IN “Minority Report”, a police- man, played by Tom Cruise, gleans tip-offs from three psychics and nabs future criminals before they break the law. In the real world, prediction is more difficult. But it may no longer be science fiction, thanks to the growing prognosticatory power of computers. That prospect scares some, but it could be a force for good–if it is done right.
Machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, can generate remarkably accurate predictions. It works by crunching vast quantities of data in search of patterns. Take, for example, restaurant hygiene. The system learns which combinations of sometimes obscure factors are most suggestive of a problem. Once trained, it can assess the risk that a restaurant is dirty.
1. IN “Minority Report”, a police- man, played by Tom Cruise, gleans tip-offs from three psychics and nabs future criminals before they break the law. 在《少数派报告》中,汤姆&bull克鲁斯扮演的警察过梳理三个灵媒透露的消息,在罪犯违法前逮住了他们。
2.In the real world, prediction is more difficult.
3.But it may no longer be science fiction, thanks to the growing prognosticatory power of computers.
4. That prospect scares some, but it could be a force for good–if it is done right. 这个展望令一些人害怕,但它可能是善的力量––如果操作正确的话。
1. Machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, can generate remarkably accurate predictions.
2. It works by crunching vast quantities of data in search of patterns.
3.Take, for example, restaurant hygiene.
4. The system learns which combinations of sometimes obscure factors are most suggestive of a problem.
5.Once trained, it can assess the risk that a restaurant is dirty.
untries that benefit from it. The row over posted workers shows how mobility rights can run up against the EU’s impulse to “protect” citizens in rich countries from globalization’s ravages. Economic and technological changes are making working lives more precarious in time, more governments may choose to pin the blame on free movement. One former senior EU official involved in previous rounds of accession talks says that an “emergency brake” rule allowing governments to halt labour inflows is inevitable. Mr Cameron’s bid may simply have been premature.
Why there is a debate on the immigrate workers in Europe?
(A) The countries benefit from immigration threat the freedom of it.
(B) The mobility rights conflict with the rich economies’ desire to protect citizens.
(C) The changes of economy and technology make the working lives unstable.
(D) The sudden brake allows governments to stop labour movement in Europe.
1. Yet the threats to freedom of immigration movement are more likely to come from the countries that benefit from it. 但对于迁移自由的威胁却更有可能来自那些从中受益的国家。 2. The row over posted workers shows how mobility rights can run up against the EU’s impulse to “protect” citizens in rich countries from globalization’s ravages. 关于派遣工人的吵嚷显示了迁移权如何遇上欧盟“保护”富裕国家公民免受全球化蹂躏的冲动。
3. Economic and technological changes are making working lives more precarious in time, more governments may choose to pin the blame on free movement. 经济和技术变化让工人的生活更加不稳定迟早会有更多的政府可能选择归咎自由迁移。
4.One former senior EU official involved in previous rounds of accession talks says that an “emergency brake” rule allowing governments to halt labour inflows is inevitable. Mr Cameron’s bid may simply have been premature. 一位参与前几轮入盟谈判的前欧盟高级官员的说,制定允许各国政府限制劳工流入的“紧急制动”规则不可避免。
Why there is a debate on the immigrate workers in Europe?
Debate= The row the immigrate workers= posted workers
A shows B
A 表明了B
how mobility rights can run up against the EU’s impulse to “protect” citizens in rich countries from globalization’s ravages.
(B) The mobility rights conflict with the rich economies’ desire to protect their citizens.
Run up against= conflict with
Impulse= desire
(A) The countries benefit from immigration threat the freedom of it.
(C) The changes of economy and technology make the working lives unstable.
这个替换倒是对的:unstable= precarious,但是定位错误
(D) The sudden brake allows governments to stop labour movement in Europe.
The energy companies are coming under increased pressure from the government to pass on falls in wholesale gas prices and to slash consumers’ gas and electricity bills.Amber Rudd, the newly appointed energy and climate change secretary, has written to the ‘big six’ energy companies calling on them to lower their prices now that a pledge by Labour to impose a freeze was off the table.
Analysis by regulator has found the energy firms are now making an average profit of £118 per dual fuel deal this year &ndash up 32% on the previous year, while wholesale gas and electricity costs are now £80 lower than they were a year ago.
The energy companies are coming under increased pressure from the government(政府向能源公司增加压力)to pass on falls in wholesale gas prices and to slash(减少) consumers’ gas and electricity bills.
Amber Rudd, the newly appointed energy andclimate change secretary, has written to the ‘big six’ energy companies callingon them to lower their prices now that a pledge by Labour to impose a freezewas off the table.
Analysis by regulator has found the energyfirms are now making an average profit of £118 per dual fuel deal this year &ndashup 32% on the previous year, while wholesale gas and electricity costs are now£80 lower than they were a year ago.
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