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2023-05-17 11:00




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  “为你情愿不自由!For you will not be free!”经过精心整理编辑为您提供完整的《520英文祝福语》资讯。在平时生活工作过程中祝福语是使用得比较频繁的,祝福语是一种祝福的语言表达形式,是寄托美好祝福的话语。把心中美好的祝福送出去吧,让开心依旧!幸福依旧。欢迎品鉴这些句子!

  1、May our love will last forever.

  2、我觉得你真的不是个合格的朋友,你还是改行做我老婆吧!I think you are really not a qualified friend, you have to do is to change my wife!

  3、As always ,I hope the sweetheart festival to be joyful!

  4、亲他一口,然后说:我盖章了,你以后就是我的人了。我会对你负责的。Kiss him, and then said: I seal, you will be my people. I'll take care of you.

  5、请你当我手心里的宝。Please be the treasure in my hand.

  6、May you two share every day of life together till forever.

  7、如果没有你的爱,活著的目标将难复再!If you do not love, the goal will be difficult to live again!

  8、心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言!Listening to my heart beating Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionat words I left for you!

  9、你离我远吗?一点也不,藏在我的心里呢。Are you far away from me? Not at all, hidden in my heart.

  10、今生如果不能拥有你,我会好恨自己。If I can't have you, I will hate myself.

  11、没有你,我的天空少了一片色彩;没有你,我的世界多了一种思念。Without you, my sky is not a piece of color; without you, my world more than a miss.

  12、好笑吗身边没你,好怪,陪我一生一世好吗?Funny around you, so strange, with my whole life?

  13、将你心再加上我的心,就算痛苦滋味也愿意尝!Will your heart with my heart, even if the pain is willing to taste!

  14、我想未来我一定会天天陪你上市场。I think I will accompany you on the market every day.

  15、我偷听到你对上帝说你非我不嫁,所以我不想你背叛上帝嘛!I heard you said you never marry to God, so I don't want you to betray god!

  16、世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的。There are so many towns in the world, there are so many pubs in the town, she walked into my.

  17、不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely

  18、你是一位童话里的仙女,给了我生活的芳香,给了我生命的春天。You are a fairy tale fairy, gave me the fragrance of life, gave me the spring of life.

  19、亲爱的:最近我牙齿痛,因为常常晚上想你,那感觉太甜蜜了,会蛀牙。Dear: recently my teeth hurt, because I miss you every night, it feels so sweet, and will decay.

  20、倒不是怕他会跟上来,而是怕我的心没有随我的脚步跟上来。Not afraid he will follow up, but I am afraid that my heart did not follow my footsteps.

  21、你是风儿我是沙,你端杯儿我倒茶,你打盹儿我铺床,你生孩儿我看娃。You are the wind I am sand, I pour you a cup of tea, you doze off my bed, I see you baby baby.

  22、明知爱不到,却爱得死心塌地,明知爱得毫无结果,却爱得死去活来。Knowing that love not to love, but love without knowing hell-bent, results, but love half alive.

  23、May all of our wishes come true this Valentine’s Day.

  24、didn’t think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met y Valenti ne’s Day, Dear.

  25、如果可以重新排列英文字母,我会把U跟I放在一起。If you can rearrange the English alphabet, I will put U and I together.

  26、我知道爱要自由才能快乐,我却宁愿留在你身边,陪你,陪你走过。I know that love is free to be happy, but I would rather stay with you, accompany you, accompany you through.

  27、genuine and conceal noting.I write every wiod I wand to say on this small card.I wish my honey a happy Valentine’s day.

  28、你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守候,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。You know my loneliness is only one person waiting for you, thousands of my sweet songs are only sung for you.

  29、好好照顾自己我不想等到下辈子再来爱你!Take good care of myself I don't want to wait until the next life to love you!

  30、May I wish that all Jacks shall have Jills, all shall be well.

  31、陪你到你想去的地方,用心走完我们人生的余下的旅程。Accompany you to the place you want to go, the heart of the rest of our lives.

  32、好想从现在开始抱著你,紧紧的抱著你,一直走到上帝面前。I want to hold you from now on, hold you tight, go straight to god.

  33、Happy Valentine's Day!!

  34、want to hold your hand on Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie.

  35、为你情愿不自由!For you will not be free!

  36、我起身倒了杯热水,握在手里,却感觉不到任何温暖。I got up and poured a cup of hot water, I held it in my hand, but I couldn't feel any warmth.

  37、白昼与黑夜将无法阻挡我俩的深深思念!Day and night will never stop us from thinking!

  38、You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms. I can’t let you go. Happy Valentine’s Day.

  39、假如可以的话,我愿意花去生命中的每一分每一秒陪著你。If possible, I would like to spend every minute of my life with you.

  40、May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine’s Day Honey!

  41、我一生中最美好的日子是发生那件事情的那天,是和直树相遇的日子。That day the best day of my life is that thing's happening, and Naoki meet.

  42、只因你太美好令我无法坦白说出我爱你。Cause you're so beautiful that I can't say I love you.

  43、我希望睡前最后看到的是你。I hope to see you last night.

  44、生命是幻觉,可是我需要你在身边。Life is an illusion, but I need you by my side.

  45、Wish your t/Miss Right will appear soon.

  46、望眼欲穿,千里云烟的思念。面朝北方,想你,在春暖花开的季节。Wistfully, Trinidad Yunyan miss. Facing the north, think of you, in the spring season.

  47、Sending you a kiss to say I’m glad that you are mine. Happy the day!

  48、任何时候任何情况,只要你需要我,我立即赶来,尽我全力为你做事。Whenever you need me, I'll come right away and do my best for you.

  49、和你在一起只是我不想给任何人机会。I just don't want to give anyone the chance to be with you.

  50、千万个思念,在空气中凝固。扬起风吹向你,带着我的祝福,寂寞我不在乎,你快乐我就满足,想你是我的幸福!Thousand of time I have thought of you My heart is going high into the air and flying with my blessing towards you I don't care loneliness I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when I think of you!

  51、此情无计可消除。才下眉头,却上心头。No plan can eliminate. Only under the brow, but the heart.

  52、当你伤心难过时,我愿意成为你可以依靠的人。When you are sad, I would like to be able to rely on you.

  53、我会做你的耳朵,倾听那走调式的专属。I'll be your ears, listen to the tune.

  54、每当我独处时,每当我快乐时,我都会想起你,想让你加倍我的快乐。Whenever I am alone, whenever I am happy, I will think of you, want you to double my happiness.

  55、遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁。Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my control.

  56、你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart

  57、May you two linger on each other every day and night till the end of time.

  58、Our love grows stronger with every passing year. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie.

  59、在每一个有你相伴的夜,不再过于寂寥冷清。In every one of your companions night, never lonely lonely.

  60、不知什么时候开始,我已学会依赖。I do not know when to start, I have learned to rely on.

  61、You mean everything to me. Please say y Valentine’s Day, Honey!

  62、忆归期,数归期,梦见虽多相遇稀,何日重逢,不再分离?The number of return, return, although the dream encounter thin, when again, no longer separated?

  63、能够遇见你,对我来说是最大的幸福。Meeting you is the greatest happiness for me.

  64、我将用我一生的柔情,开启你尘封的记忆。愿你心随所想,事成所望。I will use my life to open your tenderness, dusty memory. May your heart with the thought, what hope.

  65、我不相信永远的爱,因为我只会一天比一天更爱你。 I don't believe in forever love, because I only love you more and more each day.

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