built a reputation as one of the foremost agricultural scientists in the nation. Today we honor NC State’s founders — men like Dabney, William J. Peele and Walter Hines Page — not just for their vision, but also because they lived at a time when considerable foresight, skill and courage were required to rally public support for higher education.

  当北卡罗莱纳州立大学成立于1887年,学校体现了高等教育领域快速变化的理想。其中主要是相信大学不应该留给少数几个农民、公认和其他工人的子女应该能够获得高等教育的机会和利益。新一代的进步思想家创立了这所大学,当时被称为北卡罗来纳州农工机械艺术学院。没有组织比Watauga俱乐部更多地推动低于30岁的律师、医生和商人的事业更伟大的事情了。撰写创立新机构的立法的Watauga俱乐部成员Charles W. Dabney表明了18世纪80年代南方的变化。加尔文主义神学家的儿子自称怀疑现代科学,达伯尼获得博士学位。在化学上,建立了作为全国最重要的农业科学家之一的声誉。现如今,我们尊重北卡罗莱纳州的创始人 - 像Dabney,William J. Peele和Walter Hines Page那样的男人 - 不仅仅是为了他们的愿景,而且还因为他们生活在需要相当的远见、技巧和勇气的情况下公开支持高等教育。


  NC State was established under the auspices of the federal Morrill Act of 1862, which allowed the U.S. government to donate federally owned land to the states for the purpose of establishing colleges that would teach agriculture and the mechanic arts. The brand-new school held its first classes in the fall of 1889 with 72 students, six faculty members and one building. In the early 1900s, a new federal program sparked an era of outreach work at the college. The 1914 passage of the Smith-Lever Act created an educational partnership between land-grant colleges and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Under this new cooperative extension program, the colleges would send staff to meet with farmers around the state and provide practical agricultural instruction. This led North Carolina to establish the Cooperative Agricultural Extension Service (now the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service) at NC State.



  By the 1920s, North Carolina State College (as the school was then known) was beginning to grow beyond its original agricultural and mechanical focus, adding schools of engineering, textiles, education and business, as well as a graduate school. The Depression posed economic challenges for higher education throughout the nation, and State College was no exception. As the crisis slowly eased, the college renewed its growth, adding students and developing new programs until the onset of World War II. State College contributed to the war effort by hosting a number of military detachments and training exercises and by refitting the work of several departments and programs to military and defense purposes.



  The campus experienced unparalleled growth during the postwar years as the G.I. Bill brought thousands of former servicemen to campus. In the following decades, the college continued to expand its curricula, creating schools of design, forestry, physical and mathematical sciences, and humanities and social sciences. During these years of growth, the name was changed again, this time to North Carolina State University at Raleigh—the university’s current official name.The university celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1987, which also saw the creation of Centennial Campus, bringing together academic, corporate, government and nonprofit leaders to partner in teaching, research and economic development.

  校园经历了战后的无数增长,因为地理标志法案带来了数千名前军人到校园。在接下来的几十年里,学院继续扩大课程设置创建设计、林业、物理、数学科学、人文社会科学等学科。在这几年的成长期间,这个名字再次改变,这次是北卡罗来纳州立大学罗利 - 大学目前的官方名称。大学在1987年庆祝成立百周年,并创立了百周年校区,将学术、企业、政府和非营利组织的领导人聚集在教学,研究和经济等发展方面。


  NC State has developed into a vital educational and economic resource, with more than 34,000 students and 8,000 faculty and staff. A wealth of university outreach and extension programs continue to provide services and education to all sectors of the state’s economy and its citizens. Consistently ranked a best value among the nation’s public universities, NC State — the state’s largest university — is an active, vital part of North Carolina life. Today, more than 128 years after its founding, NC State continues to follow its original mission: opening the doors of higher education to the citizens of North Carolina and providing teaching, research and extension that strengthen the state and its economy.




  One of only two universities in the nation leading two National Science Foundation Engineering Research Centers:The FREEDM Systems Center, researching smart-grid technologyThe ASSIST Center, developing wearable, self-powered health monitorsNC State leads three federally funded collaborative institutes tackling some of our world’s biggest challenges:$140 million PowerAmerica initiative, developing an advanced power electronics manufacturing sector for the Department of Energy$60 million Laboratory for Analytic Sciences, studying data analytics for the National Security Agency.$25 million Consortium for Nonproliferation Enabling Capabilities, combating the spread of nuclear weapons for the National Nuclear Security AdministrationManufacturing USA, a federal initiative to revitalize the U.S. manufacturing industry, has selected NC State to be a partner in seven of its 14 public-private institutes — the most of any university in the country.



  罗利、德翰及教堂山自公元1959年设立三角研究园区(research triangle park),区内有生物技术中心(隶属州政府)、育成中心、研发中心及服务中心。不仅吸引了许多大型企业来此设立研发单位,在附近设厂生产,同时也吸引了大量高科技人才到园区及大学服务,就业人数超过 4万2千人,成为全美博士人口密度最高的地区。北卡州大有大约7000名教职员工,其中教授及科研人员约1800多人。许多教研人员在全国享有盛誉。目前,学校有19人为国家科学院院士或工程院院士;6人为美国建筑院院士;2人为美国文学院院士;1人为美国哲学院院士;还有1人为美国医学院院士。 北卡州大拥有超过500项的技术专利,在专利技术力量上排名全美第3位;学校来自产业界的研究资助,排名全美第7位;在公立研究型大学中,非政府资助研究经费,排名全美第12位。其中纺织学院北美排名第1.纺织学院包含一下几个机构:无纺织物研究所(non-woven institute), 纺织刑侦鉴定研究所(forensic sciences institute), 防护纺织品及舒适性研究中心(textile protection and comfort center),以及产业创新学院 (Zeis Textiles Extentsion).其研究领域包括:纳米科学,表面修饰整理,纤维材料科学;染料化学及颜色科学;纺织材料结构;能源及可持续性发展;系统及质量研究;健康与安全;教育创新;供应链管理;纺织品牌管理及营销;纺织服装设计,消费者行为研究;纺织经济以及以纺织纤维为基础的法医鉴定研究。


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