

英国留学 爱丁堡大学高级设计信息硕士


  Advanced Design Informatics

  Awards: MSc

  Study modes: Full-time




  Programme description

  Design informatics focuses on designing with data. This course is run in conjunction with Edinburgh College of Art through the Centre for Design Informatics.

  On this programme you will learn how to build computational systems as well as the principles of design thinking and making.

  Through case studies of real-life products you will apply your knowledge in a practical way, developing an understanding of what it takes to create, design and take a product to market.





  Programme structure

  Design Informatics: designing with data can be explored in most specialist areas of Informatics, but Design Informatics emphasises entrepreneurial product development.

  In the first year you follow two semesters of taught courses, attending lectures, tutorials and group practicals to acquire the theoretical foundation to enable you to engage in independent research.

  In the summer you have a commercial or public semester placement, where you will work on a project th...



标签: 排名资讯



Rank School name
#1 University of California--Berkeley Berkeley, CA
#2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA
#3 Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA
#4 Stanford University Stanford, CA
#5 University of Washington Seattle, WA
#6 University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL
#7 University of Wisconsin--Madison Madison, WI

新西兰留学 2012年计算机信息专业大学的最新排名


  新西兰留学备受很多学生和家长的青睐,新西兰共有八所大学,被民间定义为两类学校——Level1和Level2。Level1注重研究,学术性比较强,包括奥克兰大学、坎特伯雷大学、惠灵顿维多利亚大学、奥塔歌大学。 Level2实用性比较强,包括奥克兰理工大学、梅西大学、怀卡托大学、林肯大学。那么对于计算机信息专业有哪些大学呢?

         1 University of Waikato

2 Victoria University of Wellington

3 University of Canterbury

4 University of Auckland

5 University of Otago

6 Lincoln University

7 Auckland University of Technology

8 Massey University

9 Unitec Institute of Technology

10 Waikato Institute of Technology

11 Christchurch College of Education