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2017-12-08 14:08


【 liuxuequn.com - 奖学金 】


  If you’re a prospective international student planning to study in Europe at bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral level, you might be eligible for a scholarship.UK scholarships are listed in an article all of their own, as are scholarships for Germany, scholarships for Russia, scholarships for Eastern Europe and scholarships to study in the Nordic countries.Scroll down the list below for a range of other scholarships to study in Europe…



  Erasmus Mundus Scholarships – Initiative led by the European Commission to provide funding for students all over the world to study in Europe at selected institutions.GoEuro European Study Abroad Scholarship – 10 individual scholarships of €2,000 are available for students enrolled in any eligible university in Europe. There are two €500 Instagram prizes available. Applications close on the 31st of January 2018.

  Erasmus Mundus奖学金,由欧洲委员会牵头为在世界欧洲各地的在选定的机构学习的国际学生提供资金。GoEuro欧洲留学奖学金2000€ -,奖学金的人数为10个人,提供给任何有资格在欧洲大学就读的学生。有两项500 €Instagram奖。申请截止到2018年1月31日。


  Austrian Government Scholarships – Monthly scholarships of €940 available for up to four months for international students of all study levels.



  IUF-CUD Scholarships in Belgium for Developing Countries – Opportunities to gain funding to study in Belgium for training or research at master’s level. Open to students internationally.VLIR-UOS Scholarships for Developing Countries – Offering scholarships for students from developing countries in parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America to undertake training, research or study in Belgium at selected institutions.Ghent University Top-up Grants – Scholarships for students from developing countries who are new students of English-taught master’s degrees at the Ghent University in Belgium.KU Leuven Science Scholarships for International Students – The Science@Leuven scholarship is aimed at international students interested in undertaking study in Belgium at master’s level within the faculty of science at KU Leuven.KU Leuven IRO PhD Scholarships for Developing Countries – Open to prospective PhD students from developing countries to study in Belgium within the Interfaculty Council for Development Cooperation at KU Leuven.

  比利时为发展中国家提供的ciuf - cud奖学金,该奖学金给予学生在比利时进行培训或攻读硕士学位的机会。vlir - uos为发展中国家提供奖学金,为来自非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲部分地区的发展中国家的学生提供奖学金,除此之外还有在比利时选定的机构进行培训、研究或学习的机会。

  根特大学托举奖学金,为来自发展中国家的比利时根特大学英语教授的新学生提供奖学金。KU Leuven国际学生科学奖学金,该奖学金的是为国际学生所设设置的,对在比利时大学的科学学院的学习有兴趣,为发展中国家提供奖学金,为来自发展中国家的准博士生开放,并在比利时鲁汶大学的发展合作理事会内部研究比利时的国际学生均可以申请。


  Czech Government Scholarships for Developing Countries – Government scholarships enabling international students to undertake study (at bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral level) at institutions across the Czech Republic. Czech is the language of instruction for most programs offered.The South Moravian Center for International Mobility - Scholarships are available for international students from outside the EU who are undertaking a master’s or PhD degree at one of the center’s partner universities, with study programs in technical and natural science preferred.



  Eiffel Scholarships in France for International Students – Open to international students at master’s/PhD level wishing to study in France at selected institutions.Emile Boutmy Scholarships in France for International Students – Opportunities for bachelor’s and master’s degree students from outside of the EU to gain funding to study in France at Sciences Po.Fondation Rainbow Bridge MBA Scholarships for African and Asian Women – MBA scholarships for students from developing countries in Africa and Asia to study in France at HEC Paris. Open to female students only.École Normale Supérieure de Lyon – Scholarships to study one of the selected master’s programs at ENS de Lyon.



  Greek Government Scholarships for Foreign Students – More than 50 scholarships for international students wishing to undertake undergraduate or postgraduate study or a research project in host universities and institutions across Greece. (Website is in Greek).Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Scholarships for international students to study in Greece at all study levels at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

  希腊政府为外国学生提供的奖学金-的数量超过50个,希望在全国各地的大学和机构进行本科或研究生学习或研究项目的国际学生都可以申请。在希腊(网站)你可以搜索最适合自己申请的奖学金。亚里斯多德大学的Thessaloniki 奖学金,在希腊在亚里士多德大学学习的所有研究水平的国际学生都可以申请。


  Hungarian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students – Scholarships for international students to study in Hungary, funded by the Hungarian government. Open to students of master’s degrees in rural development and agribusiness, horticulture and agricultural water management.The Stipendium Hungaricum – Provides scholarships which cover tuition fees, medical insurance, accommodation and a monthly stipend for citizens of partner countries to study in Hungary at either bachelor’s or master’s level.

