1. 考场反应要灵敏,善于新题旧话
Sample Question:
Describe a natural beauty
很多烤鸭们当下的反应可能很丰富,脑海中出现的观点也很多样,或者说对于这个话题根本没有准备,见都没有见过,瞬间信心就瓦解决堤了。不过,我们要试着把这个扯到我们之前见过或者准备的话题,就会容易的多。这个话题其实就类似于a river, a mountain, an open air place or a park(但是要注意,话题是自然景观,我们应该挑出公园里的一个natural reserve)
2. 审题时要对时态注意
Sample Question
A. What kind of child were you in your childhood?
Sample Answer
To be honest, I was a girl totally different from who I am now. I my memory, I used to be very quiet and shy. Few classmates liked to make friends with me as I was always reluctant to open my heart to others.
B. something you lost
C. something you want to buy if you have enough money
B.C这两个问题都是在第二部分出现的cue card, 烤鸭们要注意分析好时态, 尤其是过时式(B), 以及将来时(C)的区别,否则通篇时态错误,分数必然不会高
3. 考场中要积极主动,坦白交代更多内容
考场中,可能处于紧张,或者不自信,很多烤鸭进入考场就好像进入了审讯室,任考官盘问。尤其是在第一部分,很多考生回答过于简短或者表面,甚至有的时候问一句,答一句,逼得考官继续追问why, 这会严重影响烤鸭们的分数。我们要主动的积极的坦白出更多的信息,避免考官问你更多复杂的问题。
Sample Question:
Do you like listening to the music?
Sample Answer:
I listen to many kinds of music, such as pop music, soft music, blues, and ...
下面是2011年11月19日雅思阅读机经的内容,包括了这次考试涉及到的有Great Apes,Computer和Music等非常流行的阅读话题。为了更好的备考雅思阅读考试,我们一起来看看这三篇雅思阅读考题的内容吧。
Reading Passage 1
文章题目:Great Apes
问题类型:Matching配对;判断True/False/Not Given; 选词填空
大致内容:由于habitat被破坏、过度开采导致forest resource减少、以及disease等原因,大猩猩的生存正遭到威胁,以及国家的一些相应的保护措施。
Reading Passage 2
问题类型:Matching 配对; short-answer questions回答问题; summary摘要
大致内容:关于计算器的发明,为什么会有计算器的需求,以及计算器的雏形之类的。一个剑桥学生为了提高calculation的水平,创立了一个组织,主要进行两种研究,difference engine和analytic engine, 后来争取到了政府的资金支持。
Reading Passage 3
问题类型:选择multiple choice; 配对matching; 判断Y/N/NG
Part 1
Personal information & Introduction
What’s your name?
Are you a student?
What is your major?
Do you think the major is useful?
Are you working?
Do you have driving license?
Will you teach your child to drive?
How was your first day at work?
Is the first day at work important? Why?
When do you usually get up?
Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits?
Where are you from?
Where’s your hometown?
Where do you live?
Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do you prefer?
What’s on your apartment’s wall?
How to improve your home?
Which room do you like most?
If you can redesign your home, what would you do?
What’s your flat like?
What’s on the wall?
What can you see from your window?
Are there any fitness facilities near your home?
How often do visitors visit your home?
Tell me about your city.
What historical places would you recommend to see there?
What culture events would be interesting for tourists?
When should they start to...
Part 2&3
Describe a teacher you want to see again.
Describe a child.
Describe a famous person which impacts you very much, you should say:
Who that person is?
Why he/she impacts you?
What his / her famous works are?
Describe a person whom you live / have lived with for a long time. You should say:
Who the person is?
How long you have been living together?
What are the usual things that you do together?
Describe a foreign cuisine.
Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future
Will the special thing help you in your study?
Do you like to go shopping?
What are the effective ways of advertising?
Why do you like shopping?
Where do you usually go shopping?
How often do you go shopping?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern ways of shopping?
Are there any differences between the old and modern ways of shopping?
Do you like writing letters?
Do you often write letters?
What do you write?
Describe a meaningful letter or card.
Do you usually write by hand ...
