雅思想要拿到高分,阅读部分的考试是很容易拿到高分的,在临近雅思阅读考试之前, 大家可以看看雅思阅读的预测,留学群为大家分享了2021年6月5日雅思阅读预测分析。
Title:Sociality in Animals
Social insects represent the high point of invertebrate evolution. Some specieslive in communities of millions, coordinating their building and foraging, their reproduction, and their offspring care. Yet sociality is found in only a few species of insects, and is rare among vertebrates as well: wildebeest (large antelope)and lions are the exception rather than the rule. Nearly all fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are solitary, except when courting and mating. Birds and mammals usually rear their young, but year-round family groups are almost unknown, though they are intensely studied where they do exist. The same is true for insects.
We know, or think we know, that social groups are good. Wolves are better predators when they hunt in packs, and pigeons escape from falcons far more often when feeding in flocks. Group building projects—the dams beavers build to block a body of water that provides them with relative safety from predators and the lodges they build for shelter, for instance—can provide a high level of protection and comfort. Why, then, are social species so very rare? In fact, living socially presents inevitable problems that transcend habitat needs so that only when these costs are offset by corresponding benefits is group living a plus.
The most obvious cost is competition. All the members of...
Models of Egg Development
Several different theories have been put forward to explain how the hard-shelled eggs of land-dwelling reptiles (e.g. lizards) evolved from the soft eggs that amphibians (e.g. frogs and toads) lay in water. The Romer model of egg development is named after the late Alfred Romer, a paleontologist who also became director of the Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology. His specialty was early reptiles because, he felt, they were the key to understanding the great reptile diversification seen in the Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras (around 230 million years ago). Romer's hypothesis was that some aquatic amphibians that is, amphibians living in water called anthracosaurs began to lay their eggs on land at about the time that they were evolving reptile-like skeletal features. Indeed, some of these early amphibians and earliest reptiles are so similar in their skeletons that the exact transition point from one to the other is still difficult to determine. Eventually, though, the transition was made, but these early reptiles remained aquatic. The advantage for laying eggs on land was primarily to avoid the aquatic larval (pre- adult) stage during which immature amphibians live exclusively in water with its inherent risk of predators and drying of ponds. However, the land has its own set of dangers, not least of which is the drying eff...
真题来源:2015-8-22CN The Upper Paleolithic Revolution
P1: The Old Stone Age is the earliest period of human development and the longest phase of mankind’s history. It was not till around 30 thousand years ago (or 30 “kya") that the archaeological record reveals the emergence of technical and social advances, which comprised new technologies, hunting techniques, human burials, and an artistic tradition of astonishing competency. This dramatic change was known as the Upper Paleolithic Revolution. It had been traditionally argued that the Upper Paleolithic Revolution was an archaeological phenomenon exclusive to Eurasia. The absence of equivalent evidence in other regions suggested that a fundamental change had occurred in human intellectual development around 40 kya in Europe. However, the recent discovery in the Blombos Cave in South Africa of a block of decorated ochre and then sets of shell beads, dated to around 77 kya, opened up the debate. This supports other evidence of more versatile stone implements and bone tools found in Africa from the same period. Now the Upper Paleolithic Revolution is regarded as the most noticeable evidence for the evolution of modern human behavior.
•P2: Two further questions follow. First, what was happening to...
文章题目 Ocean power
重复年份 20150829A 20091024
题材 能源
题型 选择 3+配对 5+句子填空 5
文章大意 本文介绍了各种海洋资源,包括了潮汐能、洋流能、波浪能和海底热能。。
在海洋中建立 Tidal power plant 的 positive effects?