  匈牙利政府为外国学生提供的奖学金,该奖学金由匈牙利政府资助。向农村发展和农业、园艺和农业用水管理硕士学位的学生开放。Hungaricum的Stipendium Hungaricum提供奖学金,包括学费、医疗保险、住宿和每月的津贴,供在匈牙利学习的合作伙伴国家的公民,并且在本科或硕士的水平上学习的国际学生申请。


  Bocconi Scholarships in Italy for International Students – Scholarships for international students to study a master of science program at Bocconi University. Includes a full tuition waiver.Italian Government Scholarships for Foreign Students – Scholarships for international students at all degree levels to study in Italy at various public institutions. Also open to Italian citizens living abroad (IRE).CICOPS Scholarships for Developing Countries – Scholarships from the University of Pavia (UNIPV), open to international students from developing countries to carry out research in collaboration with a professor. You must have an invitation letter from a professor to apply.University of Bologna Study Grants for International Students – Funding opportunities for international students at bachelor’s and master’s level to study in Italy at the University of Bologna.University of Naples Federico II Scholarship Program - Scholarships for international degree courses at the University of Naples Federico II. 25 scholarships are available in total.



  Amsterdam Merit Scholarships for Excellent International Students – Merit-based scholarships to study in the Netherlands at the University of Amsterdam. Open to talented master’s degree students from outside the EU or EEA.Anne van den Ban Scholarships for Developing Countries at Wageningen University – Scholarships for international students from developing countries to study agriculture, food or environment-related programs at master’s level at Wageningen University. Sponsored by the Anne van den Ban Fund.Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarships at the University of Groningen – Open to all master’s level international students undertaking further study in the Netherlands at the University of Groningen.Holland Scholarship – Available for non-EEA international students to study at participating universities in the Netherlands at bachelor’s or master’s level.

  Leiden University Excellence Scholarships (LExS) – Merit-based scholarships for master’s degree (MA/MSc/LLM) students at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Not available to EU/EEA students.Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) – Government-funded international scholarships to study in the Netherlands on a short course, master’s or PhD. Prioritized candidates include female applicants and applicants from sub-Saharan Africa.Orange Tulip Scholarship Programme – Nuffic-funded scholarships for students from developing countries in Asia and Latin America, including China, Indonesia, South Korea, Mexico and Brazil, to study in the Netherlands.Radboud Scholarship Programme – Scholarship opportunities for non-EEA students to study an English-taught master’s degree at Radboud University in Nijmegen,


  荷兰奖学金,在荷兰的参加大学学习本科或硕士的课程的国际学生均可以申请。莱顿大学卓越奖学金,在荷兰莱顿大学获得硕士学位的国际学生的专属奖学金,欧盟/ EEA学生不可以申请。荷兰奖学金项目,政府资助的国际奖学金,到荷兰学习短期课程,硕士或博士学位的国际学生均可申请。优先考虑的候选人包括来自撒哈拉以南非洲的女性申请者和申请者。“橙色郁金香奖学金”项目,为来自亚洲和拉丁美洲的发展中国家的学生提供的nuffic资助的奖学金,包括在荷兰学习的中国、印度尼西亚、韩国、墨西哥和巴西的学生均可申请。Radboud奖学金项目,是为在荷兰Nijmegen的Radboud大学学习英语硕士学位的非欧洲经济区的学生提供的奖学金机会。国际学生高潜力的奖学金,为在荷兰的马斯特里赫特大学攻读硕士学位的国际学生给予自护,该奖学金只对来自欧盟以外的学生开放。



  Slovak Government Scholarships for Selected Developing Countries – Government-funded international scholarships for students from developing countries to pursue higher education in Slovakia at any degree level. Open to students from selected countries within the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Asia.



  GSE Scholarships in Economics for Developing Country Students – All master’s applicants are automatically considered for scholarships when offered a place to study at Barcelona Graduate School of Economics.Zaragoza Logistics Center – Various scholarships for admitted students of master’s of logistics and related courses at this research institute, including scholarships for African students.Spanish Studies Abroad – Scholarships to study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country, including a diversity scholarship for underrepresented students.



  ETH Zurich Excellence Masters Scholarship Program – Merit-based scholarships are available to students who wish to pursue their master’s degree at ETH Zurich.Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists – Merit-based scholarship opportunities for international students undertaking postgraduate-level study in Switzerland at selected institutions.UNIL Master’s Grants in Switzerland for Foreign Students – Scholarships to study in Switzerland at the University of Lausanne on a master’s program. Excludes some courses.UNU Fellowship in International Organizations MBA Merit Scholarships – Scholarships to study in Switzerland at the University of Geneva on an MBA program. Open to mid-career professionals from developing countries only.







  想了解更多奖学金网的资讯,请访问: 奖学金
