The first modern Olympic Games was held in Athens(雅典)in 1896 and only twelve nations participated. Besides the host nation man participants were tourists who __1__ to be in Greece at the time. Though the whole affair was __2__ and the standard was not high, the old principle of amateur sport was kept up.
Since then the games had been held every four years except during the __3__ of the two World War. This was __4__ a departure from the old Olympic spirit when wars had to stop and make way for the games.
The games have grown enormously in scale and __5__ performances have now reached unprecedented heights. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about their __6__ standard. Instead of Olympia, the modern games are now held in different cities all over the world. Inevitably politics and commercialism get involvedas countries vie each other for(为 ...... 而互相竞争) the __7__ to hold the games because of the political prestige and commercial profit to be __8__ out of them. In the 11 th games held in Berlin in 1936, Hitler who had newly come to __9__ in Germany tried to use the occasion for his Nazi propaganda. For the first time the Olympic flame was brought all the way from Olympia to the games site in relays, a marathon journey now often taking months to __10__.
A) honour B) accomplish C) ...
第二, 学生应该对已经使用过的东西进行再利用。比如,买一个结实的可以使用一年的水杯而不是每天买一瓶瓶装矿泉水。最后,应该鼓励学生循环利用纸张、塑料、玻璃和纸板。
As the world becomes increasing more populated, the issue of reducing waste has also become more important. While doing this at home may be easy, what can be done about this on campus?
Firstly, students should remember to reduce waste by using on the things that he/she needs.
Secondly, students should reuse the things that she/he has. For example, instead of buying a new plastic bottle of water every day, students can buy a sturdy water bottle that can be used for over a year. Finally, students should be encouraged to recycle their paper, plastic, glass and cardboard.
In conclusion, reducing waste on campus can be achieved by reducing, reusing and recycling. By doing this, I believe each student can be a part of changing not only their campus, but also the world.
那么失去后的感觉会使你明白拥有的宝贵。当你在黑暗中勾勒黎明的天空时, 才明白已从眼前过去的东方朝霞有多美丽; 当你人过中年时, 才明白年轻时代荒废了多少光阴; 当你默数浑浑噩噩的往...
大学英语四四级考试成绩通知单(小语种证书)于考试后90个工作日后向各省级CET承办机构下发,省级CET承办机构随即下发各考点,由考点发给考生。由于考生个人问题将CET成绩单(小语种证书)丢失,不再补发,只可补办成绩证明,由考生自行办理。自2014年起,全国大学英语四、四级考试委员会办公室不再受理申请补办 CET(纸笔考试)成绩证明。
It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints (约束) influence wage increases. One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don’t at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increases. Consider Beth’s story:
I did not get what I wanted when I did not ask for it. We had cubicle (小隔间) offices and window offices.I sat in the cubicles with several male colleagues. One by one they were moved into window offices, while I remained in the cubicles, several males who were hired after me also went to offices. One in particular told me he was next in line for an office and that it had been part of his negotiations for the job. I guess they thought me content to stay in the cubicles since I did not voice my opinion either way.
It would be nice if we all received automatic pay increases equal to our merit, but “nice” isn’t a quality attributed to most organizations. If you feel you deserve a significant raise in pay, you’ll probablyhave to ask for it.
Performance is your best bargaining chip (筹码) when you are seeking a raise. You must be able to demonstrate that you deserve a raise. Timing is also a good bargainin...
Understanding is a drop of golden sun, is wellspring of life, and is a bridge between man and the soul of man. Understanding is tolerance, is a kind of selfrestraint. The world needs understanding.
Write an essay which should cover:
1) describing the drawing below,
2) stating its main idea, and
3) giving your comment.
Perhaps the most famous theory, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Ray Birdwhistell. He believes that physical appearance is often culturally programmed. In other words, we learn our looks--- we are not born with them.
A baby has generally informed face features. A baby, according to Birdwhistell, learns where to set the eyebrows by looking at those around--- family and friends. This helps explain why the people of some areas of the US looks much alike.
New Englanders or Southerners have certain common face features that can not be explained by genetics (遗传学). The exact shape of the mouth is not set at birth, it is learned after. In fact, the final mouth shape is not form...
Directions:Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should
1) describe the picture,
2) interpret its meaning, and
3) point out its implications in our life.
The scene above depicts multiple rows of students in the midst of a graduation ceremony. Their academic caps and gowns signify that they have successfully completed their courses and are preparing to enter into society. The hand in the foreground holds two small screws, implying that such students are the screws that hold society together and ensure it functions properly.
Such an analogy encourages us to consider our purpose and place in life. While many people harbor grand desires to improve and change their respective communities and countries, not a single unit could stay together without the screws that hold things in place. Success, therefore, depends on the smaller tools, or pieces, that keep structures from tumbling. Just as screws are the small yet essential objects that strengthen and sustain, we should strive to steadily support the society we live and wo...
2011年06月14日 04时28分,《今年英语:2011大学英语四级模拟题》由留学群liuxuequn.com英语编辑整理.
2011年06月14日 04时28分,《2011年英语:英语四级模拟题:2011CET4模拟考试题》由留学群liuxuequn.com英语编辑整理.