大学英语四级翻译预测题汇总 | |
大学英语四级翻译预测题(一) | |
大学英语四级翻译预测题(二) | |
大学英语四级翻译预测题(三) | |
大学英语四级翻译预测题(四) | |
中国,地球上最吸引人的国家之一,有5000多年的历史,是目前全球第二大经济体(the second largest economy)。随着广泛的经济改革,中国正经历着显著、快速的变化。1949年以前的中国极端贫困、收入不平衡(incomeinequalities)、国家不安全。由于经济改革,从1980年开始,人民的生活水平开始提升至基本水平之上。全国人口有了足够的食物、衣服和住房,普通家庭可以吃得起各种各样的食物,穿得上时尚的衣服。
China, one of the most fascinating countries on Earth, has a history of more than 5,000 years and is currently the second largest economy in the world.China is going through a remarkable and rapid change with widespread economic reforms.Before 1949, China was characterized by extreme poverty, income inequalities, and insecurity.Since 1980,thanks to the economic reforms, people's standard of living started to climb beyond the basic level.The general population had adequate food, clothing, and housing, and ordinary families could afford to eat a variety of foods and wear stylish clothing.
Chinese social relationships are social relationships typified by a mutual social network. The individuals within the social network are connected by guanxi(links) and the feeling within the links is known by the term ganqing.An important concept within Chinese social relationships is the concept of face,as in many other Asian cultures. As articulated in the sociological works of Chinese leading academic Fei Xiaotong, the Chinese,in contrast to people of other societies,tend to see social relationships in terms of social networks. Hence, the relationships between people are perceived as being “near” or “far” rather than “in” or “out”.
中国是亚洲第—大国,世界第三大国,有着比其他任何国家都多的人口。中国的人口超过十亿,这意味着地球上超过五分之一的人都生活在中国。但是,中国有大片区域几乎没有人烟,人们可能旅行好几天都看不到人类生命的迹象。中国的大多数人口生活在东部地区。与其他地区相比,东部人口密集,几乎所有可已被开垦(under cultivation)。从长江(the Yangtze River)流域往北,直至首都北京的大片区域是中国最大的人口聚居区。
As the largest nation in Asia and the third largest in the world, China has the largest population in the globe.China has a population of more than one billion,which means that more than one fifth of people on earth live in China. But vast areas in China are almost deserted, and one can travel for days without seeing signs of human life. Most of the people in China live in the eastern part of the country. In contrast to other parts of China, the east has a dense population,and almost every piece of arable land is under cultivation. The largest compact community of people is in the region that stretches from the north Yangtze River to Beijing,the capital.
中国的教育体系是一个由教育部(Ministry of Education)管理的国有公共教育系统。所有公民都必须接受9年义务教育。政府提供六七岁开始的小学教育(primary education),持续6年,紧随其后的是为12岁至18岁的孩子准备的六年中学教育。一些省份可能有五年制的小学,但中学则为六年,一般初中为三年,高中为三年。教育部公布的小学入学率为99%,初、高中入学率均为80%。
Education system in China is a state-owned system of public education run by the Ministry of Education.All citizens must accept the compulsory education for nine years.The government provides primary education for six years,starting at age six or seven, followed by six years of secondary education for ages 12 to 18.Some provinces may have five-year primary school,but six years for secondary school, including three years for middle school and three years for high school.The Ministry of Education reported a 99 percent enrollment rate for primary school and an 80 percent for both middle and high schools.
Chinese tourism brought about the strongest impact on the global travel industry since the advent of commercial flight.By 2015,100 million Chinese will pack their bags to travel abroad. In 2012, Chinese overtook Americans and Germans as the world's top international tourism spenders, with 83 million people spending a record of 102 billion on international tourism. South Korea reported that in February, 2013, for the first time ever, Chinese tourists overtook Japanese tourists in terms of arrival number.In response to the boom,global travel operators have been relentlessly adapting their offerings-hotels inparticular.
从秦朝到晚清,朝廷将人民分为四个阶级:地主、农民、工匠和商人。地主和农民构成了两个主要的阶级,而商人和工匠们则归到两个较小的阶级。从理论上讲,除了帝位,其他身份都不能世袭(hereditary)。当拥有大量土地和半农奴(semi-serfs) 的显赫家族出现时,封建主义(feudalism)就会局部复辟。他们控制着朝廷重要的民事和军事职位,并将任职这些职位的机会对本宗族的成员敞开。自唐代开始,朝廷改革了科举制度(imperial examination system),试图根除这种现象。
From the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty,the Chinese government divided Chinese people into four classes:landlord, peasant, craftsman and merchant.Landlords and peasants constituted the two major classes, while merchants and craftsmen were collected into the two minor ones.Theoretically,except for the position of the Emperor,nothing was hereditary.There was a partial restoration of feudalism when eminent families with large amounts of land and huge number of semi-serfs emerged.These families dominated important civilian and military positions of the government,making the positions available to members of their own families and clans.Since the Tang dynasty,the government reformed the imperial examination system as an attempt to root out this phenomenon.
自1983年,希望工程(Project Hope)已经解决了国家的一些最紧迫的问题。这些问题包括儿童心脏缺陷、糖尿病(diabetes)、艾滋病和护士教育,其短期的目标是在一些贫困县建立补助金项目,长期目标集中在确保所有中国孩子享受受教育的基本权利。目前希望工程在中国开展了若干个项目,包括肿瘤学(oncology)培训、农村卫生保健提供者教育、儿童营养汁划、护士培训等。
Project Hope has addressed some of the country's most pressing issues since 1983.These issues include children's heart defects, diabetes, AIDS and nurse education. Its short-term goal is to establish grant-in-aid programs in some poverty-stricken counties,while the long-term target center on ensuring that all the Chinese children enjoy the basic right of accepting their education.Currently,Project Hope has operates several programs in China,including oncology training,education for rural health care providers,children's nutrition program, nurse training and so on.
“月光族(the moonlight clan)”总是每个月花光收入,也没有存钱的计划。社会中有一小部分人是“月光族”。支持这种消费观念的人指出,作为月光族可以让他们拥有更多享受生活的机会,过高质量的生活。这种消费习惯在某种程度上也造成了奢侈浪费。月光族或许拥有奢华、高质量的生活,但是他们也会感到缺乏安全感,尤其是当手头拮据的时候。
“The moonlight clan”always runs out of their income each month and has no plan to save money. There is a small number of “the moonlight clan” in our society.Those who are in favor of this kind of consumption attitude point out that being the moonlight clan gives them more chances to enjoy the life and live a high-quality life.This kind of consumption habit,to some extent,lead to waste.The moonlight clan may have a luxurious and high-quality life but they may be lack of the sense of security,especially in their rainy day.
Since the 1970s the Chinese community in the USA has undergone tremendous changes.The most remarkable change is its rapid increase in economy as many Chinese have kept flooding into America.Chinese American family's annual average income has overtaken that of the US white family. And, prominent scientific and technical have talents of Chinese descent have sprung up in the US in recent years.Their achievements have attracted attention and gained admiration of scientists and technical experts in the world.Meanwhile, more Chinese Americans enter American political circles as they have risen evidently in political status.