



  留学附加申请文书又叫Why Essay,是学校特定主题的小短文,通常在200字左右,除了申请文书之外,如何让自己的附加文书更出彩,为留学申请加分呢?留学群小编分享给你附加申请文书的写作技巧。

  Why Essay在Common网申系统上又叫Supplement Essay,是指CA系统上除了申请者都需要交的650字的主文书(题目一样)之外,各个学校要求的小文章。因为学校的要求不同,字数限制通常是150-200字左右,也有超过400字的,几乎是和主文书一样了。

  需要注意的一点是,在common上看supplement essay时,一定要填好自己的信息以后再写(选完项目/专业后)。因为有些是固定专业才会有why essay,或者是针对国际学生才会有附属文书。比如Brandeis University,它就有针对国际学生的题目:Brandeis attracts students from many corners of the world. As an international student at Brandies, how would you enrich the campus community. 所以要提前填好信息,才不会遗忘小文书题目。

  常见的why school essay有两个类型:

  第一类:Why are you applying to XX School? 你为啥申请这个学校

  What could you contribute to XXX?你可以给学校带来什么?

  1、Please tell us what you value most about Columbia and why. (300 words or less)(你最看重哥大哪一点?为什么?)

  2、How will you explore your intellectual and academic interests at the University of Pennsylvania? Please answer this question given specific undergraduate school to which you are applying. (400-650 words)(你觉得如何在宾大探索自己的学术兴趣并给出实例)

  第二类:Interests related questions(和兴趣相关的题目)

  1、Name your favorite books, authors, films, ad/or artists. (斯坦福)

  2、A list of books you have read during the past twelve months. (哈佛)

  3、List the titles of the books you read for pleasure that you enjoyed most in the past year (哥大)

  有些学校喜欢不按照套路出牌,会问一些非常有趣的题目。芝加哥大学就是非常典型的案例,它所有的why school essay都是过往学生出的题目...