A. A range of sea shore
B. cost of establishing a tidal power plant
C. it is helpful to establish transportation system
D. effect of fish and some other sea life around
文章题目 Paper money
重复年份 20140927 20120412 20060429 20050115 20041127 20040522
题材 发展史
题型 段落信息配对题 5+多选题 2+判断题
文章大意 介绍了纸币的发展史,纸币是如何从硬币发展成纸币的,以及历史上的一些
第一段:古代人们是怎么交易的,提到了 Sumerian 人用 barter(物物交换)的方式交易.(此段
有一道 T/F/NG 题,专考 barter 这个词)
1.The vadose zone and its structure
3.rrigation and early civilizations
4. 威尼斯的船。以前是round ship,capacity比较小。后来发明了galley,一个三角的东西,比较好控制方向。后面出现了cog。
5. 罗马人对欧洲经济生活的影响。罗马的科技对于当时的欧洲来说比较的先进。文章具体提到了British在哪些方面落后。后来罗马把tribe变成了一个unity,但是还是比较自治。Tribe之前会有战争,但是也会有货币的交易,鼓励人们使用coin,因此出现了bank,和loan。这些发展促进了罗马的税收,通过让欧洲居民穿罗马的衣服让人们意识到城市的重要性。
6. 科技预测地震。主要由两种方法预测地震,long-term和short-term,但预测不是很精确。通过地下水和裂缝,gas上升预测地震。还有其他方法但比较复杂。
7. 18世纪左右农业的发展和人类人口的爆炸式增长。
雅思阅读文章题目 The importance of being playful
重复年份 20150129 20140426 20130110
雅思阅读题材 人文社科
雅思阅读题型 段落信息配对6+填空3+人名观点配对3
雅思阅读文章大意 自由游戏。开篇讲free play的general idea。然后讲了小孩free play的好处,之后由相关的动物实验以及4个从动物实验中得出的理论和观点。
15. 实验 第四段
16. Free play 倒数第二段
17. Comparison 倒数第三段
18. 玩可以提高创造力 倒数第二段
19. 没有adult陪伴 最后一段
第一个实验 rat闻到cat的气味,减轻anxiety
第三个实验 rat推动ball 得到treat
verbal skill
free play
isolated play
1.The vadose zone and its structure
3.rrigation and early civilizations
4. 威尼斯的船。以前是round ship,capacity比较小。后来发明了galley,一个三角的东西,比较好控制方向。后面出现了cog。
5. 罗马人对欧洲经济生活的影响。罗马的科技对于当时的欧洲来说比较的先进。文章具体提到了British在哪些方面落后。后来罗马把tribe变成了一个unity,但是还是比较自治。Tribe之前会有战争,但是也会有货币的交易,鼓励人们使用coin,因此出现了bank,和loan。这些发展促进了罗马的税收,通过让欧洲居民穿罗马的衣服让人们意识到城市的重要性。
6. 科技预测地震。主要由两种方法预测地震,long-term和short-term,但预测不是很精确。通过地下水和裂缝,gas上升预测地震。还有其他方法但比较复杂。
7. 18世纪左右农业的发展和人类人口的爆炸式增长。
文章题目 Ocean power
重复年份 20150829A 20091024
题材 能源
题型 选择 3+配对 5+句子填空 5
文章大意 本文介绍了各种海洋资源,包括了潮汐能、洋流能、波浪能和海底热能。。
在海洋中建立 Tidal power plant 的 positive effects?
A. A range of sea shore
B. cost of establishing a tidal power plant
C. it is helpful to establish transportation system
D. effect of fish and some other sea life around
文章题目 Paper money
重复年份 20140927 20120412 20060429 20050115 20041127 20040522
题材 发展史
题型 段落信息配对题 5+多选题 2+判断题
文章大意 介绍了纸币的发展史,纸币是如何从硬币发展成纸币的,以及历史上的一些
第一段:古代人们是怎么交易的,提到了 Sumerian 人用 barter(物物交换)的方式交易.(此段
有一道 T/F/NG 题,专考 barter 这个词)
第二/三段:coin 的出现,coin 由重到轻,上面刻东西。
第四段:纸币的出现,money paper。有提到宋朝的交子,怎么 print 的什么,没有很多
第五段:讲制造 money paper 的三个要素:ink, paper,和 engrave。这一段就讲 ink 提到
ink fade,【后面有一道是非题关于这个的就是 5 选 2 的。问 money paper 的缺点是什么,有 economic problem,有 ink fade, paper produce cost, foreigner】
第六段是讲 paper,怎么制造,有个人名,还有公司的名字
第七段:讲 engraving 对纸币的重要性
第九段开始提到 money paper 的缺点,有仨,first 么是容易被伪造,second 是一个词不认识,第三个是一个短语,后面有注释,不法商人 authority、issue 会大量发生纸币什么的。这里也有考点。
第十一段:纸币的未来是 electronic currency
By the mid-nineteenth century, the term icebox had entered the American language, but icewas still only beginning to affect the diet of ordinary citizens in the United States. The ice tradegrew with the growth of cities. Ice was used in hotels, taverns, and hospitals, and by someforward-looking city dealers in fresh meat, fresh fish, and butter. After the Civil War (1861-1865),as ice was used to refrigerate freight cars, it also came into household use. Even before 1880, halfthe ice sold in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, and one-third of that sold in Boston andChicago, went to families for their own use. This had become possible because a new householdconvenience, the icebox, a precursor of the modern refrigerator, had been invented.
Making an efficient icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose. In the early nineteenthcentury, the knowledge of the physics of heat, which was essential to a science of refrigeration,was rudimentary. The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the icefrom melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the ice that performed the rtheless, early efforts to economize ice included wrapping the ice in blankets, which kept theice from doing its job. Not until near the end of the nineteenth century did inventors achieve thedelicate b...