





  Step1: 开门点名来意



  答曰:没什么理由 VS 德国历史悠久、人文科技哲学社科、先贤璀璨,啤酒足球工业,想好好学真正的技术,保证能适应德国生活。哪个听起来更像是正儿八经来好好读书的?


  答曰:就想不清未来的逃避选择而已 VS 我真的好热爱好热爱我的学科的哟,我一定要努力做学术,哪个听起来更容易被录取?



  Step2: 中间推销自己





  Step3: 结尾展望未来



  To Whom It May Concern:

  As Principal of George Mason High School I am delighted to recommend to you a stellar member of our teaching staff, Mr. Samuel Cohen, and to write this letter on his behalf. Sam has taught American History at the school for three years. He is one of our most popular and effective instructors and has already won several teaching awards.

  He came to us directly upon completion of his bachelor’s degree, but immediately settled in as if an old pro. Sam is a master of all of the ingredients of successful teaching, especially the ability to inspire.

  This gentleman is highly professional in both dress and demeanor...

日本留学动机信怎么写 留学动机信范文分享








  4. 得到日本友人的鼓励,留学决心更加坚定。


































  最后就是自己的学习计划和未来的规划,这一部分的注协大家不要仅仅局限于片面的理论和知识的学习, 而要进行泛化的讨论,注重实用性。


  Dear Mr. /Mrs. :

  I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motivation to apply for ...




  NOM Prénom

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  Téléphone Mobile (Fixe)


  Nom de l'établissement de Formation

  Nom du recruteur destinataire

  Poste du recruteur destinataire

  Adresse postale de l'établissement

  Paris (ville), le "date"

  Objet : Lettre de motivation pour l'inscription en BTS Informatique de Gestion

  Madame, Monsieur,

  Actuellement en Terminale STG spécialité « gestion des systèmes d'information » au lycée Roger Béte et Esse, je vous fais part de mon souhait d'intégrer votre établissement en vue d'y préparer un BTS Informatique de Gestion.

  Je suis passionné par les nouvelles technologies, les ordinateurs, les téléphones et par l'informatique en général... un secteur où les métiers et les techniques sont multiples et en constante évolution. Par mes premières expériences, ma curiosité et mes recherches, je possède déjà beaucoup de connaissances en matière de systèmes d'exploitation, ordinateurs p...




  Dear Mr. /Mrs. :

  I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motivation to apply for the Master degree of Precision Manufacturing(MPM) of University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzer- land (SUPSI).

  First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is XX. I’m a first grade postgraduate of Guangdong University of Technology(GDUT). My major is Mechanical Engineering and Automation. I get my bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Wuhan University of Technology in 7th July, 2007. After I graduated from my university, I worked in Jiangling automobile joint-stock company for about 1year. Then I took the Postgraduate entrance examination and was enrolled in GDUT at last.

  There are some hearty reasons why I like SUPSI and the major of MPM:

  First,I am interested in MPM, for I have been studying in Mechanical Engineer- ing and Automation since I started my university life. It’s well known that this major plays a foundational role of the developing of industry and it is easy for us to find a , in my opinion,is a similar major with Mechanical Engine- ering and tly speaking, it’s the specialization and concretion of Mechanical Engineering and Automation. MPM in SUPSI based on a set of prominent and well balanced lectures that not only promote individual profess- n...



  出国留学,现在已经越来越普遍。 而 动机信是留学申请中的重要材料,很多学生面对这类写作不知道如何下手。别担心,接下来留学群小编带来了出国留学动机信范文一篇,供同学们参考与阅读。

  Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road, Guangzhou Higher Education MegaCenter, Panyu District, Guangzhou China, 510006

  Dear Mr. /Mrs. :

  I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motivation to apply for the Master degree of Precision Manufacturing(MPM) of University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).

  First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Liu Yang. I’m a first grade postgraduate of Guangdong University of Technology(GDUT). My major is Mechanical Engineering and Automation. I get my bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Wuhan University of Technology in 7thJuly, 2007. After I graduated from my university, I worked in Jiangling automobile joint-stock company for about 1year. Then I took the Postgraduate entrance examination and was enrolled in GDUT at last.

  There are some hearty reasons why I like SUPSI and the major of MPM:

  First,I am interested in MPM, for I have been studying in Mechanical Engineer- ing and Automation since I started my university life. It’s well known that this major plays a foundational role of the developing of industry and it is easy for us to find a , in my opinion,is a similar major with Mechanical Engine- e...




