1、Task response 即对应题目要求。
As I mentioned above, misunderstanding the task (or you understand the task; however, your writing impede the communication) will affect this score.
You also need to further develop your answer by giving explanations.
2、Coherence & Cohesion 连贯性和逻辑。
Cohesion of your essay is okay; however, cohesive devices should be used wisely and also need to examine the suggestion I gave to you in your preceding essay, as you made the same mistake again.
3、Lexical resources 词性、同义词的替换。
Work on collocations and topic related vocabulary – this should be your priority job in IELTS Writing preparation. I would strongly recommend you to take a notepad or notebook, organize the common topics in IELTS writing Task 2, and make a list of topic vocabulary. You can use Google to search some relevant articles (not IELTS essay samples)
4、Grammar range & accuracy
Allow some time to check grammar, as some common (‘easy’) grammatical errors are evident. Avoid making those mistakes. Passive should be used in the 2nd body paragraph – this can help the ‘structure’