Describe a law about environment you like to see in the future
you should say
what this law will be about
how this law will take effects
why is it important to have this law
and what changes wil happen because of this law
全球变暖:global warming/ temperature rise/ carbon emission/ ice glaciers and caps melt/ sea level rise/ fishing industry/ residents living in coastal areas
空气污染:air pollution/ exhaust from cars and factories/ burning of fossil fuels
水污染:water/ ocean pollution/ chemical runoff/ untreated sewage
白色污染:white pollution/ plastic bags/ non-biodegradable materials
水土流失:soil erosion/ soil fertility decrease
A law about how to control carbon emission in order to deal with the global warming
A law about how to reduce the car exhaust in order to deal with the air pollution.
限制汽车的尾气排放:restrict the ca...
在雅思口语考试中要想取得高分,就要各个击破考试中的难点,下文《雅思口语Part1难点解析》由留学群雅思频道为您整理,供您参考学习,祝您取得 好成绩。
难题一:Time management
Time management(时间安排及管理)系列问题由于较为抽象,一直是中国考生在雅思part1问题中比较害怕被问到的领域。
1. Do you think young people and older people organize their time in the same way?
Generally speaking, young people and older people both use the schedule and list to organize their time. In the past, people used to write down the plan in a schedule book, comparing with the modern society, where people prefer to keep list on electronic devices, such as cell-phone or pc.
2. Would you say you manage your time well?
Theoretically, I manage my time well. I adore making plans, to the extent that almost drives my best friend crazy. I like keeping accounts too, which can make clear how I spend my money. However, I am easily influenced by my mood. I think that’s the only reason that hinders me from following my schedule.
3. Where did you learn how to organize your time?
To some extent, I was affected by my mother, who is a manager of archives in her company. Because her work requires the ability to be logical and organized, this good habit was carried ...