1、I want a family to look at blessing. Look at the roundness of the moon today. Look at the family reunion. Look at the stars in the sky. See if the rice ball in the bowl is full. The Lantern Festival.
3、家家户户红灯挂,街上彩旗哗啦响。正月十五元宵节,全家团圆品元宵。玉碗汤圆端上来,银杯高举一醉休。甜甜蜜蜜一家亲,共度元宵吉祥安。元宵节快乐! Families hang a red light, flags waving sound in the street。 The fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, family reunion is tasted yuanxiao。 The jade bowl of dumplings, silver cup held up a drunk。 Sweet skin enjoy yuanxiao auspicious。 Happy Lantern Festival!
5、年年元宵年年圆,团团圆圆,事业圆满,家圆人圆,财源情缘,愿愿随愿月儿圆。元宵快乐! Yuan xiao round year after year, year after year, business circle person circle, completeness, and financial resources to want to want with the moon is round。 Yuan xiao is happy!
6、祝你的家庭美满乐团圆,元宵佳节快乐!I wish your family a happy reunion and a happy Lantern Festival!
7、The moon is round and round, smiling with joy; Better luck, more sweet dreams; Joy and happiness are the joys of happiness. Long smile longer, dream in your heart to stay! Happy Lantern Festival!
9、愿愿随愿月儿圆,事事随心汤圆甜。元宵快乐!Willing to wish the moon round, everything as you like sweet dumplings. Happy Lantern Festival!
10、过完大年过元宵,点起花灯庆丰年!祝元宵节快乐!After the lunar new year, Lantern Festival, light the Lantern Festival! Happy Lantern Festival!
11、元宵节,衷心祝愿你万事如意,前途看好。On the Lantern Festival, I sincerely wish you all the best and a bright future.
13、元宵节祝你的生活步步高升,事业飞黄腾达。On the Lantern Festival, I wish you every success in your life and career.
14、The moon was falling, and I left reluctantly. But the people who watched the lanterns were still in the stream, and all kinds of colored lights were shining like stars in the sky. It was "a night of intoxication, only spring."
15、愿您合家团圆,欢笑满颜,新年才开始,好日子才开始!I wish you a happy family reunion and a happy New Year!
16、元宵佳节至,请受我一拜,愿你佳节吉祥愉快,红包拿来!The Lantern Festival to, please accept my worship, I wish you a happy and auspicious festival, red envelope!
17、愿此元宵佳节,您心情愉悦,身体健康,家庭和美,亲友源远,事业成功,好梦连连。 May the Lantern Festival, you happy, healthy body, and the family, friends and family source far, successful career, good dream。
18、愿你十五元宵闹,吉祥好运把你照!Wish you 15 Lantern Festival, good luck to you!
19、回荡着新春的热闹,吟唱着欢乐的歌调,迎接着春风的微笑,祝福的短信已来到,祝福你元宵快乐最独到,生活美好,事业走高,前途分外美妙。 Echoed with the New Year's lively, singing songs of joy, smile to greet the spring breeze, the blessing of message has come, and wish you a happy Lantern Festival is the most original and beautiful life, career, the future is wonderful。
21、煮一碗汤圆送你,愿你合家团圆,生活赛蜜。Boil a bowl of dumplings to send you, wish you family reunion, life match honey.
24、祝君日子越来越红火,亲人团团圆圆,钱包圆圆鼓鼓。Wish you more and more prosperous day, family reunion, wallet round drum drum.
26、The Lantern Festival is coming. Friends who are away from home remember to contact their families far away. I wish all of you a successful career, a prosperous career, a healthy body, a happy life, an early realization of your beautiful dream, and a return to building your hometown, happy Lantern Festival!
27、祝你佳节福满身,好运和你不离分,万事如意永开心。I wish you a happy holiday, good luck and you, all the best and always happy.
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