A People /Animals
A wild animal, A person you helped,A person you want to travel with;an adventurous person you know=A friend of you who tends to be leader=A person you know who speaks a foreign language=an oldest family member=A good friend, A host, A foreign celebrity=A teacher you want to meet in the future; A family but not yours, A great cook, A fairytale character
B Objects
A kind of western food; A vehicle you want to have; A piece of (broken) equipment=A photo, A gift you received from others=A thing you bought with little practical value=A thing you bought with great value; a piece of clothing someone bought you
A card=A letter
A project you did with others=One favorite meal=A happy event=An celebration for something=A festival
A thing your friend did that made you admire=*An important conversation over the phone=A walk you had with your friend=A visit you got=A positive change in your life;
A public event=A science course you took=A thing you did which was good to the environment
A healthy lifestyle=An outdoor activity; a skill you learned from computer
A naughty thing you did ...