1.Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large companies and factories and their employers to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 或Recently we are facing increasing number of cars, which poses great threat to the pedestrians and cyclists. What’s more, a lot of parks need to be sacrificed as a result of the construction of railways and superhighways. Do you agree or disagree? What do you think is the best solution to satisfy residents to their heart’s content?或In most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. In the form of an assignment, discuss about the main traffic problems in your country, their causes and possible solutions.
2.Some people think it is a waste of time plan for the future, and we should focus on the present. Do you agree or disagree?或Some people think that young people should follow the traditional values of their society. Others think that young people should be free to act as individuals. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.或Individual greed and selfishness has been the basis of the modern society. Some people think that we must return to the older and more traditional values of respect for the family and the local communit...
三级:流程图20机率,地图20%机率(2009年9.26考了流程图,2010年1月23日和5月15日考了地图,5月20日考了流程图,5月29日,6月17日,6月26日,7月10日考地图,10月14日考了个两个考古工具图,12月11日考了地图,2011年2月26日,9月17日, 2012年11月24日, 10月20日, 5月26日,考了地图;2013年9月7日考了地图,10月12日,8月3日考了流程图,5月18日考了地图,2月23日考了流程图,2012年8月9日和6月30日考了流程图;2011年8月13日,2011年6月4日和)。
1.Many people believe that the main aim for university education is to help graduates to find better jobs, while some people believe that university education should aim at cultivating studemts’ overall abilities. What is your opinion? 或In many countries, more and more young people are leaving school and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? Give reasons and make some suggestions. 或Young people are important resources to their country, but governments may ignore some problems faced by young people in running the country. Please show those problems and give your ideal suggestions to solve them.
2.Nowadays, some workplaces tend to employ equal numbers of men and women. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?或Men and women employed in full-time jobs have to share evenly household chores and caring f...