以往见到的是:what is the structure of paragraphXX? 或者是 What is the purpose of paragraph 3? 再或者是 How does paragraph XX relate to XX? 根据结构的读法,我们基本就能确定结构的发展方向。现在我们看一个这样问的题目:
TPO27 The Formation of Volcanic Islands
Paragraph 3:How can volcanic activity occur so far from a plate boundary? The Hawaiian Islands provide a very instructive answer. Like many other island groups, they form a chain. The Hawaiian Islands Chain extends northwest from the island of Hawaii. In the 1840s American geologist James Daly observed that the different Hawaii Islands seem to share a similar geologic evolution but are progressively more eroded, and therefore probably older, toward the northwest. Then in 1963, in the early days of the development of the theory of plate tectonics, Canadian geophysicist Tuzo Wilson realized that this age progression could result if the islands were formed on a surface plate moving over a fixed volcanic source in the interior. Wilson suggested that the long chain of volcanoes stretching northwest from Hawaii is simply the surface expression of a long-live...