《2019年美国加州艺术学院申请细则》 |
各专业申请截止日期 |
国际生申请要求(完整版) |
申请指南(申请条件+申请时间) |
各专业作品集要求汇总完整版) |
一年费用清单(生活费+住宿费+学杂费) |
CalArts Commitment to International StudentsCalArts has a long and rich tradition of attracting and welcoming the most talented international students in the world. One out of every five students at CalArts is international, representing nearly 50 different countries. Many of CalArts distinguished faculty are also international, adding to the artistic and academic diversity of our community.The executive order issued on Jan. 25, 2017, by President Donald Trump, which put a temporary ban on entry from seven predominantly Muslim countries, has not changed or diminished CalArts’ commitment to international students.
加州艺术学院名誉主席Steven D. Lavine 对总统特朗普行政命令发表了一份回应,其中名誉总裁Lavine以非常明确的措辞重申,加州艺术学院将继续招募和招收最优秀的国际学生,无论他们的原籍国或宗教信仰如何。加利福尼亚州梦计划允许无证和非居民记录符合特定条款的学生申请并接受由公立大学、州政府资助、大学补助、社区大学学费减免和加州艺术学院资助的私人奖学金。
In addition to the general application requirements, international students must submit officially translated international transcripts and proof of English language proficiency to be considered for admissions.International students who are accepted to the Institute will receive additional instructions for completing the Declaration of Finances form which is required to complete the I-20, and begin the student visa application process.CalArts offers scholarships to international students, providing important support to ensure a high quality arts education.
除 一般申请要求外,国际学生还必须提交官方翻译的国际成绩单和英语语言能力证明以供考虑。获得该研究所接受的国际学生将收到关于填写完成I-20所需的“财务声明”表格的额外说明 ,并开始学生签证申请流程。为确保高质量艺术教育提供重要支持,加州艺术学院为国际学生提供奖学金。
Credentials, diplomas and certificates of secondary-school and college-level work must be presented in official English translation. The records must clearly state the date of completion (or the anticipated date of completion) and the level of education received with notations as to the number of hours attended per week and the total number of weeks completed.New option for Spring/Fall 2017 applicants: Applicants from Chinese institutions may request and submit official transcripts directly through CHESICC. Requests are processed by CHESICC and will be sent electronically to the CalArts Office of Admissions. Do not submit a paper copy of your transcript if you have requested transcripts through CHESICC. Get started.
Applicants are expected to be proficient in the English language before applying for admission. Applicants with a native language other than English must take the internet based version of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL ibt) or the academic version of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Minimum scores for admissions are 80 TOEFL ibt or 6.5 IELTS for undergraduates and 100 TOEFL ibt or 7 IELTS for graduates. The TOEFL or IELTS score must be received by the Regular Application Deadline. Applications from international students with a native language other than English may not be reviewed if they do not include a TOEFL or IELTS score.
预计申请人在申请入学前熟练掌握英语。拥有英语以外母语的申请人必须参加基于互联网的英语考试(TOEFL ibt)或国际英语语言测试系统(IELTS)的学术版本。入学的最低分数分别为本科生的托福考试成绩为80分或雅思成绩为6.5分,硕士生的成绩为托福成绩100分或雅思成绩7分。托福或雅思成绩必须在正规申请截止日期前收到。除了托福或雅思成绩,我们不会审查使用英语以外母语的国际学生的申请成绩。请注意,如果您的英语水平有问题,加州艺术学院保留在申请过程中的任何时间要求您参加托福或雅思考试的权利。
24700 McBean Parkway
Valencia,CA 91355
All students who are not U.S. Citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. must complete the Declaration of Finances form after they have been accepted and before the May 1 tuition deposit deadline. This document is to verify that you have sufficient financial resources to pay all educational and living expenses while attending the California Institute of the Arts. The U.S. consular office in your home country or the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (if you are already in the U.S.) will require this document when you apply for a student (F-1) visa.
所有不是美国公民或美国永久居民的学生必须在5月1日学费存款截止日期之前完成“财务声明”表格。这份文件是为了证明你有足够的财政资源来支付加州艺术学院的所有教育和生活费用。您申请学生(F-1)签证时,您所在国的美国领事机构或美国公民和移民局(如果您已在美国)将需要此文件我们鼓励国际学生充分准备在加州艺术学院的整个时间内为他们的教育和生活费用提供资金。预计留学生签证来美国的国际学生将证明他们有充足的资金可用于支持他们的生活费用以及他们在美国的教育费用。对国际学生的经济援助 非常有限且极具竞争力。由于他们没有资格获得联邦或州财政援助,国际学生只有符合资格才能获得加州艺术学院奖学金和/或加州艺术学院工作学习资格。访问学生签证和1-20页面了解更多信息并下载财务声明表格。