



    英国留学之公共卫生专业怎么样? 顾名思义,公共卫生是关系到一国或一个地区人民大众健康的公共事业。公共卫生的具体内容包括对重大疾病尤其是传染病(如结核、艾滋病、SARS等)的预防、监控和医治;对食品、药品、公共环境卫生的监督管制,以及相关的卫生宣传、健康教育、免疫接种等。例如对SARS的控制预防治疗属于典型的公共卫生职能范畴。

  一般而言,独立的公共卫生学院有以下分系:流行病学(Epidemiology),生物统计学(Biostatistics),环境和职业公共卫生(Environmental and Occupational Health),营养学(Nutrition),妇女和儿童健康(Maternal and Child Health),生物化学和分子生物学(Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ),社区与健康教育学(Community and Health Education),公共卫生政策管理(Health Policy and Management)等。关于这些分支的具体名称,每个学校会有一些不同,要根据学校方面具体而定,其中生物统计学﹑流行病学,公共卫生政策管理﹑环境与职业公共卫生学是比较普遍开设的专业分支。


  1.剑桥大学(英文:University of Cambridge;勋衔:Cantab)

  专业:MPhil in Public Health

  This full-time course is designed to provide successful students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills which, when combined with appropriate further experience, will enable them to make a professional contribution to public health. Approximately two-thirds of the curriculum is shared with the MPhil in Epidemiology. The course draws on local strengths in quantitative methods and their application to the solution of public health problems. It covers most of the curriculum for the UK Faculty of Health Part...