MCAT每年在授权的prometric考试中心举办25次考试,由于申请美国医学院必须要有大学本科学位,参加考试的学生多为希望申请北美地区医学院的大三或大四学生。MCAT在2007年1月改为cBT后,所有试题均需在计算机上输入或回答。与GRE机考不同,每位MCAT考生的题库是确定的,不会根据考生的表现改变题目的难度。MCAT自从2015年改版以后,一共是四个部分:Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems,Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems,Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills,Psychological, Social and Biological Foundations of Behavior。考试全部以passage-based(阅读)题型出现,每个section要读9-11篇阅读不等然后回答问题,新版MCAT也更加要求考生的头脑毅力,体力,和专注力。
The current version of the MCAT, now nearing its third complete year of administration, is designed to assess several competency areas that are desirable in future physicians. One of these broad competency areas is the ability to demonstrate scientific inquiry and reasoning skills.This stands as perhaps one of the most important skills, assessed by three of the four test sections.It is of paramount importance that prospective medical school students address any weaknesses they might have when it comes to understanding research design, interpreting experimental data, drawing conclusions and predicting both ethical and scientific factors that might hinder a particular research experiment.As you prepare for the MCAT, you may wonder how you will be tested on scientific inquiry in the three MCAT sections – excluding the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills section – and how you can strengthen your readiness to answer these questions. Review the three sections below and learn how you can bolster your scientific inquiry skills for each.
By the time you take the MCAT, you will have likely been exposed to the scientific method in science courses from grade school to college. The MCAT assessment of your scientific inquiry skills is largely an extension of your ability to understand and manipulate the components of the scientific method when evaluating research designs and results.In the Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems section, for example, you may be presented with a research study's design and data aimed at proving or disproving a particular hypothesis. The corresponding questions might ask you to identify the original hypothesis, the conclusions the data support and the relationship between variables.How can you best prepare to answer such questions? Besides developing a solid understanding of the definitions of typical research study components, as well as how they function as a unit, you can become a frequent and skilled reader of scientific studies。Each week, take it upon yourself to read a research study in a hard science discipline and challenge yourself to identify the hypothesis the paper poses, the background evidence that supports that hypothesis, the variables being tested and any conclusions you can draw from the observed data.
As anyone who has spent time conducting research will have observed, the process of scientific inquiry and the way in which that process is presented in the scientific literature varies slightly across fields. As a result, you should understand the different varieties of research designs that are present in each field tested on the MCAT.In the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems portion, for instance, you may be asked to identify research questions and hypotheses from given background information. You may also be asked to evaluate the validity of proposed research designs.To strengthen these scientific inquiry skills, make a habit of attempting to think through some yet-unsolved questions in biology.The point of this exercise is not to establish a definitive answer about how, say, scientists might correct genetics that have gone awry in tumor cells but rather to think through what kind of testable hypothesis and research setting would most likely yield information that can help you answer such a question.
This section is perhaps the most likely area in which you will be assessed on the ethical principles of research studies, your ability to identify bias in research studies and whether a particular research study can be generalized for a larger population.As such, you may be asked to evaluate whether a proposed research design is appropriate or ethical, identify points of bias implicit or explicit to a certain experiment and predict whether the validity of given data would extend to another particular population.You can ready yourself for the questions posed in this section by familiarizing yourself with commonly used research designs in the social sciences and by understanding each design's pitfalls as well as learning which known studies have used such designs.Ensure you understand the ethical problems and biases involved in famous social science experiments such as Harlow's monkeys and the Bobo doll experiment. Ask yourself if these scientists would be allowed to repeat these experiments today, if their original study designs best prove their results and what populations are best reflected by the information that they yielded.
The seven days before your MCAT test date can be an anxiety-provoking time. Many students attempt to frantically review the full scope of material they have studied in preparation for the exam, while others spend a significant amount of time resting their minds.In truth, the best approach falls squarely in-between these two extremes. Below are several last-minute tips to help you do your best on your MCAT test day.
1. Complete a full-length practice exam: Early in the week leading to your test, take the time to simulate the exam day experience with a full-length practice test. Since the MCAT is a lengthy assessment, it is important to complete this practice exam at least two days before you sit for the actual test so you do not drain your mental stamina. Note when you begin to feel fatigued while taking this practice exam, and plan to pause during those times on test day. For example, when I was studying for the test, I noted that I could usually finish two MCAT portions before I struggled to focus. So I made a point to take a brief break after every pair of sections during my real test.
2. Review data interpretation and statistics: Many students incorrectly answer questions on the MCAT not because they do not understand its scientific content, but instead because they simply do not grasp what data they are being presented with on exam questions. Review how to interpret data, as well as the differences between various statistical tests such as chi-squared and T-tests. Ensure you are fresh on these topics when it comes time to apply them to the experiments you will encounter on the MCAT.
2.回顾数据的解释和统计:许多学生错误地回答了MCAT的问题,不是因为他们不了解它的科学内容,而是因为他们根本不了解他们在考试问题上所呈现的数据。复习如何解释数据,以及各种统计测试之间的差异,如chi - squared和t - tests。当你将这些话题应用到你将在MCAT上遇到的实验时,确保你对这些话题保持新鲜感。
3. Review central physiology concepts: Much of biology can be understood by relating certain details to overarching concepts. These concepts include negative and positive feedback, physiological homeostasis, cell membrane physiology, action potentials and basic intracellular signaling pathways like G proteins.Thoroughly revisit these high-yield topics in the days leading up to the MCAT, and verify that you understand them well. Several questions on the exam will ask you to apply these basic principles to various experimental scenarios.
