Brussels is proposing to tighten its grip overoverseas banks operating in the EU in a tit-for-tat step against the US that will raise costs forbig foreign lenders and potentially hurt the City of London after Brexit.
The European Commission will disclose provisions tomorrow that mirror controversial USintermediate holding company rules ringfencing foreign bank capital.
欧盟委员会(European Commission)将于明日披露的规定与有争议的美国中介控股公司规则(要求圈护外资银行资本)如出一辙。
When those were anno¬u¬nced in 2014, the EU complained to Wash¬ington of protectionismand threatened to retaliate.
If adopted in EU law, the commission proposals would force big US investment banks such asGoldman Sachs and JPMorgan to trap add¬itional capital and liquidity in the EU so theirsubsidiaries can be separately wound up in a crisis by European authorities.
如果这些提议成为欧盟法律,它将迫使高盛(Goldman Sachs)和摩根大通(JPMorgan)等美国大型投行在欧盟保留额外的资本和流动性,让欧洲当局能够在危机中将它们的子公司单独清盘。
The counterblow from Brussels, slipped into late drafts of the proposal, will be welcomed by EUbanks that complain of an unlevel playing field with US rivals.
But it underlines the accelerating trend towards fragmentation in financial rules, asjurisdictions asser...
Sometimes when we are learning a new language it can be really frightening to start speaking it with other people. We may have a good vocabulary and grammar base but speaking is the aspect that we most need to practise.
Overcoming this fear of speaking our new language is extremely important as it will help us gain confidence in ourselves and will show others that they can speak to us in theirnative language.
Today let’s look at a few great tips that can help you overcome your fear of speaking English or a different language to other people:
1.Accept that you are going to make mistakes and learn from them
People make mistakes all the time, especially when speaking a new language. Don’t be sad or feel disappointed if you make mistakes; it’s part of the process of improving your speaking. Once you have made a mistake, correct it and carry on. As Albert Einstein said, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”.
2. Ask for help
1. Don't let others talk over you. Raise your voice and be heard!
You know who ignores a tiger? You know who interrupts a tiger during a work meeting? No one, that's who! If you were a tiger, your roar would be heard nearly two miles away.
2. Don't be afraid to show off your stripes — the things that make you unique!
Every tiger's stripes are unique — no two are alike! You shouldn't feel the need to hide your stripes either. Customize your work space with pictures of your family or favorite hobby. Find cool wallpapers or desktop apps like Rainmeter to make your desktop your own.
3. If you've got a problem, jump right in and start swimming.
What does this mean for you? If you're got a job or assignment, don't procrastinate. If it feels too large, find a small part of it you can do now and try working on it for just 10 or 20 minutes. If you can keep doing that, no problem is too big (or too wet) for you.
Despite being used by 1.34 billion people each year, traveling on the Tube in London can actually be quite lonely. An unwritten rule encouraging silence, mixed with classic British reserve, means that even though you’re packed into an enclosed space with hundreds of other people, the morning *commute can leave you feeling somewhat isolated.
One London resident, however, is trying to change this.
“You get on the Tube here and it’s completely silent and it’s weird,” says Jonathan Dunne, 42, an American living in London, who has, ironically, started a worldwide dialogue after giving out *badges with the slogan “Tube chat?” last month, encouraging commuters in London to get talking to one another.
“I handed out 500 badges during rush hour in a city of 8 million expecting most of them to be thrown away, but after about 24 hours it completely snowballed,” he says.
Dunne and his “Tube chat” campaign have since featured in m...
We all like to let our hair down come Friday, but studies have shown that some of your favourite weekend activities could actually be wrecking your sleep for the entire week ahead.
For many of us, the weekend is a chance to catch up on some much needed rest, as the monotonous routine we endure during the week is thrown merrily to the wind - but what if we're doing more harm than good?
Here’s how sleeping in, binge drinking and lazy Sundays can affect your weekday sleep cycle.
You’re sleeping too much
Is there such a thing as too much sleep? It seems so.
According to sleep experts at Sweden’s Katolinska Insitute having an irregular sleep schedule confuses our natural cycle.
Sleeping in really late, taking long naps, or ones that are late in the evening means you won’t have an appetite for regular sleep and it will leave you feeling jet-lagged.
That’s not to say you shouldn’t ...
