CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. — Police here say they have found no evidence to support claims in a Rolling Stone article that a University of Virginia student was gang raped at a campus fraternity in September 2012, noting that months of investigation led detectives to discredit several claims about the alleged assault.
Police Chief Timothy J. Longo on Monday afternoon said the police department had multiple meetings with “Jackie” — the woman who claimed she was gang raped at a fraternity party — and that she declined to speak about the alleged incident or provide any information about it. Numerous lines of inquiry yielded evidence that the fraternity did not have a party the night of the alleged attack, and police were unable to find anyone matching the description of the alleged attacker.
警察局长Timothy J. Longo指出,警方已向声称自己受害的女大学生“Jackie”做了多次调查笔录,但她拒绝对案件细节提供任何信息。警方经多方调查,发现维吉尼亚大学生联谊会在Jackie声称受害的那天晚上并未举办任何派对,也不能找到与她描述相对应的任何施害者。
“We’re not able to conclude to any...