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2017-12-26 19:01


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  The medical school experience is only worthwhile for those who love medicine, experts warn, so it is important to be certain you want to be a doctor before you apply.


  You really, really have to like medicine, and it’s a leap of faith because many premeds shadow a physician, and they only get a small slice of what it’s like to be a physician," says Dr. Chandler Park, a clinical assistant professor at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. "You have to be dedicated."Experts say anyone who enrolls in medical school needs to gear up for a challenge.Here are five tips medical students and professors have about qualifying for and thriving in medical school.


  1. Do some personal reflection before applying: Kaitlin Arena, a third-year student at the David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California—Los Angeles, says exploring your reasons for attending medical school ought to be the starting point of the application process.Park says it is important to choose a medical school that will help you become the kind of doctor you want to be, whether your goal is to become a primary care physician or a medical specialist. One way to gauge the level of alignment is seeing whether the school offers residencies in your area of interest, he says.

  1. 在申请之前先做一些个人反思:加州大学洛杉矶分校大卫·格芬医学院的三年级学生凯特琳·阿雷纳说,探究你就读医学院的原因应该是申请程序的起点。帕克说,选择一所能帮助你成为你想成为的医生的医学院是很重要的,无论你的目标是成为一名初级保健医生还是一名医疗专家。他说,衡量学校走向的一种方法是看学校是否在你感兴趣的领域提供实习机会。

  2. Prepare to work harder than you have worked before: Benjamin Tan, a medical student who is wrapping up his last year at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine, says he had to improve his study habits in order to keep up with the workload.Dr. Cedric Rutland, an assistant clinical professor of internal medicine at the University of California—Riverside, says even the most talented medical students must study hard to excel.

  2. 要比以前更努力地工作:在洛马林达大学医学院工作的医科学生本杰明·谭表示,为了跟上工作的进度,他必须提高自己的学习习惯。加州大学河滨分校内科临床助理教授塞德里克·拉特兰说,即使是最有才华的医学院学生也必须努力学习才能出类拔萃。

  3. Focus on organization and work-life balance: Arena of UCLA says that time management and a balance between work and play are crucial to success in medical school.Jasmine Steele, a fourth-year student in the College of Medicine at University of Central Florida, says people starting medical school should remember that they have an identity outside of academics. Steele says medical school applicants should make a point of staying close with friends who do not plan to join the medical profession."People who aren’t in medicine help keep you sane sometimes, and they also can keep you kind of normalized and grounded, because you can get caught up in your own little world of studying all the time and being out on the wards and talking about patients that excite you," Steele says. "Having that non-medical support system is really important and I can’t tell you how much I’ve relied on it as I’ve gone through school."

  3. 关注组织和工作与生活的平衡:加州大学洛杉矶分校的体育馆说,时间管理和工作和娱乐的平衡对医学院校的成功至关重要。佛罗里达中部大学医学院的四年级学生Jasmine Steele说,从医学院毕业的人应该记住,他们在学术之外有身份。斯蒂尔说,医学院的申请者应该与那些不打算加入医疗行业的朋友保持密切联系。医学并没有办法帮助你保持理智,有时,医学院也可以让你的的生活变得规范化,因为你可以陷入自己的小世界的研究,在病房和讨论能激发你的病人,斯蒂尔说。非医疗保障体系真的很重要,我无法表述出我在学校的时候是多么依赖它。

  4. Choose a medical school with a supportive, collaborative culture: Tan of Loma Linda University says he is fortunate to attend a medical school where teamwork is emphasized, and that this is an important trait to look for in a medical school.

  4. 选择一所具有支持性的合作文化的医学院:洛马·林达大学的谭教授说,他很幸运地去了一所强调团队精神的医学院,这是在医学院学习的一个重要特征。

  5. Combat the tendency to compare yourself to others: Experts say students who define their personal worth by their medical school class rank set themselves up for frustration.Marianne Eve Walwema, a fourth-year student at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, says expecting to always be the best in medical school is unrealistic and psychologically unhealthy."When you start med school, this might be the first time that you experience real learning challenges in a school environment," she said via email. "However, med school is challenging for everyone and it's important for all new or prospective students to know that."Searching for a medical school? Get our complete ranking.

  5. 与他人比较的倾向:专家说,那些定义自己的个人价值被医学院的等级排名的学生,会让自己感到沮丧。西北大学芬伯格医学院(的四年级学生玛丽安·伊芙·沃尔韦马说,在医学院,期望永远是最好的,是不切实际的,心理上是不健康的。当你开始医学院的时候,这可能是你第一次在学校环境中体验真正的学习挑战,她通过电子邮件说。然而,医学院对每个人来说都是一个挑战,对于所有的新生或潜在的学生来说,了解这一点是很重要的。找一所医学院?让我们看看前一百的大学有哪些吧。>>>2018年QS美国最佳医学院排名TOP100

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