Task 1
The school decided to cancel the long summer vocation. So students have to attend school all year with some short breaks during holidays. Do you agree or disagree? Please explain the reasons.
Task 2
The best decision is made by groups or by individuals? Please give your explanations and examples.
Task 3
标题: Campus Book Club for students who stay in school during summer vocation
原因1 : students can make good use of their extra time.
原因2:have students keep socially connected.
原因1:Students who stay in school during summer vocation actually have many classes and they are very busy. So there is not much extra time and students will not be interested in this club.
原因2: There are many other opportunities on campus that can get students socially connected like trips, movie nights. So this club is not necessary.
Task 4
标题:illusion of Control
Task 1
If your friend has a chance to study abroad for 1 year, but when he/she comes back, he/she will have to study for an extra year in school to get a degree. What would you recommend him/her to do?
Task 2
With the new technologies, we now have electric books and internet. Someone thinks that someday the library will totally disappear. What is your opinion?
Task 3
标题: New family day event for 1st year students
原因1:invite family members to introduce school programs
原因2:have them listen to the faculties’ presentation.
原因1:Parents asked many questions the students couldn’t answer, like the classes they are going to take and extra programs (study abroad).
原因2: It will help parents to less worry about them, if they know some nonacademic stuff like food and living condition.
Task 1
Your friend wants to build up a restaurant. Please give some suggestions for the following recommendations. Include specific reasons and details in your explanation.
Behavioral exposure? 差不多这个 让孩子克服恐惧 例子 教授儿子刚搬到洛杉矶 害怕跟当地孩子交流 一天一群孩子在外面玩 教授让儿子经过他们的时候 say hi 然后那些孩子很友善的回他 hi 当他俩买冰淇淋回来的时候 夸下那个孩子的自行车 然后他们就交流了 儿子出去跟孩子们玩了
男生本来要和朋友一起去海滩,但是 mary 明天要搬家,所以希望他帮忙
1 找其他人帮忙,但是可能来不及了
2cancel 他的 trip,但是他已经计划很久了,而且天气凉了,没机会了
经济学 Scarcity: 就是说如果你和顾客说这件衣服不剩多少了,再不买就没有了,他们就会疯买。或者你和顾客说只在这个周末打五折哦,他们也会疯买。例子是:服装店卖夹克衫
Task 1
Instead of printing books in paper version, your college is going to use the online version textbooks. Can you talk about one advantage and one disadvantage of this change?
Sample response:
The most remarkable advantage is that this can help students save money. Taking my city for example, the price of an e-book is far less than the price of a paper book; the price of one e-book may be one third of a paper book. Then students may save a bunch of money when buying the textbooks at the beginning of the semester.
The disadvantage is that students might be distracted. If using the online books, students have to use an iPad or a laptop to read information, inevitably students may transfer to seeing movies or listening to music or surfing on the Internet sometimes when using the online e-books, then their attention will be disturbed.
Task 2
Some professors prefer to answer students’ questions at the end of the lecture, while some professors pause at different points to answer students’ questions. Which style do you think is better for learning?
Sample response:
I prefer that the professors answer the questions at the end of the lecture, because this choice is beneficial for both other students and professors.
For other students, it is fair. In a ...
Task 1
One of your friend decided to study more courses in order to graduate one year earlier, do you agree or not agree?
Task 2
Your university decided to allow local communities to listen in the campus, they could enter into the class ,but can’t ask questions and don’t have assignments. Do you agree or not agree?
Task 3
问题: 女生所在的business club 有临时突发性活动,明天要多花一些时间来准备,她要准备演讲稿,争取可以得到更多的attention, 而且她有意争取明年的leadership所以想有个好表现。但是她明天约好了和朋友去听concert, 这个concert是最近地区的only concert, 而且和朋友已经约好了,爽约不太好,所以很为难。
Task 4
阅读Delegation 非常难,研究发现现实生活中放权非常难,很多人不愿意delegation
听力例子:都是举的厨师的例子,因为管理者除了监督还有自己的工作也要做,如果放权会被认为不作为,然后导致收到批评失去工作; 但是如果放权给其他人就可能面临着被其他人取代的可能,造成自己不必要,也会引起放权者的担心。
Task 5
问题:教授提出proposal 要禁止学生进入研究用的 garden, 因为1、学生会折花或者踩踏植物,影响研究; 2、学生如果想亲近自然有其他地方可以去,他们可以去附近的garden ,一样不影响放松心情。
学生反驳:这样太extreme了,原因:1、学生不知道这个是用于研究的,如果规定好rule 学生就不会踩踏了,所以这个可以纠正; 2、附近的花园离学生距离太远了,没有车基本没法去,而学生大部分都没有车,附近也没有交通设施,所以如果禁止会带来很严重的影响。
Task 6
Task 1
Talk about at least 1 advantage/ disadvantage about not being active on social website and social media.
