





  很多话题中包含两个话题点,当遇到这类话题的时候,考生通常选择比较片面的回答。如Do you like to watch sports on TV? 考生则往往侧重于sports而非TV进行回答--No, not really. I do not like sports. Instead of sports, I like reading. I am interested in comic books, which own loads of pictures. 这样的回答看似完整,其实已经跑题了。话题变成了谈论兴趣爱好。虽然连贯性仍旧很好,但是考官可能就一头雾水了。

  Do you like to watch sports on TV?

  No, not really. I am interested in various kinds of sports. However,I am fond of doing sports like jogging by myself instead of watching TV. When it comes to TV, I seldom watch it, let alone watching sports programs on TV.



  面对抽象问题,如果考生同样用抽象的方法进行回答,这样不仅不能够把问题表达清楚,同样的,考生也会感觉自己能够说的点少之又少。但是如果能够把抽象问题具体的分类进行表达的话,话匣子自然而然就可以打开了。如What do you do in your spare time? 什么是spare time,如果笼统的回答的话,可能就变成了日常生活活动---In my spare time, I will read some books, watch movie and sometimes go shopping.如果再具体说下去,也基本上是添加一些日常可能的活动,考生自己都会感觉这样的列举让回答显得比较单调。


  由于部分主要为针对个人问题的回答,如果考生按照通常感受进行回答的话,通常会缺乏观点,因而导致夸张而不真实的回答。如对于近期热门的工作学习类话题中的问题Who is more important to you in terms of study, teachers or classmates? 很多学生表示会说老师,理由通常为They teach me knowledge and give me a lot of instructions in my study. In a word, they help me a lot. 这样回答的同学占了绝大多数,可想如果考官多次听到这样的回答会是多么的厌倦。因此,建议考生要按照自己的特定身份进行特定的回答,讲讲自己身边的实事和事实,这样话匣子会比较容易打...




  1. I am a student studying in Wuhan University, and I major in Computer Science.


  2. I chose my major because I thought it was popular, so it will be easier for me to find a job after graduation.


  3. I came from Hubei province.


  4. I love my hometown because there are a lot of places of interest and delicious food here.


  5. The most famous attraction is Yellow Crane Tower. It was built hundreds of years ago besides the Yangtze River.


  6. Every year millions of tourists visit the tower coming from different parts of China.


  7. And the most welcomed snack is the hot dry noodle, even though some outlanders do not appreciate it at the beginning, they will love it finally.


  8. My favourite season is definitely winter, because I was born in winter.


  9. What's more, I can enjoy the beautiful view after snow while all the buildings and trees are covered by white snow.


  10. The most important things is that I could enjoy the ...




  1. She is a piece of work!= She is too much! She's unbelievable!她是一个很麻烦的人。

  2. That's impressive!(真了不起!)

  3. You're very ungrateful.(你忘恩负义!)

  4. Let's get this done.(让我们完成这个工作。)

  5. She's driving me crazy!(她快把我搞疯了。)

  6. How is your day?(今天过得如何?)

  7. You make me sick.(你让我恶心。)

  8. Don't be too hard on him!(不要对他那么苛刻。)

  9. You're not qualified for this position.(你不适合这个职位。)

  10. Are you having an affair with him?

  11. You have no authority to make me leave!

  12. You can say that again.(你说得太对了。)

  13. Don't interrupt me when I speak.(我说话的时候,请不要打岔。)

  14. Don't do anything to embarrass me.(不要做让我感到丢人的事情。)

  15. The memory is full on this camera.

  16. I was thinking about starting my own company.

  17. Get your head out of the clouds.(清醒一点!别做梦了!)

  18. You're so weak.(你太弱小了。)

  19. I know the company like the back of my hand.

  20. What are you up to?(你在搞什么鬼?)

  21. You stay away from my family.

  22. I had a long day.(今天好幸苦。)

  23. We met through a friend.

  24. Something is not right.(有些不对劲。)

  25. I don't need you to protect me.(我不需要你保护我。)

  26. They all say the same thing.

  27. You hold all the cards.(你占据主动地位。)

  28. You're so disrespect...