留学群讯 作为世界上最后欢迎留学地之一,你选择澳大利亚留学的理由是什么?仅仅是因为那几所享誉世界的名牌大学?恐怕这是你递交申请的一个小原因吧,或许你自己都没发现无与伦比的自然景色、金色的沙滩、深厚独特的文化、热情的大狂欢,集这些于一身的澳大利亚只是不经意间就吸引了你的注意。在这个最适合居住和学习的国度,有些事情是你不得不去亲身体验的,现在小编就列举一下赴澳留学你要做的10件事吧!
原文:Learn to surf
Location: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia
Nearest universities: University of Sydney, University of Queensland, Monash University, University of New South Wales, University of Wollongong, University of Melbourne, University of Western Australia, Curtin University of Technology
Australian beaches are famed throughout the world, so any visitor to the country should make sure they set aside some time for a bit of sand and surf. It may take some serious time and perseverance to get your board skills up to those of the locals.
But with many of Australia’s top universities all within reach of internationally renowned surf and sunbathing spots, you’ll never have a better chance to don the wetsuit and master the waves. Or, if getting wet doesn’t appeal, you can always swap the library for a sun-lounger and top up your tan while writing that essay.