At CES 2020, one of the more well-representedgadget categories was definitely consumer robots — but none was more adorable than MarsCat, a newrobo-pet from industrial robot startup ElephantRobotics.
在CES 2020消费电子展上,消费级机器人是一个更具代表性的小工具,但其中最可爱的当属“火星猫”,这是一款新的机器宠物,来自工业机器人初创公司——大象机器人公司。
This robot pet is a fully autonomous companionthat can respond to touch and voice — and evenplay with toys, and it's hard not to love the thingafter spending even just a brief amount of time with it.
MarsCat's pedigree is a bit unusual, since Elephant Robotics is focused on building what'sknown as "cobots", or industrial robots that are designed to work alongside humans in settingslike factories or assembly plants.
Elephant, which was founded in 2016, already produces three lines of these collaborativerobots and has sold them to client companies around the world, including in Korea, the U.S., Germany and more.
This new product is designed for the home, however, not the factory or the lab. MarsCat is thestartup's first consumer product, but it obviously benefits immensely from the company'sexpertise and experience in their industrial robotics business. With its highly articulated legs, tail and head, it can sit up, walk, play and watch your movements, all working autonomouslywithout any additional input required.
While MarsCat provides that kind of functionality out of the box, it's also customizable andprogrammable by the user. Inside, it's powered by a Raspberry Pi, and it ships with MarsCatSDK, which is an open software development library that allows you to fully control andprogram all of the robot's functions. This makes it an interesting gadget for STEM educationand research, too.
虽然火星猫开箱即用,但用户也可以定制和编程。内部由树莓派驱动,还装有MarsCat SDK(软件开发工具包),这是一个开源软件开发库,你可以完全控制机器人的所有功能并进行编程,也使它成为了很有趣的STEM教育和研究工具。
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