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is acceptable that someone use other’s influence to get a job.
Task 3
阅读标题: combine students& faculty dinning
原因1:Students need more space. It is too crowded.
原因2:Encourage positive social interaction with professor.
原因1:professors are not often coming to dinning hall. They have more options: eat at home, local restaurant or office. So students could have more space.
原因2:the student is concern about the “interaction”. She thinks students might bother professor when they just want to deal with their colleagues or eat quietly. But it still worth a try.
Task 4
阅读标题:high-effort products
定义:Products that need people to depend on their own. People who have difficulties toachieve goals would like to choose this kind of products.
听力例子:The professor did a test: there are two kinds of shoes, one is made in advanced technology, and the slogan is “work less, jump higher”; the other is using muscles,the slogan is “work harder, jump higher.”
Then he asked 2 basketball teams to choose. The...
Task 1
oing and friendly
Personally speaking, being well-organizedis the most beneficial for starting a business. First, being organized willcontribute to the efficiency of our work. As you can see, when we start ourbusiness, we will get tons of things to do, and sometimes we get messed upbecause we don’t make plans. Organizing things ahead of time will reduce thiskind of situation. Plus, being well-organized is the essential quality of beinga leader. You know, the difference between boss and employees is that bossesare calm and organized, which means that when employees are faced withproblems, bosses can figure out ways of solving it organizing the resourcessuch as the use of materials.
A/D父母要prevent from difficulties还是让孩子提前有life experience
媒体叠加效应(availability cascade),举例:一个旅游网站,本来价格低廉,有折扣,很受欢迎,但有一天出故障多收了客户钱,这个事件被电视,报纸,网络等媒体报道接连报道。虽然公司很快把钱退了回去,但是人们还是担心会被多收钱。网站最后变得不那么受欢迎了。
Task 1
Your friend went straight to work after high school and skipped university. But now ten years later, he decides to go to university. Please talk about at least one challenge he will face when he goes to university at an elder age.
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the statement?
It’s never acceptable to interrupt other people when they are taking.
Task 3
阅读标题: close train station
原因1: few passengers use the station;2 把train station建成café等给学生学习
听力态度:不赞成(a pity)
原因1:true: not a lot of people use it, many drive; 但是,还有些人用,学生老师commute to campus; 同时vacation时,学生会从这个station到其他main station, 如果close掉,只能take cab了。
原因2: 学生不需要额外的study place. 已经有很多靠近dorm和classroom building的地方了,举例说有24小时开放的,book store里面的café, 都很安静。 问题是现在很多同学不知道这些地方的存在,学校应该宣传告诉学生这些地方。
Task 4
阅读标题:cultural preadaptation
定义:when people migrate, they can use skills they’ve developed in previous environment to adapt to new environment.
听力例子:曾经住在southern Russia的farmer, 后来来到north America。 这两个地方有similar climate—dry。 所以对于farming来讲是个challenge。 但是,本来在Russia的时候这些farmer已经有dry land technique. 他们知道该怎么种,该种什么,所以到了北美后他们用了同样的farming technique,结果很成功,population flourish了
Task 5
问题:vacation的时候学校repaint了dorm hall...
2018年4月21日托福考试口语真题Task 1
2018年4月21日托福考试口语真题Task 2
2018年4月21日托福考试口语真题Task 3
2018年4月21日托福考试口语真题Task 4
题目:Cultural Preadaptation。例子是,一个俄罗斯的农夫搬到北美去,那里很干旱,但是他要种crop是一个challenge,他就用他以前在俄罗斯的方法来美国种,成功了,而且flourish。成功移居到新的地的groups,会表现出这种preadaptation,新定居地和之前的相似,他们以前的策略还管用。
2018年4月21日托福考试口语真题Task 5
a. 搬宿舍但是一搬就要住一年,他舍不得宿舍的小伙伴
b. 是住叔叔家,但是叔叔家远,他没有车,那里也没有公交车,他要花1小时来回。
2018年4月21日托福考试口语真题Task 6
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
学校的food delivery service,学校食堂能外卖,男的觉得好省时间并且能够提供更多兼职职位。
Task 4
animal 的social inhibition,蜜蜂分工。成年的出去觅食,幼小的在nest等待;为了防止幼小的出去觅食,成年的会释放一种化学物质来避免;当成年的死亡时,这种化学物质少了,幼小的就会也开始去觅食。
Task 5
historic class与career fair冲突,一是老师同意要去招聘会的同学可以写一篇八页的文章代替考试,但是内容很多,而且男生已经准备去考试了;二是先考试再去招聘会,但是招聘会那边可能时间就不多了。
Task 6
商业类。讲公司设立海外公司的弊端。home company让foreign company生产自己产品的缺点,质量不能保证,其他公司容易学到加大竞争。供销统一以cell phone为例,供销分离用shoes为例子。