



  名古屋工业大学是日本一所著名的大学。去名古屋工业大学留学,有两类奖学金可以申请:日本政府奖学金和日本学生服务机构荣誉奖学金(Japan Student Services Organization Honors Scholarships )。目前,名古屋工业大学的基金会奖学金还在筹备中。那么对于前两种奖学金,具体都如何申请呢?先和留学群来看看吧。

  1) Japanese Government Scholarship Students (selection before arrival to Japan)


  a) Embassy recommendation:

  MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) requests Japanese embassies to recommend MEXT Scholarship students.

  MEXT requests diplomatic missions overseas to recommend students for scholarships. Because recruitment periods differ according to each country, please check with the diplomatic missions in your own country. The scheduled period of arrival in Japan for undergraduate students is April, and April or October for Graduate-level Research Students. In order to be assured of admission to NITech, Research Students must obtain a Letter of Acceptance from a faculty member at our Institute. Please make preliminary contact with a faculty member at our Institute to receive the Letter of Acceptance.




  Candidates are recruited by diplomatic missions overseas and recommended to MEXT, which makes a selection t...