  Objet : Candidature pour le Master ?Management de la Culture,des Arts et du Patrimoine?parcours Gastronomie, Vin et Tourisme

  Canton, le 17 novembre 2017


  Je me permets de vous adresser ma candidature afin de poursuivre mes études au sein de l’ITBS de l’Université d’Angers.

  Je suis actuellement en 4ème année de l’IFCT de l’Université de Guangzhou et j’obtiendrai en juin 2012 un dipl?me de licence d’ingénierie des services du tourisme, option h?tellerie et restauration.

  Ma candidature est le résultat d’une réflexion profonde sur la qualité des disciplines dispensées par L’ITBS d’Angers. Mes centres d’intérêts sont en grande partie liés à cette formation et comme tout le monde le sait, la France possède une longue histoire et une culture brillante dans le domaine de la gastronomie et du vin ce qui me séduit beaucoup. Quand j’étais enfant, j’avais comme v?u le plus cher de déguster toute les cuisines du monde et d’avoir le génie de faire la cuisine. J’espère donc que vous pourrez me donner cette occasion de réaliser ce voeu, et de pouvoir approfondir mes connaissances dans ce domaine.

  Lors de mes quatre années passées à l’université, j’ai développé la ma?trise de la langue fran?aise mais aussi la connaissance professionnelle du tourisme. Ce sont deux matières où je me sens à l’aise, ...




  NOM Prénom

  Adresse postale

  Téléphone Mobile (Fixe)


  Nom de l'établissement de Formation

  Nom du recruteur destinataire

  Poste du recruteur destinataire

  Adresse postale de l'établissement

  Paris (ville), le "date"

  Objet : Lettre de motivation pour l'inscription en BTS Informatique de Gestion

  Madame, Monsieur,

  Actuellement en Terminale STG spécialité « gestion des systèmes d'information » au lycée Roger Béte et Esse, je vous fais part de mon souhait d'intégrer votre établissement en vue d'y préparer un BTS Informatique de Gestion.

  Je suis passionné par les nouvelles technologies, les ordinateurs, les téléphones et par l'informatique en général... un secteur où les métiers et les techniques sont multiples et en constante évolution. Par mes premières expériences, ma curiosité et mes recherches, je possède déjà beaucoup de connaissances en matière de systèmes d'exploitation, ordinateurs portables, hardware... et je souhaite maintenant me professionnaliser rapidement dans ce domaine afin d'en faire mon métier.

  Pour atteindre ce but, le lycée Roger Béte et Esse représente pour moi une grande opportunité par la richesse de ses formations, ses partenariats avec de grandes entreprises comme , mais aussi par son rayonnement au niveau régional. La ...





  Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering

  Guangdong University of Technology

  No. 100 Waihuan Xi Road

  Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Centre

  Panyu District

  Guangzhou 510006


  Dear Sir or_ Madam,

  I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter. This is a letter of my motivation to apply for the Master degree of Precision Manufacturing (MPM) at The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).

  First, allow me to introduce myself. My name is XXX. I’m a first grade postgraduate of Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT). My major is Mechanical Engineering and Automation. I get my bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Wuhan University of Technology on 7th July 2011. After I graduated from my university, I worked in Jiangling Automobile Joint-stock Company for about 1 year. Then I took the Postgraduate Entrance Examination and was enrolled at GDUT at last.

  There are some hearty reasons why I like SUPSI and the major of MPM.

  Firstly, I am interested in MPM, for I have been studying in Mechanical Engineering and Automation since I started my university life. It’s well known that this major plays a foundational role of the developing of i...




  dear colleagues:

  as a teacher in department of biology, nankai university, a leading university in china, i am very pleased to take this

  opportunity to recommend one of my favorite students to your phd program.

  in september, ××××, miss × was my students in general biology, the first professional course they take in the field. she likes it very much. i teach her in an open and interactive manner, she is active and passionate about answering class questions. miss × is bright, energetic and enthusiastic girl who loves speaking out her own ideas. she never escapes from those points of which she is skeptical. apart from that, she often puts forward her ideas upon

  questions and exchanges all of her innovate ideas with me after class. upon ending of general biology course, i asked my students to write an essay upon their understanding of biology. i discovered miss ×’s essay was so impressive and persuasive; her careful essay comes from dozens of references to biology literatures. in essay miss × stretched out her creative thinking upon status quo of biological research and branches in the field of biology. all of this speaks to her creative and logical and scientific thinking capability. i am gladly to say that miss × has a clear understanding about general biology, that comprehensi...