





  IN “Minority Report”, a police- man, played by Tom Cruise, gleans tip-offs from three psychics and nabs future criminals before they break the law. In the real world, prediction is more difficult. But it may no longer be science fiction, thanks to the growing prognosticatory power of computers. That prospect scares some, but it could be a force for good–if it is done right.

  Machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, can generate remarkably accurate predictions. It works by crunching vast quantities of data in search of patterns. Take, for example, restaurant hygiene. The system learns which combinations of sometimes obscure factors are most suggestive of a problem. Once trained, it can assess the risk that a restaurant is dirty.



  1. IN “Minority Report”, a police- man, played by Tom Cruise, gleans tip-offs from three psychics and nabs future criminals before they break the law. 在《少数派报告》中,汤姆&bull克鲁斯扮演的警察过梳理三个灵媒透露的消息,在罪犯违法前逮住了他们。


  2.In the real world, prediction is more difficult.


  3.But it may no longer be science fiction, thanks to the growing prognosticatory power of computers.


  4. That prospect scares some, but it could be a force for...