You should say:
where this place is
what this place sells
how often you go there
and explain why you like (or chose) to shop at this place.
Part 3
Do you like going shopping?
Why do some people like shopping and others not like it?
What kinds of people dislike shopping? (Why?)
What (different) kinds of places are there for shopping in your neighborhood?
Compare big shops such as supermarkets & department stores with small shops.
What are the benefits and disadvantages of shopping at both big shops and small ones?
Do you think the increase in the number of big supermarkets and department stores will cause the eventual disappearance of the small, family-owned shops?
Model Answer1
I love Wal-Mart. It is 10 minutes walk from where I live. I usually go there once a week and you can get everything you need from Wal-Mart.
I love this place for several reasons. First, they have great prices and they are constantly adding more new things on each item, no matter clothes or food. Second, when I have a lot of time, I use it for exercise since it is so big. I usually walk around for hours seeing everybody I know. But if you are busy and in a hurry, you can drop the car off for an oil change. Then, do your food shopping and buy anything else you need. Finally, you can have a quick grease burger at McDonalds and go back home in only an hour.
很多学生反映在外教课上或者课间与外教沟通时候会经常产生“communication breakdown”的情况,换句话说,经常在英语交流对话中,双方会发生不知所云,甚至尴尬的局面。其实,很多学生经常用的表达是错误的,有时会引起与老外沟通交流上的困难,如果不慎,甚至会引起误会乃至反感 (honest mistake though)。
1. I know
很多学生都喜欢说这个词组。其实,这种说法并没有任何错误,只是学生们要非常注意场合。记得有一次,有一位学生刚刚上完我的写作课,因为有一句话不明白,我又正好在给另一位学生讲解作文,这位学生就顺便抓住这个机会,想锻炼一下口语,就去问坐在我身边的一个外教这句话什么意思。在外教耐心讲解完后,这位学生就回答了一句: “I know”。这位外教显然感觉受到了侮辱,马上收起了笑容,一转身做别的去了,弄得学生也非常尴尬。我看到后,连忙在一旁打圆场,向外教解释到其实这并不是学生的本意,后来外教也表示了体谅。当学生后来问我时,我解释道:你明明不知道这句话什么意思来问外国人,当他非常耐心的向你解释完后,你一句“I know”, 就会让外国人认为你是在耍他,会有一种你知道还问他干什么的感觉。这种回答往往会让外国人非常反感。通常在这种情况下,经常用的说法是 “got you, cheers” 或者“understood”。
2. Judge
这是个基本上所有学生都知道的词,表示判断的意思。外国人通常非常反感甚至说讨厌别人judge自己,那么这里的judge指的就是告诉自己应该怎么做。我们经常可以听到老外们说“Don’t judge me. I don’t need to hear that kind of talk. ” 意思就是说,我知道应该怎么做,不要告诉我应该做什么,我不要这样的帮助。比如说,一个老外花了6块钱买了个苹果,你可能会说这太贵了,你被宰了,不应该去那里买东西。这时候,老外通常的反应就是“whatever”,一种不屑一顾的口气。再例如说,如果你跟一个外国人说你不要怎么样,应该怎么样,他们往往会有一大堆话来反驳你。其实这除了是因为大多数外国人都有一种从骨子里透出的莫须有的傲气,主要是因为在西方文化里面,这样的judge别人的做法是非常令人讨厌的。所以学生们要注意。