“今天是你们大喜的日子,恭祝佳偶天成,花好月圆,永结同心。”平日的生活中,朋友之间总会发布一些富有感情的文案,这些极具烟火气息的记录让读者对作者内心的世界有了进一步的认识,有哪些触动你心弦的句子呢?留学群小编特别编辑了“结婚英文祝福语简短”, 相信你能从中找到需要的内容!
2、May you two love each other forever and grow with each passing day!
5、Wish you two always be in love, grow old together!
6、Love is a lifetime commitment, happy day, wish you a lifetime ofhappiness.
7、Today is your wedding day. I wish you a happy new marriage, sincere love,happiness, love for life.
8、God bless you and yours,and surround you ever with his blessing
9、White head with eyebrows, mandarin duck with wings, Qingyang Qirui, peachand plum heart! I wish you a happy marriage and early birth!
10、On your wedding day, my aunt wishes you a happy marriage and earlybirth.
14、The two of you make a perfect couple. 你们俩真是天造地设的一对。
15、My husband joins me in hoping that you have a long and happy and prosperous life together
16、We wish that you will be contented every year. 祝你们年年欢乐。
17、I wish two happy people happiness forever.
18、Please accept our most sincere congratulations upon your holy matrimony with……and very best wishes for all the good future in the world
19、Wedding bells are breaking up that gang of mine. 结婚的钟声响起,拆散了我昔日的那一群伙伴。
20、May you always have everything you wish for a rich life together
21、My good friends, today is your happy day, I wish you happiness forever!live to old age in conjugal bliss!
22、God bless you, wish you life to see the benefits of the holy city, Jerusalem!
23、正值阁下新婚之禧,恭贺幸福无量。My heart felt congratulations on your coming happy union!
25、Congratulations,wishing you guys the best life can give you
26、The red plum blossoms and the green willows smile. Happy wedding!
27、My dear sister, I sincerely wish you a happy marriage, a long lifetogether, and a happy and safe life.
28、I hope you will think about creating, training, running in, maintaining andimproving your marriage in the years to come.
30、In this day of warm spring and blooming flowers, the two of you will alwaysget together, which is the so-called "a couple born in heaven and a pair born inearth"!
31、The seas run dry and the rocks crumble to forever together rich high day keeping abreast. Sister, happy marriage!
33、For the bride and groom wishing you love in the heart, in your home.
34、Let us wish you both a hundred years of happiness
35、I wish you a hundred years of happiness, a hundred years of happiness, ahappy marriage, a happy marriage, and a happy coincidence.
36、I wish you a happy new marriage and a long life together.
结婚祝福语 | 新婚祝福语 | 婚礼祝福语 | 订婚祝福语 | 结婚红包祝福语 | 朋友结婚祝福语 |
结婚贺词 | 新婚祝词 | 婚礼致辞 | 婚礼主持词 | 结婚周年祝福语 | 结婚纪念日祝福语 |