当全球化的产品或服务与当地文化相结合时更有可能取得成功,也就是用“全球化的思想,本土化的操作”(“think globally and act locally”),一方面要像本地公司那样,尽可能做一个“圈内人”;另一方面还要从全球经营中获得收益,这就是“全球本土化”。
Glocalization (a portmanteau of globalization and localization) is the adaptation of international products around the particularities of a local culture in which they are sold. The process allows integration of local markets into world markets.
The term first appeared in a late 1980s publication of the Harvard Business Review.
McDonald's restaurants' menus adopted the practice and customized its menus to suit local tastes in various countries.
Glocalization can also involve the use of culturally friendly media to encourage the acceptance of foreign products among a local audience.
Foreign direct investment by Chinese companies forthe year ended September has already exceeded thetotal for all of 2015, the latest official figures show.
Outbound non-financial investment for the year to date came to $134.2bn (Rmb882.8bn) at theend of September, a rise of 53.7 per cent year-on-year according to data from China’s Ministryof Commerce.
That growth rate is about a fifth lower compared to previous peaks seen this year but remainswell above levels witnessed in the final months of 2015, when annual outbound investmenttotalled only $121.45bn.
For the month of September outbound investment totalled $16.2bn, up 56.9 per cent year-on-year and rising 5.6 per cent from August.
In its commentary on the latest figures, the commerce ministry said continued growth in theheadline figure had been spurred by a rise in new projects abroad and foreign M&A dealsinked during the period as well as a growing number of special trade zones established inother countries.
Also of note, though unmentioned by the ministry, are abid...
More than 1,300 elderly people go missing in China every day -- 500,000 per year, a new report claims.
Senior citizens aged 65 or over account for up to 80% of missing elderly person cases, according to the Zhongmin Social Assistance Institute under the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
"This is obviously a huge number and a social issue we cannot afford to ignore," Wang Zhikun, president of the Zhongmin institute, said on Sunday.
Around 25% of those missing had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's or dementia, while 72% suffered some sort of memory impairment, according to the report.
Of those who were found after being reported missing, 25% then went missing again, report author Xiong Guibin added.
Demographic time bomb
China's population is aging rapidly, a hangover of the family planning policy, which was finally overturned last year.
While Chinese law requires adults to supp...
《卫报》也报道了这件事情,有趣的是,卫报的标题和结束语都引用了迪伦的歌名。标题“Nobel panel gives up knockin' on Dylan's door”和迪伦的歌曲《敲开天堂的门》(Knockin' on Heaven's Door)相呼应,而结束语“As to whether he will attend, however, the answer is blowing in the wind.”呼应了迪伦的代表作《在风中飘荡》(Blowin' In The Wind)。
The Nobel Prize committee has given up trying to reach Bob Dylan, five days after he became the first musician awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Dylan, 75, is yet to respond to the accolade, which was announced on Thursday. That evening he gave a concert in Las Vegas in which he spoke little, and did not mention the award.
On Friday he performed in Coachella, as part of the Desert Trip festival – and was commended by The Rolling Stones, who performed after him.
"I want to thank Bob Dylan for an amazing set," said Sir Mick Jagger. "We have never shared the stage with a Nobel Prize winner before. Bob is like our own Walt Whitman."
Keith Rich...
日前,全球首个VR支付产品“VR Pay”在深圳亮相。VR Pay由阿里巴巴旗下的蚂蚁金服研发。在虚拟环境中,不管是购物、直播还是游戏,当涉及支付时,用户再也不用取下VR眼镜,拿出手机,打开支付应用付钱。而是可以直接通过触控、凝视、点头等交互方式,在3D虚拟现实中完成支付。有体验者戏称,以后再也别说“剁手”了,有了VR Pay,不用手也能买买买了。
Alibaba's finance arm has shown demonstrated a payment service that will allow virtual reality shoppers to pay for things in future just by nodding their heads.
VR Pay, the new payment system, is part of Alibaba's efforts to capitalise on the latest technology in online shopping.
这项新的支付系统就是VR Pay,是阿里巴巴致力于将最新技术应用到网购中的成果之一。
In 2015, for example, it introduced a facial recognition technology for Alipay mobile payments service advertised as 'pay with a selfie'.
The VR payment technology means people using virtual reality goggles to browse virtual reality shopping malls will be able pay for purchases without taking off the goggles.
They can just nod or look instead.
Lin Feng, who is in charge of Ant Financial's incubator F Lab that has been developing the payment service over the past few months, told Reuters: 'It is very boring to have to take off your goggles for payment.
'With this, you will never need to take out your ph...