We’re a Jesuit, Catholic university. Our spirit comes from the nearly 500-year history of the Jesuits. It’s the spirit of full-hearted engagement—with profound ideas, with communities around the world, with injustice, with beauty, with the entirety of the human experience.
This is what makes us Fordham: We’re a tight community in New York City, and we value and educate the whole person. Much of our Jesuit history and mission comes down to three ideas, which, translated from the Latin, mean roughly this:
Strive for excellence in everything you do. Care for others. Fight for justice.
It adds up to an education that works.
Wisdom, experience, morality, critical thinking, creative problem-solving. This is what Fordham students take into the world.
faculty staff and students
Number of academic faculty staff | Number of students | Number of international students | |||
In total | 1014 | In total | 13311 | In total | 1872 |
International | 126 | Postgraduate | 37% | Postgraduate | 68% |
Undergraduate | 63% | Undergraduate | 32% |
专业教员人数 | 学生人数 | 国际学生人数 | |||
总共 | 1014 | 总共 | 13311 | 总共 | 1872 |
国际教员 | 126 | 研究生占比 | 37% | 研究生占比 | 68% |
本科生占比 | 63% | 本科生占比 | 32% |
When John Hughes, coadjutor bishop (later archbishop) of New York, established Fordham as St. John’s College on June 24, 1841, he considered it a “daring and dangerous undertaking”—not least because he initially lacked the funds to purchase the land where he saw a great university taking root.
But he persevered. He understood instinctively that education is the key to first-class citizenship for immigrants and to success for all. And he was determined to establish the first Catholic institution of higher education in the Northeastern United States. Thus, a small college in a farming village was transformed into the Jesuit University of New York.
Inspired by the archbishop’s spirit, thousands upon thousands of students, faculty, and alumni have come together through the years—all in the shared pursuit of wisdom and learning in the service of others.
Academics: 9 schools. 3 campuses.
Fordham is a world-class comprehensive research institution.
Fordham is a place where our core curriculum helps you to develop a capacity for critical thought before you ever choose a major.
Fordham is a stepping stone to the world, which you’ll find through endless opportunities in New York City.
The Jesuit Tradition
The real strength of a Fordham education comes from a much deeper place—the five-century-old tradition of Jesuit education that infuses every part of the Fordham experience. It’s a tradition that encourages curiosity, introspection and, most importantly, action—to reach out, to settle injustice, to leave a healing mark.
This isn’t about reading books and memorizing facts: Your education is dynamic, challenging you to understand contexts as much as concepts.