留学群专题频道维吉尼亚大学栏目,提供与维吉尼亚大学相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 维吉尼亚大学建于1838年,位于维吉尼亚州瑞驰蒙得市市区。
留学群讯 维吉尼亚大学新通过的一项计划规定对大一新生的学费增长11%,并称此举动旨在为急需学费的学生设立基金以支撑他们顺利完成学业,并提出了“高学费,高援助”的概念,然而有些学生对此表示怀疑..
The home-state price of entry at the University of Virginia will rise 11 percent next fall — one of the highest college tuition-and-fee increases in the nation — under a plan approved Tuesday that also aims to slash the debt burden for students in need.
The university’s governing Board of Visitors voted overwhelmingly for a plan that was kept under wraps until its members met in afternoon session in Charlottesville.
The action means that annual tuition and fees for Virginians who enter their public flagship university as freshmen in the next school year will total $14,468, up from the current charge of $12,998. That doesn’t include room and board. For current undergraduate students, however, the increase will be lower: 3.6 percent. That is more in line with other increases at U-Va. in recent years.
此计划 把大一新生的学费从12,998美元上调为14,468美元, 其中并不包括寄宿费等费用。然而对于大二大三大四的学生,学费增长率就相对低一点:3.6%.
John Griffin, a board member who spearheaded the plan, said it will help U-Va. raise funds to set new caps on the amount of money it expects students in need to borrow over four years.
此计划的倡导者是John Griffin,他表明通过增长学费可以为那些急缺学费的学生建立一个基金。
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. — Police here say they have found no evidence to support claims in a Rolling Stone article that a University of Virginia student was gang raped at a campus fraternity in September 2012, noting that months of investigation led detectives to discredit several claims about the alleged assault.
Police Chief Timothy J. Longo on Monday afternoon said the police department had multiple meetings with “Jackie” — the woman who claimed she was gang raped at a fraternity party — and that she declined to speak about the alleged incident or provide any information about it. Numerous lines of inquiry yielded evidence that the fraternity did not have a party the night of the alleged attack, and police were unable to find anyone matching the description of the alleged attacker.
警察局长Timothy J. Longo指出,警方已向声称自己受害的女大学生“Jackie”做了多次调查笔录,但她拒绝对案件细节提供任何信息。警方经多方调查,发现维吉尼亚大学生联谊会在Jackie声称受害的那天晚上并未举办任何派对,也不能找到与她描述相对应的任何施害者。
“We’re not able to conclude to any...
留学群讯 在饮酒文化过度呈现的维吉尼亚大学校内,黑人学生成了警察无故关注的目标,Johnson的案件让种族歧视问题的讨论更加白热化,非洲裔学生开始集体抗议,呼吁保障黑人权利,黑人学生遭暴力甚至致命拘捕的现象还会再发生吗?
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. — Chanting “black lives matter” and raising their fists, more than 100 African American students walked out of a meeting with law enforcement officials here Friday, as the University of Virginia community expressed growing frustration in the quest for answers about the violent arrest this week of a black student.
The officers, with the state Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, took the 20-year-old into custody early Wednesday on misdemeanor charges of obstruction of justice and public intoxication after a bouncer refused to let him into Trinity Irish Pub. Images of Johnson went viral through social media and have rocked the prestigious 23,000-student public university. An ABC special agent described Johnson in court documents as “very agitated and belligerent” at the time of the arrest.
警方在周三以妨碍执法为由拘捕了一个20岁的黑人学生Johnson, 他被警察暴力对待的形象迅速传遍网络并在维吉尼亚大学校内引起了轰动。
But the students who packed Friday’s meeting were irate. And many suggested that the case reflects a pattern of racial bias at U-Va. and elsewhere across the country. It came at a time of heightened awareness of racial profiling and amid widespre...
UVA(University of Virginia)维吉尼亚大学
这个学校是我最后悔申请的学校!首先就是需要WES(这里就不具体说什么是WES了,搜索一下即可),很贵!再加上其它的申请费用大概要250d,够申请其他3学校了;然后就是他有一门课程叫做Federal Taxation,是先修课,一定要在入学前修过,否则只是可以拿到一个conditional ad,这个课程对于大陆的绝大多数学生是不可以能学过的,我基本上咨询中国会计界比较权威的教授,至少北京没有开这门课的学校;第三就是UVA比较不喜欢大陆的学生,其实搜一下就可以发现,到目前为止去那边的学生很少的。去了的很多都是人已经在美国了的。还有就是他家的截止日期比较早,所以一定要提前submit application,但是wes可以在DL之后给的。费用方面不是很贵,和UNC差不多。
GPA差不多(大于3。0)基本上都可以有面试,GT也是够了就可以。工作经验不是很看重,但是有transfer的背景会很有帮助。所以如果想去的话,最好能transfer美国一年,顺便把Federal Taxation学了。
UND(University of Notre Dame)圣母大学
这个学校很好,这是肯定的!但是,他拒人也真是毫不手软,一起申请的朋友们,不管被哪里录取的他家都拒过。总结了一下他家的收人标准,以下到来。不过他家好像是好学校中唯一有给钱传统的学校,所以那些学校优秀但是不是很有钱的朋友们可以试试这里。但是一定要非常优秀!如果寄的早,赶上第一批,会有一个DVD Interview,据说拿到这个的朋友被录取的机会就很大了。所以申请交的一定要早!
非常看重成绩!包括GPA Gmat Toefl都要高。一般情况下,建议GPA要大于3。6才去申请否则机会不大,而且据说你的大学本科学校也很重要,同等条件或者差不多的情况下,他们会选择名校,清华北大复旦交大加上人大。