1.Some people, were born to sit by a river.
Plenty times you be alone. You different like us, it's gonna be that way. But I tell you a little secret. Fat people,skinny people, tall people, white people... they just as alone as us... But they scaredshitless... Not a thing wrong with being alone... no sir...
2.Some get struck by lightning.
MR. DAWS: I'm blind in the one eye...I can't hardly hear...I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere... I lose my line of thought... but you know what... God keeps reminding me I'm lucky to be alive...
3.Some have an ear for music.
THE WOMAN: It isn't how well you play, it's how you feel about what you're playing... We're meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us.
4.Some are artists.
CAPT. MIKE: You can be mad as a mad dawg at the way things went... You can swear, curse the fates, regret everything you ever did.. but when it comes ...
That old saying,how you always hurt the one you love? Well,it works both ways.
Lost in oblivion,dark and silent and complete. I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.
The things you own end up owning you.
Between those huge,sweating tits that hung enormous the way you’d think of god’s as big.
Echo:I could’t sleep. I could’t sleep. Everyting’s far way. With insomnia, nothing’s real. Everyting’s a copy of a copy of a copy.
We used to read pornography. Now it was the horchow collection.
Lost in oblivion,dark and silent and complete. I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.
I wasn’t really dying. I wasn’t host to cancer or parasites. I was the warm little center. That the life of this world crowded around.
Every evening, I died and every evening, I was born again. Resurrected.
When you have insomnia, you’re never really asleep and you’re never really awake.
《中国合伙人:American Dreams in China》经典中英文台词:
1、What do you think of USA .
2、What we pursue is not successful, but his dignity.
3、When you realize that failure is only successful detours, you have succeeded half.
4、Now Chinese Students abroad do not want to stay in the United States, but would like to return to China.
5、We are too young too naive.
6、Seek victory in failure,seek hope in despair.
7、If wrinkles will be engraved on our forehead, the only thing we can do, just don't let it in our heart.
8、I feel my youth is over, and was buried in it.
9、It's because I memorized the entire text on the plane coming here. It's a skill that I mastered when was 18... For your information, I was only considered a mediocre of all my peers. Chinese students are extremely adept at taking exams. You can't imagine what they are willing to go through to succeed. You don't understand Chinese culture.
10、Someday, when we are no longer teachers, but the representative of the ...
A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it can be magic.
The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view.
Some days the sunsets would be purple and pink. And some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on the horizon. It was during one of those sunsets that my father's idea of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts moved from my head to my heart.
Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.
Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.
The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped. It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes.
电影简介:这是一位因冤案入狱的年轻银行家在牢中如何追寻自由的故事。 片中的年轻银行家,凭着对银行财务知识的精通,在狱中,不仅为自己赢得了生命的安全、些许的自由,更为狱友争取到了物质、精神上的利益。也正因为对财务的精通,也使得男主角最后彻底击败残暴、阴险的狱长,并且使自己获得物质上的自由。
1.I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying.
2.These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That`s institution alized.
监狱里的高墙实在是很有趣。刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢地,你习惯了生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存。 这就是体制化。
3.Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another.
4.It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.
坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人 。
5.Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another.
6.Remember, Red, hope is good thing, mabye the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.
7.I find I’m so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a lon...
甲方:party a: 乙方:party b:
合同编号: contract no
签约地点:signed at:
witnesses that the party a for considerations hereinafter named, contracts and agrees with the party b that party a will, within_____ days, next following the date hereof, build and finish a libarary building for party b. ( the building hereinafter is referred to as the said building.) the said building is of the following dimensions, with reinforced concrete, brick, stones and other materials, as are described in plans and specifications gereto annexed.
1926年哥本哈根,风景画家艾纳(埃迪·雷德梅恩 饰)和擅长人物画的格尔达(艾丽西亚·维坎德 饰)结为夫妇。因为模特失约,格尔达为顺利完成画作说服了艾纳穿上女装救场。这次意外令艾纳多出一个女性人格“莉莉”,而后者亦成为妻子的灵感女神,让格尔达声名鹊起。只是随着沉睡女性人格的被唤醒,艾纳开始厌恶自己作为男性的身体,他渐渐发现莉莉不但是艺术存在,更是真正的自己。格尔达也没有想到只是临时起意的游戏,竟为自己人生投下了一颗震撼弹,她该如何继续爱她的伴侣?她们在各种社会非议和误解中不离不弃,最后格尔达鼓励艾纳彻底变成莉莉……
1.And she propositioned me. 而且是她跟我搭讪的。
2. Were you really corrupted by my ankles? 你真的有被我的脚踝所吸引?
3. You are forward. 你很主动啊。
4. I don't mean to presume, but I've been watching you. 我不想唐突,但我一直看着你。
5. Does he abandon you often? 他经常放你鸽子吗?
6. I've been on my own a long time now. I'm too set in my ways. 我单身很长一段时间了,习惯了这种生活。
7. It's a good crowd. 来的人很多。
Gerda: Hello?
Einar: In here. These are good, Gerda.
Gerda: You think?
Einar: Mmm.
Gerda: Well, thank you. I had a coffee with Ulla.
Einar: Hmm.
Gerda: She asked me about the Artists' Ball.
Einar: I'm not going.
Gerda: Don't worry. I told her no.
Einar: You should go. You enjoy it.
Gerda: With you, I enjoy it.
Einar: ...