Reading Passage 1 | |
Title: | Practical Action(印度乡村的交通) |
Question types: |
Sentence completion
填图题 |
文章内容回顾 | 这篇讲的是印度乡村的交通状况,农村地区的交通不便给当地经济带来的不利,讲到政府应该更加重视落后地区的交通问题。第一个题型判断题是根据前三段做的,中间部分介绍了一个慈善组织做的事情,后面讲了这个组织农的一个送生病者去医院的山寨救护车,还可以有家属陪同,还有cover防雨什么的,后面的填图题根据最后两段填的。 |
题型难度分析 |
第一种题型,有4个Yes, No, Not given的判断,这是这次考试仅有的四个判断,难度不大,属于细节题型集中在前三段。 第二种和第三种都是填空类题型,相对而言内容较为简单,文章定位也容易,因此总的来说,第一篇相对简单。 |
题型技巧分析 |
填空题型根据出题形式的不同,填空类题型可以分为Sentence completion(句子填空题),Summary(段落摘要),Summary with a box (带选项的段落摘要),Table completion(表格题),Flow chart(流程图),Diagram labelling(图片题)等六大题型。传统的分题型讲解的方法倾向于把这些题型拆开,但是殊不知这些题型的出题思路大同小异,一旦掌握了这些题目的共性,做题就会变得易如反掌。 首先,我们来看一下这些雅思填空类题目的出题共同特点:... |
Reading Passage 1
问题类型:T/F/NG; Multiple Choice; Completion; Table
大致内容桥梁建设,现在用微波来探测微小的桥梁问题以便及早干预。关于microwave测量,共振,未来十年microwave device将更加便宜和便携。
Reading Passage 2
文章题目:语言descriptive and prescriptive
问题类型:Completion; T/F/NG; Choice
大致内容语言的发展,有人保守认为语言需要基于语法,应该规范与条条框框prescription;有人认为语言就是当代的modern linguist, 不应该阻止语言的变化和发展。
Reading Passage 3
文章题目:marketing manage system
问题类型:Completion; Matching; T/F/NG
大致内容有时候信息时代信息不是不够而是太多。目前的市场与以前不同,要掌握大量信息以了解用户需求。面临的新问题是信息爆炸,解决方法之一是marketing manage system (MIS).
Part 1考题总结
Personal information & Introduction
What’s your name?
Are you a student?
What is your major?
Are your working or studying?
How did you choose your major?
Is your major the most popular one in China?
Where are you from?
Where’s your hometown?
Where do you live?
Is your hometown a place that the young people like to live in?
Is it very noisy near your apartment?
Why did you choose this career?
Do many Chinese people shift jobs in a year?
What kind of job would you like to do in the future?
What kinds of job are popular in China?
Which university are you in?
Why did you choose this university?
What’s your major?
Which is your favorite part?
Did you parents choose the school for you?
What is the best subject in your school?
What do you do in your free time?
Do you like collection?
What do you collect?
Do you like dance? Why?
What do you do at weekend?
What k...
Part 2&3考题总结
An expensive thing
Please tell me about something expensive you want to buy
What is it?
Where can you get it?
What should do to but it?
And explain why you want to have it?
Nowadays, children are given a lot of things whatever they want, is it a positive or negative trend?
Why more and more people want to buy luxury products?
Do the young people save money?
How do the young people save money?
Please tell me about one piece of furniture in your house
What is it?
How does it look like?
Where did you get it?
And explain why you think it is so different?
Who bought the furniture in your home?
What are the differences between the furniture in office and the ones at home?
What are styles of furniture in different countries?
Please describe a family photo
When did you take?
Who are in the photo?
Where did you take it?
And explain why it is important to you.
How to make sure taking a beautiful picture?
Is photo a piece of art?
Please tell me about a movie...
总体评析 |
两新:section 1&3 两旧:section 2&4 |
重点关注 | section 1 考察了很多实词名词的拼写; Section 2出现较多求职相关词汇; Section 4出现sustainable development的概念。 |
趋势预测 |
旧题出现的可能较大 重点看一下V30***,V08***,V09*** 近期出现的V100***,V300***版本也希望大家重点看一下 |
Section 1 |
版本号 |
场景 |
题型 |
Part 1
Personal information & Introduction
What’s your name?
Are you a student?
What is your major?
Do you think the major is useful?
Are you working?
Do you have driving license?
Will you teach your child to drive?
How was your first day at work?
Is the first day at work important? Why?
When do you usually get up?
Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits?
Where are you from?
Where’s your hometown?
Where do you live?
Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do you prefer?
What’s on your apartment’s wall?
How to improve your home?
Which room do you like most?
If you can redesign your home, what would you do?
What’s your flat like?
What’s on the wall?
What can you see from your window?
Are there any fitness facilities near your home?
How often do visitors visit your home?
Tell me about your city.
What historical places would you recommend to see there?
What culture events would be interesting for tourists?
When should they start to teach culture hi...