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2012-04-28 20:16




【 liuxuequn.com - 留学申请条件 】

美国TOP50大学名单 申请截至日期 SAT1 SAT2
Harvard University
Early Action November 1;Regular Decision January 15; 1790 - 2090 Not Reported
Princeton University
Regular Decision January 1 2100 - 2370 School of Arts and Science: three different subject areas; School of Engineering: three subject areas, preferably one in either physics or chemistry and one in either Level I or Level II mathematics
Yale University
Early Action November 1Regular DecisionDecember 31 2100 - 2370 Must submit any combination of 3 SAT II scores

Columbia University
 Regular DecisionJanuary 2 2050 - 2320 For Columbia College, the writing test and any other two are required. For the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the Writing test, any mathematics test, and either Physics or Chemistry are mandatory.
California Institute of Technology
Early Action November 1 Regular DecisionJanuary 1 2180 – 2360  
SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2 and one of the following SAT Subject Tests: Biology, (Ecological), Biology (Molecular), Chemistry, or Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工 Early Action November 1 Regular Decision January 1 2080 - 2330 Must take two SAT II tests, one each in math and science
University of Chicago芝加哥大学 Early Action November 1Regular DecisionJanuary 2 2090 - 2330 Not Reported
Universityof Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 1 2030 - 2300 Wharton School of Business: writing plus two others, language recommended; School of Nursing applicants: writing, plus two others, one science recommended
Duke University杜克大学 Early Decision November 1 Regular DecisionJanuary 2 2000 - 2290 Not Reported
Dartmouth College达特茅斯大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 1 2020 - 2330 Not Reported
Northwestern University西北大学 Early Decision November 1Regular DecisionJanuary 1 2030 - 2290 SAT IIs are recommended, as higher SAT II scores tend to offset lower SAT I or ACT scores. Students applying to the honors program in medical education must take Mathematics IIC, Chemistry, and Writing
Johns Hopkins University约翰霍普金斯大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 1 1930 - 2240 Required only if ACT is not taken. You must take three SAT II tests, one of which must be writing. The other two should be related to your discipline.
Washington University in St. Louis圣路易斯华盛顿大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 15 1390 - 1540 Not Reported
Brown University布朗大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 1 2000 - 2300 Any 3 SAT IIs
Cornell University康奈尔大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 2 1940 - 2230 Agriculture and Life Sciences: writing, science, and math (any level) recommended; Architecture, Art, and Planning: writing required; Arts and Sciences, and Human Ecology: three subjects, one of which must be writing; Engineering: math, science, and writi
Rice University莱斯大学 Early Decision November 1 Regular DecisionJanuary 1 2000 - 2300 Writing and two additional tests selected by applicant
Vanderbilt University范德堡大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 3 2020 - 2280 Not Reported
University of Notre Dame圣母大学 Early Action November 1 Regular DecisionDecember 31 1960 - 2240 Not Reported
Emory University埃默里大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 15 1950 - 2220 Optional
University of California--Berkeley加州伯克利分校 Regular DecisionNovember 30 1840 - 2180 Applicants must take two SAT subject test from the following: English, history and social studies, mathematics (Level 2 only), science, or language other than English.
Georgetown University乔治敦大学 Early Action November 1 Regular DecisionJanuary 10 1300 - 1500 (1600) Scores from three SAT subject tests requested
Carnegie Mellon University卡内基梅陇大学 Early Decision November 1 Regular DecisionJanuary 1 1930 - 2230 SAT subject tests are not required for drama, design, art, or music applicants. All other applicants must take the appropriate tests no later than January.
University of Southern California南加州大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 10 1910 - 2210 Not Reported
University of California--Los Angeles加州洛杉矶分校 Regular DecisionNovember 30 1730 - 2100 Not Reported
University of Virginia弗吉尼亚大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 2 1830 - 2170 Math, Writing, and a subject of your choice
Wake Forest University维克森大学 Early Action November 15 Early DecisionJanuary 1 Regular DecisionJanuary 1 1180 - 1390 (1600) Not Reported
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor密歇根大学安娜堡分校 Early Action November 1 Regular DecisionFebruary 1 1840 - 2150 Not Reported
Tufts University塔夫斯大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 1 2030 - 2260 Not Reported
University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 Early Action November 1 Regular DecisionJanuary 15 1790 - 2090 Not Reported
Boston College波士顿大学 Early Action November 1 Regular DecisionJanuary 1 1880 - 2150 For all applicants, two SAT subject tests are required. In lieu of those, the ACT with writing may be taken.
Brandeis University布兰迪斯大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 15 1880 - 2180 Two subjects required
College of William and Mary威廉与玛丽学院 Regular DecisionJanuary 1 1880 - 2160 Optional
New York University纽约大学也 Early Decision November 1 Regular DecisionJanuary 1 1860 - 2170 NYU requires three SAT Subject tests in any area for all applicants except those for The Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development or Tisch School of the Arts.
University of Rochester罗斯特大学 Regular DecisionJanuary 15 1830 - 2120 Not Reported
Georgia Institute of Technology乔治亚理工 Regular DecisionJanuary 15 1810 - 2100 Not Reported
University of California--San Diego加州大学圣地亚哥分校 Regular DecisionNovember 30 1710 - 2060 Not Reported
Case Western Reserve University凯斯西储大学 Early Action November 1 Regular DecisionJanuary 15 1840 - 2150 For the Pre-Professional Scholars Program only one math, one science and one English SAT II Exam
Lehigh University里海大学 Regular Decision January 1 1220 - 1390 (1600) Not Reported
University of California--Davis加州大学戴维斯分校 Regular Decision November 30 1590 - 1960 Not Reported
University of Miami迈阿密大学 Early Action November 1 Early Decision November 1 Regular Decision January 15 1790 - 2060 For Honors Program in Medicine applicants: English (with or without writing), physics, chemistry or biology, and math are required.
University of California--Santa Barbara 加州大学圣芭芭拉分校  Regular Decision November 30 1620 - 1980 Not Reported
University of Washington华盛顿大学 Regular Decision December 15 1630 - 1970 Not Reported
University of Wisconsin--Madison威斯康星麦迪逊 Regular Decision February 1 1730 - 2060 Not Reported
Pennsylvania State University--University Park宾州州立大学 Regular Decision Rolling 1630 - 1940 None
University of California - Irvine加州大学欧文分校 Regular Decision November 30 1590 - 1930 Two subject tests
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign伊利诺伊香槟分校 Early Action November 10 Regular Decision January 2 1780 - 2100 Not Reported
University of Texas--Austin德州奥斯汀分校 Regular Decision December 15 1630 - 2020 Not Reported
Yeshiva University叶史瓦大学 Regular Decision Not Reported 1635 - 2000 Not Reported
George Washington University乔治华盛顿大学 Regular Decision January 10 1810 - 2080 None
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute伦斯勒理工学院 Regular Decision January 15 1860 - 2135 Not Reported
Tulane University杜兰大学 Early Action November 15 Regular Decision January 15 1850 - 2110 None

  想了解更多留学申请条件网的资讯,请访问: 山东留学申请条件

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