昨天下午发了一封套磁信,晚上就收到回复,貌似是模板回复捏 大家觉得下一步该怎么继续和这个教授联系呢?第二封套磁信内容该写啥呢?另外问了他文章中的几个问题,但他没有做相关回复,本来想和他讨论文章内容的,这让我如何是好,不按常规出牌啊,下面是教授的回复:
Thank you very much for your interest in The Ohio State University. The admission to the Ph. D. program is handled by the academic vice-chairman of the department of chemistry and you will hear from him directly if you qualify for admission once the applications are submitted. The application materials are available from the department web site: . I can assure you that we look at each application with great care and if you are indeed a top candidate you will be admitted. The competition is very stiff and sometimes if you are not able to get in to OSU it only means that we could not accommodate all the eligible applicants. Please be assured that your application will get the most fair treatment.
We require that you take GRE Chemistry in addition to the Aptitude and Quantitative portions. We also require TOEFL if you are applying for financial assistance. When your application is complete let me know, I will watch for it. Without the complete package we cannot evaluate the chances of your admission.
If you have any trouble in accessing our web page, applying on line, or printing out the application materials, Please contact Ms Jennifer Hambach (Department of Chemistry, The Ohio State University, 100 W. 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210 USA), so that she can send you the forms.