4. Return to details you struggle to remember: Look over your notes and identify those details that you had a hard time memorizing during your preparation period. I found it helpful to maintain a running list of details that I knew I would have to review again closer to test day. While it is important to do your best to memorize fundamental aspects of biology, chemistry, physics, psychology and sociology , remember that the exam is often more about the application of these details. Possessing a sound conceptual understanding of these topics is critically important.Use these suggestions as a starting point for guiding your preparation in the days immediately before your test. In addition to the above, remember to also take some time to rest your mind before the MCAT, as it is a lengthy challenge.The most intense parts of your MCAT review should occur well before the week leading to your exam. Do your best to front-load your study schedule so you can avoid both procrastination and panic.
Taking the MCAT can seem like a daunting experience for any student – especially when you consider the sheer length of the exam. If you use every moment of your time, including breaks, the test takes roughly seven and a half hours.In addition to ensuring that you have reviewed all the academic material that might be assessed, think about other factors that could affect the outcome of such a long testing session. If you are already deep into prep for the medical school admissions exam, check out these tips to help you ensure a smooth testing process when exam day finally arrives.
1. Decide how to use your breaks: There is quite a bit of advice available about how to not spend your MCAT breaks – including foregoing them altogether – but there is less direction about how to plan for these precious few minutes away from the testing screen.On a typical break during class, you might check your phone or review course materials. On MCAT exam day, however, your activity during breaks will be limited – none of these usual methods of passing the time will be available.There are two main ways that you can spend the breaks: using active recall techniques to prepare for the next section on the test, or giving your mind a rest by using mindfulness and meditation techniques. Of course, do not forget that the lunch break is for lunch, as well as for any other strategies you find useful.When choosing your techniques for exam day, consider taking each for a trial run during the breaks of your full-length practice tests. With practice test No. 1, for example, you might spend time mentally reviewing several relevant equations, like the Hardy-Weinberg equation, before the Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems section. With your second practice test, in contrast, you could spend five of your free minutes with your eyes closed, visualizing a calming scene.You may even find that different break strategies work better for you depending on which portion of the MCAT is next. Begin experimenting with different techniques as soon as you begin taking full-length practice exams.
1.决定如何利用你的休息时间:关于如何不让你的MCAT休息时间(包括完全放弃)有很多的建议,但是关于如何计划这些宝贵的几分钟远离测试屏幕的建议却少之又少。在一个典型的课间休息时间,你可以查看你的手机或复习课程材料。但是,在MCAT考试日,你在休息期间的活动将是有限的-这些通常的方法都不会有时间。你可以有两种方式来度过休息时间:用积极的回忆技巧来为下一节做准备或者用专注力和冥想技巧让你的大脑休息一下。当然,不要忘记午餐休息是午餐,以及其他你认为有用的策略。当你在考试的时候选择你的技巧时,考虑在你的全身练习测试的休息时间里参加一个试运行。例如,通过第1号练习测试,你可能会在生命系统部分的生物和生化基础之前,花时间回顾几个相关的方程,比如hard- weinberg方程。与你的第二次练习测试相比,你可以用五分钟的空闲时间闭上眼睛,想象一个平静的场景。你甚至会发现,不同的休息策略对你的效果会更好,这取决于接下来的MCAT的哪一部分。开始尝试不同的技巧,只要你开始做全身练习。
2. Consider how you will use scratch paper: Scratch paper can be a tremendous advantage for the most difficult MCAT questions, but when used unwisely, it can also cause you to fritter away your time by focusing an inordinate amount on just one or two problems.Before you sit for the real MCAT, explore several ways to use scratch paper during the four portions of the test. Certain people find it helpful to jot down relevant formulas or shorthand concepts prior to beginning particular sections.Others prefer to use their scrap paper for summarizing Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills passages or for identifying important points within these passages. Still others use their scratch paper to better understand question stems.You may find that a combination of these approaches works best for you. Regardless of how you think you will use scratch paper, practice putting your predictions to work on the practice tests. This can help ensure your preferred strategies are efficient and helpful.
3. Confirm your understanding of the MCAT’s virtual tools: Some online practice tests have their own tools with which you can eliminate answers, highlight within passages and scroll. Because every company is different and not all may emulate the MCAT exactly, it is best to review the tools used by the MCAT itself prior to sitting for the real computer-based exam.Ensure you know how to select answers, highlight passages and cross out answers before test day. In addition, remember that eliminating all answers but one with a cross-out does not automatically select the remaining answer.Finally, at the end of each section, make sure you have answered all questions using the appropriate MCAT tools. Knowing all of the features of the MCAT testing platform can help you feel more confident on exam day.The current version of the MCAT, now nearing its third complete year of administration, is designed to assess several competency areas that are desirable in future physicians. One of these broad competency areas is the ability to demonstrate scientific inquiry and reasoning skills.This stands as perhaps one of the most important skills, assessed by three of the four test sections.It is of paramount importance that prospective medical school students address any weaknesses they might have when it comes to understanding research design, interpreting experimental data, drawing conclusions and predicting both ethical and scientific factors that might hinder a particular research experiment.As you prepare for the MCAT, you may wonder how you will be tested on scientific inquiry in the three MCAT sections – excluding the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills section – and how you can strengthen your readiness to answer these questions. Review the three sections below and learn how you can bolster your scientific inquiry skills for each.